Show f friy r agi KR joha EB oath president john hanry linitz V ice J 3 Gra htiu M ii iii i TI john W tamer C D ga f R boshard J M jainsen Jai isen johua aiona e ai iia Iott office at brov as maud alpa matter TERMS OF subscription BY MAIL l deil eanon bedr ia advance advance SO leiai arin advance 2 50 T T delv livered l banday excepts 80 month in or 25 cents a rt ek i talk co provo city butali A i s er ia peio giaki complaint at the thiron h i 27 THIS ai eybl an 65 ax sau y s ut A j anda or U I 1 P vont 1 l merchants sia iran i ran r i 0 tr authorina author iea agent tats oper in kf aid ia als off iii ane has a circulation every week exceeds that of all the other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah county it has a circulation that ex of all the other territorial payers at may do as lor you mr fred of living writes that he had a severe kidney trouble lor many yearn arita severe pains in his back and also that his blad der was affected he tried manar BO called kidney cures but without any brood result about a year ago be began use of electric betteis and found relief at ocee electric bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and boiten gives al lugat instant relief one trial will grovr our statement prica only for large bottle at scoot drug co of the ed venna brackville brockville Broc kville ontario canada says 1 1 I have used for the past fifteen hearp and think them best cathartic catha itic ad anti remedy cnown for some five vears I 1 buffered an emotion of the skin that gave me great pain and annoyance I 1 tried different blood remedies bur although gaining strength the itching v te unrelieved I 1 finally concluded to take a thorough tho roush coura of PILLS I 1 took six each night for four nights then five four three two leasing each time by one and then for one month took one every bight with the happy result that now mv skin is perfectly clear and has bean so aver since dr miles pain gilld one cent a dose the great english remedy rl r l permanently cures all terms ot sperm impotency and au effects or excesses ecca prescribed over 55 years la thoo sandi ot basea after est known ask drosi for coola it ha IT place of this leavo alg dishonest store and price la letter and by return cdail price ona one wt 1 l swill cure et la puia heaed enT clope S cents post aeo address the wood chemical co woodward avegno detroit sold in and everywhere by all druggists rr CROUP grandmothers ADVICE tn ral atoe family ot nine children my only ram colds and croup was onion amp at today to day aa it was forty years aito now my take dr annna onion arrup prepared and more to tha lite bold larna botolf 60 benta sat ao for it atharea cod abold by maiben AND ALL KINDS OE t AND SEWING ghines tuning and He pairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store SWARD GOOD ADVICE every patriotic citizen should give afa personal effort and influence to the circulation of afa home paper which teaches the american policy of krotec tion it is hia duty to aid in this respect in eveia way possible after the homa paper is taken care of why not sub scribe for the ECONOMIST published by tho american tariff league ansof ita correspondents kajs no true american caa get a iong without it I 1 consider it tho greatest and truest political teacher la the united states sand postal card request for free sample copy address wilbur FW alca man general west asa st nw yede MJ manager EDWARD SAttys lor foreign aptly attended ta rooms 10 11 and 12 excelsior block provo abo A CASE amot laxative and NERVE TONIC sold by druggists or sent by mail and per package free ism tha favorite TOOTS MU sold by smoot dang co ore a andl 0 je you willing to work for the causa of protection in placing reliable anfor mabion in tho bands of your acquaintances if you are you should be identified with THE AMERICAN protective TARIFF LEAGUE W ST NEW YORK cut thi notice out and end II 11 to the L agao your petition aad 0 o tin l cut bus ess conducted for CIES oua is OPPOSITE u s PATENT offices wd we can secure patent in less time thu those dashington Vas hington seid nio lel drawton or photo alt i atos IV e advise if or of rei of i charpe oaf fee not due till a le is secured 1 A ta obrain i ns watt acost of so uc in ala U S aid fori 0 o countries countr iea f tent aee i PATENT dc 1 L ag old cs never excelled fried and proven is the verdict 0 f millions S immo ns liver begu lator is the only liver and kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure A mild laxative and purely vegetable acting directly on the liver and kid try it sold by all druggists in liquid or in powder to be taken dry or made into a tea the king of medicines I 1 have used liver regulator and can conscientiously say it is the king of all liver medicines I 1 consider it a medicine chest in itself GEO W tacoma wt ea ea the Z stamp in red on wrap park stiffs LAND PATENTS secured for settlers in the shortest possible time CASES contested cases intelligently and ekil Hully bandied OLD CLAIMS AND DISPUTES old claims and disputes speedily settled between individuals having conflicting claims ander the agricultural land laws and those between claimants under the LAWS and agricultural claimants and alio between claimants under any ol 01 the land laws and jhb railroad companies and their granlees grantees gran tees under the SWAMPLAND SWAMP LAND aid GRANTS specially made of securing patents in the shortest possible time for settlers who fully complied with the laws under which their entries were made and who are annoyed and worried bv delays in the esaue of their patents chused by TRIFLING which can be easily and removed advice also giyen all matters relating to the public landa especially on points arcsine under the new laws which have been recently passed providing for the disposal of the public domain if you want your land patent in a hurry if yot want your laud business of any character attended to by skill ful and competent attorneys and promptly disposed of write to PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN general mgr P U bos washington D C 0 H BERG UNDERTAKE carries a full line of CAKIC KilS a solid walnut rosewood and burl and coffins of all cizes white and black cloth covered AIR TIGHT CASKETS superseding the metal caskets orders by mail or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount given to the trade J street one block north of kail way depot 0 H bock springs lamp I 1 nut cadue castle gate ant pleasant balley an 1050 hauling per ton extra YARD TELEPHONE 17 SMOOT the daily enquirer ORE YEAR FOR EIGHT DOLLARS the price alone of the DAILY ENQUIRER we cake pleasure in informing conr subscribers that we have made arrangements with THE COLORADO SUN publishing coto club our dily paper with THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN at the very low price of dollars or the semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY with THE COLORADO SUN foi lu each case the subscription payable in advance the colorado weekly sun has secured a phenomenal circola tion and coverer the entice field of the missouri river it is a large eight papa paper and contains all the news of the world literary features mining news departments for the home the farmer and the children GASH muss accompany all orders address THE ENQUIRER CO provo utah TO for tickets and information apply to C K ALEY agent R G V provo OR W F mcmillan benl agent boom dooly block salt lake city E J WARD SONS proprietors rs of TS PIE O c corner ard 3rd and H streets telephone no 3 grovu uth so equal stands alone as the CREA CREAT T apier and care for rheumatism KO nv 0 1 i 30 feuy endorsed by and comolee t ari rr i u n aed on aach sarsaparilla e boother no other bottle BROWNS lowns AND GINGER Aci mowie aged to be the best bor diarrhoea and all bowel complaints it contains the active medicinal virtues of jamaica ginger and blackberry roots combined with A jio tica ins ikin n an agreeable aade and effectual remedy bold by all druggists ellla cure constipation ainu pina i i ellla cure constipation ellla cure almost all pills and produs her 1 a pul tat careb torpid larer alclo headache and kidney and allter troubles without or latla ot constipation la tho primo cause ot all ot it and irith you bee to it in ume these ellla will core PRENTISS Ux rectifying RECTIFY ING PILL it 13 tha only at and bartlew that ariu aurely BEAUTIFY tl clear tha akin and all matcha from lace try box aad eo tor yew sell BOLD ONLY IN SCALED PACKAGES by urah sent bv mail on receipt of price Prent pills curo pills Prent laa pula anro THE ENQUIRER daring the past eleven years has gives to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to send postage prepaid pre paid semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER and THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber residing re in the united states who will forward to us 8 we have recently introduced another feature to our department one that is of in ohp wm ali ti fer only we will mail to any subscriber in the halted states 13 postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE SEMI ar i yf y f v V JA f 1 instructive Instruct iYe monthly that haa already beodie beo be oaie Bae A hoade the J ei we are prepared to receive r buerg ir make contracts for building of all descriptions estimates furnished ua we have the facilities for turing the beet and moot durable qualities of BRICK in any quantities samuel Liddia nl i rn alie st louis gibbe democrat semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY will be given one year with the daily enquirer for the usual price payable in advance and with the semiweekly semi weekly enquirer one year fir only address your orders as follows THE ENQUIRER CO grovu cn L i |