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Show yVeitfs Azotes From Lark Mr. and Mrs. Alfred, of Murray, were the guests of Mr. and Mm. Dewey Dew-ey Nelson Tuesday evening. , Miss Louise Fisher attended a surprise sur-prise party given in honor of Miss Bessie Kapple in Bingham on Saturday Satur-day evening. Games were played and refreshments served. Scott Arnold and Wayne Turpin accompanied the Bingham High School Seniors to Salt Lake Monday and in the evening were entertained at the home of Principal and Mrs. T. R. Atkin. Mrs. Willard Crittenden and Mrs. A. Hemmingaen were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bills at Riverton Tuesday Tues-day evening. Grace Miller spent Monday evening even-ing in Bingham the guest of Mrs. James Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Welch motored to Riverton Sunday where they visited with relatives and friends. Mrs. John Steel and son, Leonard, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson at Riverton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White, Mrs. W. J. Ffthrni and daughter, Maxine, motored to Salt Lake Wednesday evening. ev-ening. Mr. and Mrs. HI Batsman and daughter visited friends and relatives at Murray Friday evening. A ball game played on the school grounds between the married men and the singles resulted in the single men winning to the tune of 10 to 4. Mre. Fred Miller spent a few days in Bingham this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Murphy. Wallace Blackburn, of the Lark Store Co., was a Salt Lake visitor Sunday. The pupils of the Lark school houne pntartAinivl uritli a nrntrrum in thfl Recreation Hall Friday evening. The rooms of Mrs. Nelson, Miss Hansen and Miss Mutch were well represented represent-ed and an enjoyable evening was spent by those who witnessed the per formance. The students of the fifth, sixth and eighth grades of the Lark school participated par-ticipated in the "field day" sports for the Jordan district which were held at Sandy on Wednesday. Jimmy Pen-praze, Pen-praze, Harold Nordberg and Grant Miller returned with some of the trophies. tro-phies. A farewell party was given in the Club rooms on Tuesday in honor of the school teachers who are leaving for their vacation. Mrs. Nelson, Miss Hansen and Miss Hatch. It is understood un-derstood they will return to their respective positions when school opens. Mrs. George Merrill and son, Wal- lace, of BIufTdale, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hatt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Peterson accompanied ac-companied by Sime Peterson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson Pet-erson at Magna Sunday. Arland Morgan and Ross Pickett, of Fountain Green were the week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Coombs. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hatt entertained entertain-ed at a family gathering Wednesday evening. The following children were present; Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Peterson, Peter-son, Alice, Margaret, Harold and Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. A. Coombs and Mr. and Mrs. Arnt Thompson attended a show at Midvale Saturday evening. |