Show LEGAL in the probate curt in and for utah chanly territory ot in the matter of the aate of cariln deceased order ment ui luxl account and to bor petition lor distribution ap abc fiille the petition of charles and habum curels bartl deceased cutting loran baat faey hao felled anal account of upon bald escute ta tal court anai 11 ll the debef of aid otate bate been t lly paid poi tion ot ino said enuco to b the of aad deceased and pray obber thins tor an order account and ut 01 ane residue or aid anaf abe peili untitled it ts ordered that all penica in the estate ol 01 aba said josepn ti and appear ane court of tb county ul utah at alie court buom u ald court in the county court boune on tuo ol 01 ism at ten am aben and to how cause why an gal i fadul account abia of aoa DC made ot abe ol 01 sala detate aicon alio and of ue said tu lawit Is ordered that tb cart au detic to b posted in e pla in atau and a copy of abu order to be THE primed aud circulated in utah count conr prior to said ard day ol 01 lb ash JD JONES probate eltory of county or 1 I 1 V L Hl cludy Udy clerk of ur choit in and tor utan bounty territory of otan rally that tb lureo lue Is a aill true iud correct copy of abe original cordei appointing time aud placa lor ol 01 alual an 1 to bear ajr dl e tle ot joeph carlls u aud LOT ou file and in my offia my hand and ane sefel of aid court at lay in provo city abla aoth chy AI 1891 cleric of abe coati atu LEGAL NOTICE territory ot utah i riah county in iha probate court la and for bald county in me maiter ot the samuel deceased order to bow came wl T an of saie ot real estate should cot be made thomai R hutjer the executor ot the detate deceased baring flita ala petition herein praying lor an order of sale of a part of the real dien burp ca th rein t farih II 11 is ordered by the judge bolsam coun ahat all pariona inter eted la the eslee of haid appear belore tho sad probate t ourt on monday the day of february at 10 in the toro noon ot abid day at court K om of probate curt C urt at loo court home in ot utah to sow cau e why an order should not be granted to ahe aid ei to sell so macu of abe real als ot the said 1 l deceased a should be necessary and that a copy 0 this order be published at least oice oi ce or lour weeks auchet in tali a newspaper and publish 1 in auald rtuh comity territory ot ulab da ed feby 3 isa territory of ulah j I 1 v L halladay HAlll dAy i lert ot ane court in and for utah chanty territory of utah uen by certify bat he 1 a lull true and correct copy of the orel nal older to why an order ot bie 1 arnould anould not be made la tue ette decea aed aud now on file and t record in my offlie my bftts and the ieli of said my falce in provo city hab Y L HALLIDAY clerk of abd tbd probate |