Show balim ON BEETS aler deeds to the site bam youngs io annix part of arizona SATUI p and dl in regard lu abe industrial home the petitioners petition ers uray for the of ibe memorial v nich asks abet anile the wonnina Wo naina indu anal homa tor d hoa pita for women ane committee ou clai aa elal be appropriated to a clain of aih county for mars atie recommendation aa adopted che committie nu corpor actions reported H B loland iuen dd its fhe bill provides for the ot a board of police and fire control iwo of which ceball be appointed by the mayor and two by the cit council mr gilhams introduced council bill no changing the exi eling Bia lutcs so that the limit of indebted ness be 6 per cent instead of 4 per cent M J E introduce intro duc d b 11 no aba ment of the university of utah abia bill provides ahat the university may accept bea jests or gifts and that the conors may name certain chain and in eoina name the to lill them by mr eldredge council bill no providing that anon court papera are served by cit no feea shall be paid and in such cases fees ahall not be assessed assesse 1 with the costs council bill no 83 relating to feea in the courts of the territory was upon third reading an 1 house bill no pro ent oth iiara and cf tha police of i ibid i of the first and second alaia from accept other officers waa n on third leading lead lill X i 91 t lovide thit special juav ba iian bv juries and tuai nu be ren tiered chuh may ahe of ruih lawe provided pr ovidea that a jury mav render a special or kneram verdict in the re cobery of moneys or other ct is intended to discretionary of courts or junea fhe bill waa paired counsil bill no 77 creating tha domce ot attorney beneral was taken up fox consideration ahe bill was rejected A substitute for C B no 3 for tha mare el prevention of cruelty to animals was reported by the corn cittee it waa passed over till monday H B no 75 providing for the appointment of women on territorial boards waa rejected H E booth introduced by request 0 B no providing for the pub Ji cation and sae of property upon which maxee are delinquent mcbride presented pres anted a petition from the county court of county asking for 1500 for road purposes ivins presented a petition from the county court of washington county or for road purposes Both petitions were referred to the on ways and means seara a protest from citizens of sugar house ward against the proposed medical law committee on health hatch presented a claim 0 wasatch county for 65 for maps etc tolton presented a claim 0 wayne anty for for expenses io criminal wera referred to the committee oa claims the territorial treasurer reported that the for rent and incidental expenses of bid office fur jsu and 1893 amounted to asco crr ed to the committee on ways and the territorial auditor fied lor the action of tho house audbor a war rania to j U is aed to march an 1 abo law forbids him to tor kifer K ifer red to the committee on claims atie committe rf un aud maans recommended in a majority report lue of H li no for act to provida for the payin soi af jacora and witnesses etc and minority report by stanford and opposed its passage tb reason given in the minority report for the opposition to the bill waa that the depleted condition of lh treasury sury did not warrant paying the claims at thia time the same committee reported report od adversely upon the petition from citizens ot cuvier and diute piute counties borau ampro ajr the construction of a wagon roal along the divier di vier river from maryt vale to joseph city the reason or the report was the financial condition of the ferritor the following bills were introduced by bovers H B no for an act section of the second vol ame of tin corn ili d laic of utah ter rf lating 0 o the frea of and how the shall ha taxed con cittee on judiciary Judici arr by wrner H B N for a a t to cure crilma e and certain aca of the d n city asiu ini the pay nc ol 01 fifth in aard city on br flears U B no for an act authorize auth oriz ng the secretary of the territory to make contracts to office rooms for territorial offices by coara H B no for an act to encourage enco tha establishment of certain within the territory f utah ou manufactures and go buiere this bill brov dea asat the real and personal property med for certain man purposes ahall ba exempt froin taxation fur a ot years by H n no an act to repeal subdivision aub division S of auction 2264 of the compiled laws n relating to the befouling of waters the object of the mil ia to make the law of 1892 apply and concerns particularly the of batera by sheep ivins present d a demoi il from utah citizen abo own ranch sa in the north western portion of arizona aak ing that stepa ba taken to annex that portion of arizona lying noth orado riter to utah the reasons for the request are that zeni of arizona live there that the distance to the county beata of the two in the land ia situated in areat and that no protection ia afforded tho ranchers from cattle thieves referred to the on memorials parsons presented jbf following which was adopted resolved by the houam tha that a committee of biye three from tha giue and two from the Co nacil a appointed to confer wi h the city council or SAI lako city for tra of such lot or parcel of land as may bo tendered by said city and which shall ba approved oy said committee for tho an executive man aboa and the shall report to tre assembly powers offered a joint resolution lor the tendering 0 o the brigham young memorial association of a site in tha capitol grounds for tha proposed mon brigham youn referred to the committee on capitol grounds the revenue bill was taken up and after bame discussion the enacting clause waa out by the follow ine vote ayea dougall hatch moora parsons Powers Scare standford stoker tolton varian wines mr speaker 15 noes allan dark joanson Job me bride varan war ner 8 at the request H B no 55 relating to revenue was taken from the table and placed on the third reads ing file C B for an act permitting permit tine alt lake city to increase its boadine limit froid 4 to 6 por cent WM under suspension of the rules H B no 99 providing for a bointy on eager beets waa taken up and after bome objections by the democratic bembera mem bera passed by tho following vote aames alien dark johnson maaen mcbride pariona Pa reona aebie stanford batlan warnar wines mr 15 noaa ivins moor nebo ker bewers stoker to ton 7 the bill provides for the following bounty fifty centa per ton to the grower and producer of all doear beets of the quality which polarize twelve 12 per een sucrose and eighty per cent coefficient of purity for the year 1894 and thirteen thir teea IS per cent sucrose and eighty per cent coefficient of purity for the year 1895 after such baeta hate been actually manufactured into sugar |