Show the last aemi term examinations at proctor academy have just been concluded and below is given a aliat liat ol 01 the students etu dents in the grammar aej high school rooms who reached the hobor mark in per centi A large number were dobe to the 90 per cent mark but auld f reach it examinations are thorough and searching the and of all must be developed develop sd by the means greek ralph 90 geology misa ettie K se 99 ralph kellogy 99 civil government mi aDs saie filler 92 chajes gittoes 92 ganarah history miss anna wallace 97 miss lulu chaa gittings 90 hiis croaa noon 90 zoology miss mabel bee 90 mias dei tidier 97 latin reader miss oilie brown 94 commercial arithmetic obas gil tings amy pike 96 miss ray horton S misa kate fallon 97 t bc uon 94 H mccond 94 mis myrile cachran Cc chran 93 ai saebra miss lulu likover miss blanche davis mias lena bach man aco miss beulah 99 chaa gittings 98 miffs maud chappell Gh appell 95 miss may kaigler 93 miss adv pike 90 mias ollia brown miss blanche davia 92 miss anna wallace 92 literature mis la jones 97 mias beulah 96 physics raloh kello 95 alie 01 lie brown 93 common school arithmetic mis ella 91 mis kate falon 96 harold amena 90 clinti Clr i 9 R mi s ami eriina 92 I nr vin vi n A ner sutherland 94 dark gittings Git tinga 91 edilie bomberg 6 grammar raymond nalson 92 henry van gundy 95 alark 94 US history raymond nelson 83 miss kate fallen 9 miss anna jac 98 liaa lizzie parks 97 geography haenry 94 dark gittings edlie blomberg 95 mies belle monahan 93 |