Show LEGAL NOTICE territory of utah I 1 utah county lu tua court in and tor aalde chanty jn the matter ol 01 the estate and guard of george cwilliams BW illiams B williams and johnt williams minor order to why order 01 sale ot real and personal estate should net be made josepn S balloga iha guardian ux the persona and estate ot georee B joan T and elizabeth y williams minora ald his petition herein for an order ot yalo ol 01 a pait ot the real of raid minors tor ana purpose therein set forth it Is eiore ordered by the probate judge ot iala conic that all persona interested lu the estace or said appear belore the said probate court oc monday the day ot barcli Mar cli ut 10 os locis in ati aid day at court koom of bald probate court at the court kousela prove city county ol 01 utah to snow bauc why an order not be ic ranted to tae liand Gaar to sell BO much af iba real and personal desiate ot the said alno a as should be necessary and anat a copy cl tails burdei be published at once for lour week buccos t savely in THE a newspaper pricked and published in scald stati chanty refa JD dated fe 10 1891 territory ot chati I 1 county ol 01 utah I 1 Y L halladay Halll day clerk of the probate bourt in anil lor utah county u tab hereby cartley that the lore goinn Is a lull true and correct copy ot the order to show c why order ol 01 balo of real and pero util property should not be made in the estate ol 01 Oi ditore tore B elizabeth a aud jubo i il llama minors and now on file and ot record lu my office witness my hand and the asal of suld probate cour at my office in pruva city this assal day ol 01 feb A i 1894 V L HALLIDAY of the probate court utah county J T LEGAL in probate court in and lor utah county utah territory in the matier ot abo estate ol 01 thomas airman man dt ceased to notice of application on re adini und allius the petition ol 01 thoma li Jario au heir at law of said parti toa ot jarman it is that the nay A I 1 IBM at 10 H m ot ij at day an he filhe probate judge it u poyo atsy utah caun ly aiau I 1 tic appointed lot heat musaid icci nd mat the clerk give L noticed to depoi up to u und that a copy or this le l e lor three weeke in THE in provo J D JUNES judge Terni orv 0 biah of j li lv 1 bleik ol 01 four in aud lur utah territory of hat the bregoli g Is a aid correct copy lit jhb original ord r odthe estate of thombs Jar deceased and on ale and of rt cord 1 n my office wildern my band and the seal of said at my office in provo city ehlt akal D 1834 V ceeil of the probate courte ah county TT T |