Show DAILY MONDAY FEBRUARY 26 1894 JOHN 0 manager ENQUIRES number is 27 local mention m this column 30 cents per line each insertion advertisements and changes must be cent to office not later ihan 10 a m to amse on same dav provo ila U I 1 ahti iiii j ponca ais am U r boink 9 la 15 hi it U W liuz aa a m va am 1 l toine ona altna and ogan hait iliin aal adea enst 2 60 pm J V kroin 9 dt lefco 9 a m the am K w 9 05 m ad n rani west ai aal autin i yia baal 10 pm I i tr n 1 l laka ia 30 p m U 1 1 I i burn 0 irice honne tha kolbi 1 stamp and reg taj A open at 8 a m and close p in the money window opens at 9 w lad closes at 4 p m u the jeneral jn eral delivery and w i ya aad open fr 0 12 m to a postmaster awarded highest honors worlds fair the only pure cream of tartar powder no ammonia no alvrn used in millions of homes 40 years the standard A acu ecu amy test for a quarter of a century dr kings new discovery haa been tested and abe mil liona who have received benefit from its use testify to its wonderful curative powers in all diseases of throat chest and lungs A remedy that has etc od the test ao lon and that has given BO universal satisfaction i no experiment each bottle is positively guaranteed ta give relief or the mona will be refunded it is admitted 10 be the most reliable for and colds trial bottles free at smoot drug large eize and 6 arnica salve the best salve in the world for cuts bronea borea ulcers salt feyer sores chapped hands chil blaine borna and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or nu pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction satis or money refunded price 25 cent per box for sale by smoot drug oo 00 the midwinter mid winter fair the midwinter mid winter fair at san francisco will soon be opened the management baye very carefully selected the best worlds fair exhibits so that those who were unfortunate ia not seeing the chicago exposition will abill have au opportunity to inspect the foreign ex hibits at san francisco the kio grande western railway in line with its haual progressive spirit will in connection with alie so pac co put in effect a low round trip rata during the existence of the midwinter mid winter fair the R Q W rv as yon know runs through to san francisco without change botti tourist and first class pullman sleeping care two tw lr 1 sit itaf mab n tor fiatt iy ay nill llon ui in n 11 abri children while teething iab p ni t ss it soothes the cleill cli ill dottena 1 e i i alaya ill cures colic nna ii i i t fe remedy for it will relieve the IK little surener sald by in every part of the world twenty cac bottle be ure ud aek or lira vi loot hisz syrup nd ake noobar eliud GIRLS AN interesting SKETCH nothing appeals so strongly to a mothers affection as her daughter just budding into womanhood following is an instance our daughter blanche now 15 years of age had been afflicted with nervousness and had lost the entire usa of her right arm ache wag to such a condition that we had to keep her from school and abandon her music lessons in fact we feared st avitua dance and are positive ant for an invaluable remedy she would have had that terrible affliction vie had employed physicians but she received no benefit from them the first of last august she weighed but 75 pounds and although she has taken only three bottles of kerame she now weighs 10 pounds her nervousness and symptoms of st avitua dance are entirely gone she attends school regularly and studies with comfort and ease she has recovered complete use of her arm her appetite is splendid and no money could procure for our daughter the health dr miles bervine hs brought her when my brother recommended the remedy I 1 had no faith in patent medicines and would not listen to him but as a last resort he sent ua a bottle we began giving it to blanche and the bullock brighton N Y dr miles restorative is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee or sent direct by the dr miles medical co elkhart ind oa receipt of price sl per bottle six bottles for sa express prepaid pre paid it ia positively free from opiates or dangerous danger oua drugs sold by all druggist PROVO WINDOW DOOR SCREENS ernei TO ORDER job work a specialty furniture upholstery aud neatly abao and door frames made to order ai 1 orders ut lo 10 S ion 1 enri cilito lor and delivered 10 ai hailu Ue city W next door tu P P Hind mirah ST PROVO c j gefry ir inia Hw iii v y v i li i iriel j ir ciny M ai ONE PILL FOR A DOSE cetlia cabb dy i fa altti elt ti these pula lacas the tc aal e it regular they cure headache brighten md clear the complexion better than coa mildly ther palli do to convince con vinca you of their merits hlll mall frea or a ojill bix for as centa bold boasso ved co f sold bv evne maiben 1 LESSEES do merchant AND custom milling Milli og amm ar ar PYNE il NT LIE OF 1 hrs hOODS rt mp A il give i i ind I 1 wi make right prices HOMi ViLT twice tWi CS ori ER OL 1 fk i birthe TIMES LUA RAN FEED fiat doer east of op store aliso A Bee sicy broor A p hi ea t s dp i ap k 1 MUTTON 1 VEAL aej BOLOGNA ani A fat calves am 1 hui V cd fre to auy part city removed aniu the aiu tai cour IL ube to ail aai i U dl restaurant tau rant block north if kauk corner J K r n a loog fc me at low rate of interest on farm anywhere in the county and improved city property in provo DON provo utah you will find a place for it when you see our our stock needs bothin but buyers they will gome they will be satis they will buy at gag S s S hp iriri Ir S irp jp ea illaria KB J H jbv I 1 B EWO lara visitors are not asked to belie re but are shown good to convince them that we are leading the trade in ens and boys v C issos ato a new and complete stock of A fir TA arar si S i CA C A JL JL AB A if you want to enjoy the purchasing power of your spend it with Sutton sOld alie modern invalid has tastes medicinally in with other luxuries A remedy mut be pleasantly acceptable in form purely wholesome in composition truly bene facial in t effect and entirely free from every objectionable quality if realty ill he a physician if ed he uses the gentle family laxative deyrup of figs |