Show TRUSTEES SALE alison H and margaret T dusenberry on the day of july 1891 executed and delivered to the national building loan association of salt lake city their 2 promissory notes one for the aum ol 01 one thousand dollars lojo and one for the sum of two thousand dollars 2000 ana oa alie bame day for the purpose of securing tha payment of said notes and the in thereon the eaid H dusenberry and margaret i dusen aeiry his wife executed and delivered to H P mason trustee their certain trust deed upon the following described property situated in the county of utah aad territory of utah to wit gt atthe northwest north west corner of block twenty 20 pla B grovu biti survoy running thence bouth onu and 1101 chains thence east thre chains thence north one and 1100 1 1101 j chains thence chains 10 ane place of beginning winch said trust added was duly recorded in the office of the county recorder of utah county utah ler rhory on the lib day of august 1891 and eaid trust deed provided that in case oi default in the payment of said promissory notes or the interest premium or installments or any part thereof then the said indebtedness dehond at once become due and said should be euld by the bald trustee or his in trust at public auction at the front door of the court houe in provo utah county utah or on aard premises or any part thereof should be specified in the notice of euch bale thirty days previous notice of euch sale having been eiven by publication once in each week for four successive weeks in any newspaper at that time published in the county of utah and debault has been made for months in the payment 01 the interest upon eaid notes and the legal holder of aard note has elected to declare and has declared the entire amount thereof due and the legal bolder of the said notes haa requested the said H P mison trustee as aforesaid to proceed to iscil the said property under the authority giyen by eaid trust deed id hiven that I 1 H P mason trustee aa aforesaid will on the fifth day oi february 1894 at 12 ul said day afler for sale at public auction at tue trout door of the court houtain provo utah county utah and will sell to the highest and beat thereof for cash all of the aard abaye described property for the pur of satisfying the amount due upon eaid notes together with chri interest thereon and the cost of ex said kruyt HP MASON trustee C W attorney for tinette Tin etee the sale of the above described property is continued and boeti onea until monday the day of february 1894 at 12 noon H P MASON trustee TRUSTEES SALE andrew eggertson Egger teon on the day of may executed and delivered to tho and loan of salt lake city his he sani cf four thousand dollard Dol larf and on the bama day tor tho purpose of Bc curing the payment of said ciote jiote and ane inter epi ili ereon the aard andrew egbert aeu and arta L his ale executed aud H their certain deed naba i the described ed in the county ol 01 utah and territory ol 01 utah to atit part of lot two 2 in block seventy one 71 lat A provo city survey a boint eighty nice 89 feet the southwest corner of said lot two 2 aud gunnine thence east twenty seven 27 feet thence north ninety nine 99 deot thence west twenty beyen 27 feet thence south ninety nine 99 leet to the place of be ein together with a right of way eight feet wide leading from the west side of eaid block along the north side of said lot two 2 which said trust deed was duly recorded in the offlie of the county recorder of utah county utah territory on the day of may 1893 and said trust deed provided that in case of default in the payment of eaid note or the interest premium or installments or any part thereof then the said indebtedness should at once become due and said premises should bo sold by the said trustee or his successor in trust at public auction at aba door of the court house in provo utah county utah territory or on said premises or any part thereof as should be specified in the notice of such eale thirty days previous notice of auch sale having been given by publication once in each week lor weeks in auy newspaper a that time published in tha county of utah and WHEREAS default haa been made for more than six months in the payment cf the interest upon said note BB the legal bolder of said note has elected to ascare and haa declared tub entire amount thereof due and tha legal bolder of the said note has requested the eaid H P mason aa afore eaid to proceed to sell the said property erty under the authority given by said trust deed notice is hereby given thai I 1 H P mason trustee as aforesaid will on the fifon day of february 1894 at 12 0 clock noon of said day offer for sale at public auction st the front door of the court house in county utah and will sell to the highest and beat bidder for cash all of the said above described premises for the purpose of satisfying the amount due upon eaid promissory note together with the interest thereon and ahe cost of executing said trust H P MASON trustee 0 attorney or trustee the sale oi the above described pro berty is continued and postponed until boidy tle of february 1894 at 12 H P MASOM trustee |