Show st SS y ia y r i arii rrb B MM to keep his promise McAITLEY SENTENCED new juror eu bences for sexual offenses mrs marks case th tol lowin benain ss evja ed iu the farat district court rc went to press S intern the krand jarv reporel soven in lart of the ai and buur under the laws of the united rita tep the caad of the people redden to deacue a prisoner and the caad of the united states va jil ill unlawful cohab-itation wore ignored parley changed hi plea of not ta aulty and was sentenced to 60 dae in the penitentiary hank M kebell wab tried on a charge of fornication corn with estella thistle early in 1893 ahe case was triad with closed doo i A verdict of gu ity was alij MmiikLeesseellll waa euten ped t day in the Us has been in the penitentiary awaiting trial since last september 1 lie jury m the larks case came in at 9 uv ock and reporterdd that they cald bot aras and were it ib understood that they stood ten for conviction with arv to and two ffrr a qu ital the following j arr hm a veriie waa elnine appeared this mmoorrnniiua and wore added to tha petit jury pauel james E snow provo ben aorl john daniels a llewellyn thomas span bh furk W ashworth arraigned on a of unlawful cohabitation commit ttdd in 1893 by living with mary E ashworth aai emma Wes hia wives he pleaded guilty and waved time for cee judee smith stated that ha had enquired into the case and did not think it a vary aggravated one defendant was sentence d to 50 daya in the penitentiary martin allred was arraigned on a charge of adultery ccoommmmitittteeeeds with christina anderson in 1833 mr allred took till tomorrow to plead james mcaulay of sSpprriinnggvviillllee was called forward for sentence for the offense of belling liquor to minors of which he waa found guilty last week mr warner asked for leniency for the defendant as he had doubts of the defendants built in thia case judge smith stated that he had learned that sentence had been suspended for bifilar at different times in on the prociso of defendant that he would quit the business and that he had not kept hia promise the of the offense of encouraging boy a to liquor and thus starting ahm on a course that would be sure to make them bad men was referred l1o0 by the judge and a sentence of four months in the county jail wag imposed wm T sampson changed bis former plea of not guilty to a plea of guilty to unlawful cohabitation and waived time for sentence judge smith in int the defendant said that he regretted these cases continue to come up and ao was uncertain which wag the better course to pursue to inflict liet or severe punishment iia bad inclined to the former course aad would do so in defendant was sentenced to three months in the A jury was in the case of th united states vs sSaallvator la bua charged with the crime of fornication committed with theresa at eureka on the byth of may 1893 as-sistant prosecuting attorney taurman prosecuted and king houtz defend-ed the case was conducted with closed doors mr Ls bua ie a dapper little italian about 40 years of ae who keeps a bar dor shop in aEllrerekkaa miss is a german girl 23 years of age she testified to becoming acquainted with the defendant in 1890 he bad asked her to marry him and on the strength of this promise ahe had allow-ed him to have sexual relation with hoi A child wag born to her about 2 years agnand defendant was its father he had contributed to ita support up till june 1893 durisin this time im croper relations had existed between them she having relied upon his prom-ise to marry herand he having delayed to fulfill bia promise when she found that he did not intend to marry her ghe told him that if be did not marry her she would prosecute him and he had told her that he had money and she had none and that the person who had the money would nave the advantage she appearel honest in her answers upon cross examination and denied that tha relations between them had been broken on in because of her improper conduct with other men witnesses gave car for the prosecution jennie blew art lias filed a divorce bikit aizint claude stewart she desertion and failure to provide arca asks for the of a minor claid husan crandal t ss filed a divorce suit against jacob crandall she cchhaarririreeza desertion aal to pro provide and asks for ten 1 1 J ici i ff bollara a h agi ine hearing ot the case aud a year antil foar children become of ire |