Show WORLDS SERIES UMPIRES WELL PAID FOR SERVICES BB Detroit Nov Nor No 20 OThe The four umpires Klem Ilem Johnstone and Evans who worked In the recent worlds series are glad they the made a kick to the national commission for more money Until this year ear the men in charge of the big series have always i received rC elved 00 and expenses for their 1 services In previous years no pair pall ever worked more than three games I so the stipend was regard regarded ed as fairly good pay pa After the fifth game this year It was evident to the umpires that the series would surely surel go six and possibly seven games james and that the receipts would be befar befar befar far larger than for any other series These facts served as ns a a cue for them and a call was made on the commis commission commission commission sion asking that the Ute umpires get more money mone for their work The matter was taken under advise advisement advisement advisement ment and not until the commission sent out checks did the umpires know what their pay would be The checks called for or and expenses Thus the gentle jentle kick netted each of the more than they ever re received received before It is possible that next year the umpires will m get In on th players layers end The commission is said saido to o be considering a plan whereby one winners and losers end will be four ways |