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Show y THE BINGHAM NKWS New York-Yorktow- n Air-Lin- e in Operation Christening of the giant d transport plane at Bowling Held, Inaugurating the new alrplune passenger service between New York and Yorktown, Va. Miss Elisabeth Oweiis, daughter of Clarence J. Owens, director gen-eral of the Yorktown forum, Is standing on a chair, from which she christened the ship. Chimes in Tower of World War Memorial Beauty to eye and ear U embodied In carillon tower designed as me-morial to the sacrifices and Ideal of the American people during the World war. Containing 54 belli said to be able to produce 270 tones, the monu-ment Is to be erected In Washington by the National Carillon association at ill HJPL 'JT iH : i 1 ' Si i 1!' 1" ' fl (' ' If."' vrl Si Iff "y --r "rsri W jrs ' 1 ' pi Monument to Be Erected That Will Have Bells In Tower for Playing Chimes. a cost of $3,000,000. Columns near tha top of the tower will provide openings so that the chimes may be beard at a considerable distance. It Is planned to have masters In carillon perform-ance give concerts on the set at ap-propriate occasions. Popular Mechan-ics Magaxlne. pa pa pa Pp Pa pp aa AfterEVeryMeal Past it around after every mcaL Give the family the benefit of Its aid to digestion. Cleans teeth too. Keep It always in the house. va (j 'Costs little 'kelp mack " Q5BEB yVVVVVVVy TeH Your Shoe Dealer You Want Shoes with Genuine USKIDE SOLES Thm Wonder Solo for Wear Wear hvtoa as toMpaa hm toattarr and for a Better Heel "v. e." rniNa-ii- P United States Rubber Company Cutlcura 8oothea Baby Rashes That itch and barn, by hot hatha of Outlcnra Soap followed by gentle anointings of Cutlcura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe-cially if a little of the fragrant Cutl-cura Talcum Is dusted on at tha fin-ish, 25c each. Advertisement Dick , it was terribly embarrassing There I was with a car full of Erlends and the motor knocking along' without a bit of power. Dick, can't jrou do something: about it?" Yes I Ha can buy HsniMstss Oil and give his motor, a chance to stage a come-bac- k. Perfect lubrication is ona of the se-crets of a reliable and powerful motor. IfanaMoter Qjl Company Ban Francisco, Cal. Los Angleg; CaL MonaMotor Oils & Greases L. D. S. Business College school or crricitNcv AD commercial branch, Catakw fre. Q N. Mala Sfc SALT LAKE CITY, UTAP nf f J O Any book you want DUUH -- by tatt Deseret Book Co, M East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. J LESSON FOR BOYS J ?J T 11 H boy or girl In school J cun honor Memorial Day by a quiet resolution to prove J a patriot of peace. It la no mere figure of speech to as- - sure the high school boy that P peace can offer him as true a j Pa challenge as war offered to PP a the doughboy going over the Pa p top. To see to it that a spirit pp pg of chivalry from boys toward p. girls marks our school house and our town; to keep the graduating class clean from Jealous bickering politics; to Insist on fair work In class and fair play everywhere will not those opportunities Pa a for tight dealing call out the P Pa soldier tone? Indeed they pa pp will t If every family caught pp pa the spirit of valiant living p pa that marks Memorial Day, p H, should not America witness new generation of fearleas J" patriots of peace? Youth's Companion. Was Right on the Spot William Egger of Mlddleboro, Mas, had Just conveyed a patient from Mld-dleboro, in an ambulance, to a Itostoa hospital and had started on his retura trip when be was a witness of an ac-cident where a woman wai knocked down by an automobile. He promptly placed her In his ambulance and with-in a few minutes was back again at the hospital with a patient whose iden-tity was unknown to him. MemorialJ jmsfi Daij 'm Observance does "memorial" WHAT The answer la, In of our dead or a day to decorate the graves of those we love and friends we respected, not forgetting our unknown soldier. All nationalities and different re-ligious denominations in churches and out in the open pay religious tribute to those who have departed to meet their Maker through the most fervent prayers, and the laying of flowers and flags on the graves of our dead Is a most solemn duty accompanied by Joy and tears a Joy on that day If we are In close proximity to those we loved and tears when our recollections of the past are so vividly fresh In our minds. Memorial day is the one day In the year when the good and bad, the rich and poor, the haughty and humble, through their grief at the resting place of their beloved forget the difference of their stations in life, because hete is the time and the place where only through the name on the tombstones is there any distinction. Little children assist In decorating the graves of those they love perhaps a schoolmate, sister or brother, mother or father. Of all times In their lives this is the most solemn, their faces plainly indicating their seriousness, proving that the heartaches of all vary but little. All these most human labors of love for the departed ones take place In nearly every hamlet of this great na-tion. Also, the meaning of Memorial day reaches wherever our people may be around the world from the most prosperous Individual to the most will-ful whose liberty Is curtailed to the confines of their place of Incarceration, because the most hardened men and women have sincere recollections when thinking of their dead. This Is the day set aside by most states of oar Union to forcibly bring to our minds that those whom we loved in life and our country's heroes should not be forgotten In their lonely sur-roundings. A single flower of little value placed on a grave denotes thoughtfulness or a possible sacrifice by a humble suf-ferer. However, value does not count, but remembrance does. This Is the real meaning of the word "memorial." May SO is a day when in the morn-ing at least we should refrain from do-ing things that create too much Jollifi-cation, as this is the time when many In an official capacity and otherwise are visiting the homes of our 'dead, performing a most sacred duty. A little serious thought on what the day represents would mean more reverence for our dead. J. P. Brophy, In the Cleveland Plain Dealer. I Establishing Signal Post in Attack on Hawaii I This, one of the first pictures of the war game in Hawaii to arrive, shows landing party from the Blue fleet establishing a signal post on the shore. J L Sgih j juk 4L? F jt, !s i I iSteijs-f6-' 1 I ifiii I Memorial Worthy of America's Great Strikingly in contrast are the two memorials by the banks of tha Poto-mac to two great American Presidents, The tall shaft which expresses the na-tion's tribute to George Washington is wholly different from the lower, square, temple-Uk- e memorial to Abraham Lin-coln a short distance to the west. Each Is a perfect example of Its style. Each Is a. complete expression of tha nation's thought. The Washington obelisk rises high above all other structures In the capi-tal. It Is simple, pure and stately. It dominates the landscape. For many miles It is visible, the first mark of Washington, the city. It Is of a form that In the ancient days was adopted to perpetuate the fame of the rulers of Egypt, a classic type, geometrically perfect, archltecturhlly complete. The Lincoln memorial could not have been effective if similar to Its loftier neighbor. There could be no second tall shaft without lessening the sig-nificance of each. Between Lincoln and Washington stretched a apace of 64 years, from tha end of the former's term to the begin-ning of the letter's, a little less than the space that has elapsed since Lin-coln's death to this day. Thus In a way the Lincoln memorial marks tha midpoint of the national career to tha present from the first administration under the Constitution. Other memorials will doubtless arise to the great men of the nation who have rendered valuable services, but none will be more eloquent than these two. I SHE'S GOING CALLING HhM&sS k1 r Miss Eleanor McCarthy, New Or-leans society girl, at ber airplane. She Is piloting It to make social calls. "I see nothing unusual In a woman driv-ing an airplane," said Miss McCarthy. "It is just as easy to operate as an automobile and Is certainly more pleasant and speedier. While in France I learned to fly from Charles Nungesser, the French ace. This sum-mer I intend to fly to several Ameri-can resorts and will later tour Europe in my machine." .j, . I Unveiling Zeebrugge Memorial Scene when King Albert of Belgium unveiled the Zeebrugge monument erected to the memory of British heroes who carried out the dramatic raid on the seaport when it was held by the Germans. 1 S!l55!V 2 j5(5lt I? l I r W . . JP II j V milWilli .uwBtmuuuumnf )?'miJ""' w ' "n m hhm' m Mmmmnumimm I ' ' - ' ' I ' - ,a : - hi - i "H! ' i v f'fcjcf?i r zyxw-t f . . , 11' i ' Time Enough The Impatient diner sent for tha manager of the restaurant. "Sea here!" he exclaimed, "I ordered cold roast beef 30 minutes ago and I harcnt "How long ago 7" ' ' S "Thirty minutes." "Good gracious, III have to sea about that. It should be cold by this time." Boston Transcript. Economic Seitmographt A slight decline In food costs is an-nounced by the Department of Labor, which has instruments delicate enough to detect things that would escape tha attention of the unscientific observer. Cleveland Plain Dealer. , All Joking aside, these Intelligence tests really do Indicate those wbo hava brains. Those who have, don't tako them. Purple Parrot. Day of Peace On Memorial day the republic honors the memory of its heroes of three wars. Yet the day is distinctly a day of peace. We are grateful for peace, and we are grateful to int nen wha died to assure us peae with liberty and honor. Impressive Tribute One of the most striking pieces of statuary on the famous battlefield of Gettysburg. It surmounts the monu-ment erected to the One Hundred and Twenty-thir- d New York Regiment on Culp's hill. WRITES PRIZE ESSAY -- va" ' , i - ' Robert Krumboltz, seventeen, of Springfield, Ohio, won first prize of i $750 in the national essay contest con-ducted by the American Legion. More than 200,000 essays were submitted on the subject: "Why Communism Is a Menace to Americanism." Smith's Best Bunch of Girls UHru5L & z iris iiiniaiiisiPl'rili IlllKWISsyWa ssaasaiptTTirlM SB IX - The' six most d girls at .Smith who huve been awarded "S" pins In recognition of physical and nit ntal development and of highest sportsmanship. Left to right Gertrude Benedict. 26; Virginia Thleme. "25; Barbara Churchill. "25; Caroline Bedell, 25; Lavlna Fyke, "23, and Marjorie Boomer, '25. HIS DECORATION By Gertrude West Tha whole little villas far and wide wai gleaning bloom tor It hon-ored dead, With tears for tho who had bled and died, but I had only beld. Tb scent of tha roaes ao wind-blow- n aweet went billowing by Hit God's caress, And I aaw a aon and a mother meet and ached with lonellneas. So my eyea were blurred till I could not aee the wreath-brig- ht crowd's advance, Until one little flower girl ran to me "Oh, bur a poppy for Prance," aald aha; "For Flanders Field and France." For France and mjr face stung sharp-ly hot. This May day aweet with Its blos-som strewn To be a soldier and be forgot a few abort years ao aoon! She looked up sweetly and said, "Don't grieve. PerhaDS you've your own crosa Over There?" I smiled and showed her my empty eleeve and aald, "My cro I bear!" And, "Alone?" ehe murmured. "Be-neath the flax your blood waa apllled to lift?" Then ahe tore out the bloom from hex hair at that And thruat It Into my ragged hat Ail day I wore her gift. Teuta'a Comoanloa. |