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Show Duluth Harbor Rankt Second to New York Although Its harbor Is closed approximately ap-proximately four months of the year by Ice, Duluth is rated the second largest cargo shipping port of the nation na-tion In the annual report of marine ! commerce of the Duluth-Superior harbor, har-bor, Issued under direction of SlaJ. E. H. Marks, of the United States engineer's office, New York harbor only had more shipping than Duluth Inst year, and Los Angeles was third, according to the report. Then enme Buffalo, Philadelphia, Ilaltimore, Ash-tnbula, Ash-tnbula, Ohio, and Iloston hurbor, Muss. Cnrgo freight, with a value of $516,837,517 In 45,410,050 tons, for a -season of 238 days, was recorded for Duluth harbor. The net registered tonnage of the 8,003 cargo vessels which entered and left the harbor during the season was placed at 87,-070,722 87,-070,722 tons, while the total number of vessels of all clusses to enter and leave the port was 9,783. |