Show of administrator bale 01 Porco nai property notice is hereby given in pursuance of an order of the probate court of the county of utah territory of utah made and entered on the day ot february 1894 in the matter of the estate of john W blackburn deceased the undersigner undersigned under signed administrator of eaid estate vill gell at private late for cash or on such terms as can be agreed upon to confirmation by laid probate court on the first day of march A D 1894 at the hour of 11 a m of said day at the residence of the raid deceased the following described property to wit household furniture stoves carpets chairs boree and buggy and home library and on the same day at the hour of 2 p m at the office of the late judge blackburn hia law library eafe and offida furniture dated feb 18 1894 BENJAMIN BACHMAN of the estate of john W blackburn doceu ed |