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Show I Why That Bad Back? Is backache keeping you upset! Fee til tired out to nervous and dispirited jroa can hardly keep going? Then look to your kidneys! Your kidneys rid the body of poiaonoua waste. But if they lag, impuritiea accumulate and poison the whole system. Then one is apt to suffer backache, stabbing pains, headaches, dizziness, and ether annoying annoy-ing kidney irregularities. If your kidneys kid-neys a sluggish, help them with diuretic. Use ZHian'l PiUt. They are praised the world over. Alk your neighbor! An Idaho Case Mrs. 8am Robin-son, Robin-son, 94 N. Pine St.. " Blackfoot, Idaho, vTCT says: "My back wu t&AN 7j lame and I had 1 VW fZ& heavy, bearing down 'i lTS4 pains through my "VV! kidneys. There was V4 a continual ache In :, Tj the small of my y M back. My kidneys I acted Irregularly, A I I too. I decided to trW fc I try Doan's Pills and two boxes cured me of the attack." DOAN'S" STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Fttter-Milbura Co, Mfg. Chun Buflalo. N. Y. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION cAxlltFj inwgktkwJJ SD6 B ell-an s uPd-Su Hot water KlZZfil Sure Relief oELL-ANS 25$ AND 75j PACKAGES EVERYWHERE KEEP EYES WELL! fgv Ir. Thnnumnn'i Br Water will TrXV IIH Hlnr Trojr.W. 1. Book lot. " RESIfSOL" 5oofhinq And He&linq Clears Away Blotches PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM tt.ffca'-CT Roam IftudrnffStoiia Hair VaU VS J . Re.tor. Color and sJSX B"? to"T "A F.di Hair "'"" Ch" ruhoinj.N T, HINDERCORNS r. a,, oh- kmaaa. ... .u.g, all aalD. ensorn .mfrTio U,. 't- " tlim a.. Ue bf mail or at lW rt.ia U luo Cb.aal Worma, iatcjioa.. N T |