Show legislative robbery bat two weeks more of the legislature remain and yet acme of the i greatest in legislation remain upon the statute book for some reason not apparent conr farat republican legislature seema cringing under the lash of halt lake paper and are ignoring many radical wrongs which they wore elected to remedy As matters have been running so far the poor man has received little or no relief from this cession of the legislature the unjust mortgage laws still remain in force excluding the rich from taxation dad doubling the assessments on the poor the exorbitant salaries of our officers against which THI ENQUIRES raised so vigor our a cry during the baat campaign and which found such a responsive echo in the daurt i of a tax burdened people luikim legalized by an iniquitous fee system the bill introduced by our in the upper house has been and the are 0 o denikin at ahe mercy of this legislative robbery we are not so much blaming the officers fur taking all the law allows as we aro blaming the lawmakers for legalizing their unjust exactions according to the books of this county 85 per cent of the comaty taxes are used up in salaries and our officers are acting within the law our campaign cry in this county was that it took twelve thousand dollars of the peoples taxes to spend two thousand dollars this was outside of the fees which make so many of our so lucrative lat us give an example of the evil fee system we havu in thid county au incompetent tax collector nominated by mistake mib take and by the people without bein known to them he is a very ordinary farmer from and probably never made a and dollars in one year in all the years of his life until he goa elected to this office this year he has whorled about aix month and hs received over four thousand five hundred dollars from his office the county court allowed him 2800 for collecting the taxes and the evil fee system has made up the remainder the revenue law of the last legislature says ane collector shall receive coats aa follows for certificate of hale per foil twenty civo 25 ceata ceuta for ame mme and amount of taxed dug aiom each delinquent fifty 30 cena cen a for certificate for tax ta t a with the county recorder fifty 50 cents thia year there are del tax payers in this county poor men in most eases whose hymae have had to bo sold for payment of esThere tax have been aco certificates of sale of 1200 words each filed with he county for each folio words gho collector gets 25 cents or sa for each certificate A duplicate of each has to be filed with the probate judge also making 3 more and the other fees amount to 1 maciag on each certificate 7 which the collector pockets now multiply ago certificates by 7 and what do you have 1820 in fees add that to the 2800 salary and you find the colleene colle enn B office worth 1620 iu this county the collector has been acting fully within the law BO far as we kaev but tha law is bad it is legal robbery on the poor man when he comes to redeem bis home ho has to pay tor all thee fees in fact the fee system goes farther than the collector there are about 3 more before the poor man ean recover his home making 10 besides the taxes all coming from fees in the first place then there are about forty millions of dollars owned by rich men in the territory escaping taxation under the mortgage law which rainea the poor manri taxes accordingly when the taxes become too burdensome to be beruo then the property is sold and the fees piled up after the manner which we have stated we to say right now that if tha firby republican legislature is going to adjourn without remedying these evil as it seems inclined to do the next legislature i will be else besides a republican legislature |