Show SPARRING FOR MIDDLEWEIGHT TITlE Pittsburg Nov 20 Sam Langford who will fight tight Mike Schreck here next Tues Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday day evening has laid claim to the title of Middleweight champion By fy this conten contention ton tion to t to tn torce tar who also claims the title to t fight him Langford said yesterday that while he h does doe not intend to give gle up his attempt to te force Johnson into a match he is entitled to recognition ns us the middleweight cham champion champion champion pion now that Ketchel cannot make the weight By B making this claim Langford admits he has no iio other purpose in view than to three force to fight tight him was matched last night In New NewYork NewYork NewYork York to meet Jack Twin Sullivan In a contest December 7 before belore the Armory A A of Boston |