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Show X THE BINGHAM NEWS j '" il three years when there cam te her t e"VniniPllflP HP r-o;.c: letter from Julie Hempel. now married, n'l linVfR rlrrKlrNlir III" $ 'J The letter bad been sent to the Klui DA1JIJT aJ "V Wi " lalllkVllUla Ul I ' (cnv m Trv I VEmnc NERVOUSWOMAH (( ) Hf. (I TT 8 "ru.o,Uee, that you FA1 RY TALE 1 1 jSTJ Weak, Blue, Discouraged- !$ Vw iJ W Jl 7 Jl U ll ' didn't answer niy letter, and now 1 Relieved by Taking Lydia y waV X- 21. HuN wnow that you umst h.v thought n MaiY GrBhaMI BoMer r Pliam'i Medicbe $ ' queer that I did not answer yours. I .lrWMtww t rinKnam 1 mcoicuic S; By EDNA FERDER $ found your letter to we. written long ' 1 " V -. ! ago, when I was going over mother's ciim rcirc AND CAMELS Cincinnati, Ohio. T was nervoua 't,eLC,- $ th'lng. last week. It was the letter SUN-BEARS AND CAMLLS npt ., hd cr,ng n. W ,. .. you must have written when I was In , . , .. t , Hirfn't rum if I lived U;l Kansas City. Mother bad never given "l the ugliest jST' r diedT My rK j- J (t t0 mfc except possibly you," said Morris Ma- waa verV bad I age. And-walt a minute humus. I ready for Pervus and Jan when they -Mamma died three week. ago. Last ley Sun-Bear, usually known aa Morrbj lX. and bad backache urtD uiarki know what bumus Is. It'a decayed came In from the barn. The house to week I was going over her things a Su" ,! ,, m. E I r-w. StSLi v I and weakness. I WORK, WORKI vegetB,ea. There', alwaya a pile by clean, the chicken, to tend, sewing, trying fa8k, you may imaglne-and A.nI C0'IJ V'.V e fllmy; U read about your med- STNOPsts "Ttrodudna "So the side of the barn; and you've be washing. Ironing, cooking. She con- there were your two letter, addressed ' ' f Maxwell Malay Sun ear. T Jf J" , P"P .fiif-aTMi os.ng It on the quick land. All the tr.yed way, of minimizing her. tepof t0 me. s.h... never destroyed them. ft Wormai fancy. And hn mother. slina west sixteen Isn't clay. Part of If. lightening her labor. And .he saw loor nmnmm . , . Ah. suiu Morris n mar, ine V t took Lydia E. Pink- D.Jonc. daughter of Bimeon niucklnnd. All It needs Is draining clearly how the little farm was mis- "Well, dear Scllna, I .uppose you reason why you are almost as ug y a. ff'yj ham'a Vegetable) P,ek.mbHr.,?.o iou'S d nmnure. With potash, too. and managed through lack of foresight, don't even know that I am married. I am, or why I am almost as ugly as 7 - J Compound Blood womanhood . " cJiaao V W?i phosphoric acid." Imagination, and-she faced It .quare- nmrried Michael Arnold of Kansas you are. is because we are both hrotl. Medicrne "Liver ha. been unconventional, .ome- Ven.ail iauKhed a great hearty laugh ly-through stupidity. She was Jond cy. Tlie Arnoids were In the pack- V belong to the same family. jis, and used Lydia ""j" what .eamy but aener.lly enjoy- S(l, f d 81lrpr8,ni5y mfuriut- of this great, kindly, blundering, .tub- ,ng DUslneM tliere, you Unow. Michael "Y; our me'.' Snlt Wi? 'J? It able Sdomv CtShw inf. -Well, well, well! Schoolteacher born boy who was her husband. But ha. gone Into business with pa here In ".M Mwwell. "So other family of towW"todof S:m!:bu1cn.h,8.mnuam'd fanu now, huh? I bet even she saw him with nmadng clearness Chlg0 tDd , .uppoge you av, heard bears compare, to ours TSfM in a quarrel that la not hla own wldow .anren,erg don't know as through the mists of her love. There 0f pa' succesa Just all of a sudden ve are rnmous for ottar tilings, wellIamloJklnK.Mra.F.K.CoRlElU and Seiina, much as my little farmer about"-he was something prophetic about the n, btgan t0 make a great deal of i00ja l' ""'V:, 129 Feeto Street, Cincinnati, Chic, :npo.P.UoCn S'.UhVH.Vh" expired aPaln-about tbl now. pot- way she began to absorb knowledge of money after ne left tne butcher bust- J""" ncro Lst of bear, Wdllng to Answer Letters Prairie school, in the out.kirt. ash and-wbat kind of acid? Tell me, the farm work, of vegetable culture, of negs and went Into the yard-the we i. we ure me crossesi or Dtar, pl,ijodultfi(L r. i have used your of Chicas-o, living at the home L, fro,u h d(J ,earn murketlng. Listening, seeing, she 8tock yardgi you Unow. ior mamma "nd they do some. irai 1 0U8neM and a run- ?n Ro.ir tw.w7v..."m Zn all this about truck farmlngr learned about .oil. planting, weather. wa. so happy these last few year Umn. m'n " dWn system with a severe weakness. Kiaa.: Mini V".E.Z . "Out of a book." Sellna ...Id. almost selling. The dally talk of the house and ha(1 everythlng that wa. beautiful, been told that they had the Malay Aftef kbg Lydia e. Pmkham a Veg- dr.d .pint, a lover of beauty. snappishly. "I eent to Chicago for It" and fields was of nothing else. About , nave two children-Eugene and S"""1'"" lnln',1' A , . etable Compound nn,t lit. " like her.elf. Sellna bear, co.eip ' ' ' . . fc ... fI .tanned lila this little twenty -flve-acre garden i.auilne "We can bark like dogs. We have pinkham'a Banittve Wash I feel "r. aiS knee. 'SS.' fS?T P"ch there was nothing of the majes- " to be qulte . .oclety JmjJ thick Mjlr Our bodies are too . dnt hl!n?tiSS aood-iooktng-. for Pervu. DeJong. book." ty of the Iowa. Illinois and Kansas per80I)i you w0d laugh to aee me. f nla 1 In comparison with our big 7kut the medicines."- Dora poor truck farmer, who I. in.en- "Why not I The man who wrote It grain farms, with their endless billows i ain on the ladles' entertainment com- netids and feet. Holt 2649 S. 11th St, Philadelphia, Pa. C.'oolunir'WUMfsi about vegetable farming of wheat and corn. rye. alfalfa and mittee of the World's fair. We are have only one head and one druggist everywhere, nn..TrnuUTobd.in8.,; than anybody In all High Prairie. He barley rolling away to the horl,on. guppoged t0 entertaln . th. visiting body apiece." said Maxwell t . ' but not of ample proportion., knows about new ways. You're run- Everything was do.e In diminutive big bugs that is the lady bugs. There I True- agreed Morris, but I was Severe Headache and Consti- which u to b. auctioned." ac- ning the farm just the way your father here. Sellna sensel that every Inch llow u that for a joke? 'a,1!n fl,,out ' ""T"1 16 wn',le ration Relieved Over Night VftifS: ran It." of soil should have been made to yield Buppoge you know about the In- I came from the Malay penin- f lt)tcmiMmreM, Peiina I. heartbroken. Butth. "What was good enough for my fa- to the utmoRt. Yet there lay the west fanta Eulalle. Of Spain, you know. ula and so did you. Others of our lp., .ndfr.,.d.wMht.d.d, bidding become, .pi rued. PeJong tner ,8 good enough for me- sixteen, useless during most of the And what she did about the Totter tamlly nie from around India some- wltHfe. ,Tai"d ?MnioTvUrlh,tnr.0cr. over "It Isn't!" cried Sellna, "It Isn't I year; reliable never. And there was Palmer ball " where. Rut I am not worrying about uid M fi m ke 1 nt th.lTr ISn'h lk rt The book says clay loam Is all right no money to drain it or enrich It; no Bellaa( ,he letter ta her work- them for I know they will uphold the Ji'.Sr.nd he. uk B..ch. and D.Jong .hare together, the for cabbages, peas, and beans. It tells ready cash for the purchase of profit- 8talne(J hand, looked up and across the fumlly name of being cross and ugly. puu 4, !.'' . p. .ohool-teach.r arrange, to In- you hovv. It tells you how I" Shews, able neighboring acreage. She did not fleidg fcnd .way to where the prairie "Yes. we are the smallest bears In -M SAMPLE-wri. KHat toT.e5rtMP: like a frantic Utile fly darting and know the term Intensive farming, but met th, aUy and clo8ed In on her; her the world." said Maxwell. "In fact Kp. cTU SNYork quity lead, to mutual affection. pricking hlra on to accelerate the stolid this w a, what .he meant. worid. Tne Infanta Eulalle of Spain. we "ny Sod deal or wnicn to do BllTfcomTOUTdniOTi1,iBM.ndfboe. Poiina become. Mra, DeJong, a sluggishness of his slow plodding gait. During that winter she was often , , . ghe went back to the letter proud. For (..utirtom hlkwm.1. fck (waJachu nJ "farmer , wife." with all the pervus .tared straight ahead down hideously lonely. She never got over -Well, she came to Chicago for the "To tell you the honest truth. s d herA,aJmi-ie to Wrt li'to the road between his Horse's ear. much her hunger for companionship. Here fair and Mra. Potter Palmer was to Morris, "we have nothing of which to nafl 11M Ptllfi ': I as Klaas Pool had done so maddeningly she was, a gregarious and fun-loving glv a huge reception and ball for her. be proud, and a great deal of which aJCCKUUm a I I ' on Sellna'. first ride on the Halsted creature, burled In a snow-bound Ml- Mra. P. I. head of the whole eommit- i JJHTm'Try t MaManMaanWaWaWMBlaW CHAPTER VI Continued road- "Fine talk. Fine talk." nols prairie farmhouse with a husband tee. you know, and I must say she KP W3ri M . I "It Isn't talk. If. plans. You've got who looked upon conversation as a looks queenly with her white hair so 1 SffTFff Jl fill- i111"a a Y to plan." convenience, not a pastime. She beautifully dressed and her diamond W 1 VlllCUXClJUClJ 4 Pervu. drove Into the Chicago mar- F,ne fak ,a,k dog-collar and her black velvet and all. - M - Sweet , ket every other day. During July and ,ml gel,na beat hef knee wUn gn "m' Well, at the very last minute the In- A Jy .11 August he sometimes did not have his ,mpotent flgt f 'X fanU refuged ,0 attend the ball be- fA J V Monl ttV I hllnrPTI - clothe, off for a week. Together he u wag the nearest they had ever f , cause she had Just heard that Mr.. P. vff f 1UC011U1 VUUU1U1 ; and Jan Steen would load the wagon eome ,0 quarreIlng. u would seera J? TS f an Innkeeper', wife. Imagine 1 I I JtSSSTSJi!" I with the day . garnering. At four he th(U pervug bad the begt of fne arKU. -J?V i Tl,e Palmer house, of course." V -r ? J; would atari on the tedious, trip Into nient ror when two year, had passed -aVil Sellna, holding the letter In her fV If t VI " HoUm Over$hoe On f rn' Jh!hlftorlcoHi'marke r'1 Cy?7Ctl hand, imagined. fill Vl 1 Tho" who traverse muddy ro.uia j West lUBdolp .street had ttt ,nd nnprrtlflc. ,Bd tne old T J&MAJiA It wa. In the third year of Sellna'. lJAj,b J J J , .land for market gardener, for miles houge gtared out 8hal)by and palntless, " jMM marriage that she first went Into the lM'SAaf! " 0 I round C"10- Uere tht7 Btt'on at the dense willows b, the roadside. I .w, .jAlM1 fields to work. Pervu. had protested fT)Ws-:Tk in fbl l nu led ff by d" ep " "'l. !rprjyttwJ5 xxrj2iiz.. LMmMi ssrji Bfe Srts j sxtstss i ;t?hrrr.s WfMlJ -rr-surss sa-t'W E r I made a detour necessary and he was that t)ie fine jaw.Une wag 8et ag de. ttVMVV IWiltf Long before now she had realized that wouldn't be that pleasant. . mLwe late. That usimlly mean bad business tennmedly ag ever wlth an angle that MW ffMl JWl this time must inevitably come. So "Here come some people. It can't " ,ebn ,5 o'Hn one aJ-I aJ-I next day. The men, for the most gpeed ,nevItably pnnt, drainage, hu- M t 8he answered briskly. "Nonsense. Per- be closing time yet. Bark, Maxwell. " " tlft' 1 erienn I part, slept on their wagons, curled up mugi potagh phogphoric acld and a M FMf i vus. Working In the field', no harder Show you're a cross Malay Sun-Hear." h""T'"C Anlencn- I on the wagon seat or stretched out on borM team. J L 'l$Mm& ft than washing or Ironing or scrubbing Maxwell barked and so did Morris, .,irlun nAn. nr I the sacks. Their horses were stabled ghe rose before four wlth Pervus, 0 or standing over a hot Btove in August and by the time the people came near SWAMP-RUUi rOR and fed in near-by sheds, with more glad t0 be out of the stuffy little room tfBCfCEl Women's work I Housework'. the them they were as cross as cross could S actual comfort than the men them- wIth tg spotted and scaly green wall M f f StV i hardest work in the world. That', why be, for It Is the nature of the Malay ITTilNFY ATT MFNTQ I selves. One could get a room for paperi ltg rckety bed and chair. They I ?5)2ftV'fi il men won't do it." Sun Hears to be cross, ugly, and pe- AI liil Li 1 ttlUHLtlMO I twenty-five cents In one of the rani- ,md a cup of co(Tee and a glk.e of bread ( JS-!3l!i!JEI I She would often take the boy Dirk cullar and that', enough for one faml- m , I shackle rooming houses that faced the )n the eating house on the first floor. W&2Sm& J with her Into the fields, placing him ly of animals I There 1. only one medme that really I B'V"",-. 8ell wlW whll. h, t.led tl S?Oaf on . heap of empty sack. In the shade. But not far away were the camels IZlV'tMS: ' I 8tulT-v- n,, to clan; the beds little hor8e- It WHg gcarcely dawn when the StL ne invariably crawled off this lowly and they were talking once more about nVer and bL'ir 1 m"re comfortable than the wagons. Be- tradlng began, Se,lnai watching It SaiJ 8 throne to dig and burrow In the warm, their favorite Joke. Dr. Kilmer'. Swamp-Root stand, th. I elu''8' twenty-five epnts ! You got twen- from the wagon geHt) thought that this SfebTsSKK black dirt He even made a. though "Go on." said the Camel, grinning highe.t for the reason that it ha. proven ! ty fU'e ct'nls for nalf 8 bnrrel of toma' was a ridiculously haphazard and peril- VmS5 to help his mother, pulling at the root- foolishly, "tell It to me, I beg of you." to be jurt the remedy needed in thou- I tis. You got twenty-five cents for a 0U8 method of distributing the food for yjSy ed things with futile fingers, and sit- "You needn't beg It of me, for I ex- aand. upon thourand. of distreaaing case., aack of potatoes. Onions brought wnose frutIon Pervus had tolled with . back wlth bmnp wnen a ghnlow pect to tell you anyway and I don't Swamp-Root make, friend, quickly be- seventy-five cents a sack. Cabbages achlng bacU and tired arms. But she She Would Take Dirk With Her Into unexpectedly yield to hi. tug- need to go on for I expect to stand CTU8e lU,. m!,d. Bnd tovudnU effect ,. went a hundred heads for two dollars, guld nolh-mg the Fields, Placing Him on a Heap J ' " bereK , bave move when "1' ,,,naiI " V and they were five-pound heads If you slle kept, perforce, t0 the house that of Empty Sack. In th. Shade. . , farmer a p , gpeaki except mJ mouth nd maybe gentle "JM; , n.ve home with ten dollars in your firgt yenr, and ,he second. Pervus de- . r ,d my jaw A tore , o tw0 gi mM. I... ket .t represented a profit of ex- clared that hi. woman should never learned mu h that winter aooui u e went-three years- "Oh." said Campbell Camel. "I um .nd large. ; ...-uv zero. The sum must go above work ln le fleids as did many of the wter sordldness of farm li e She So two years wen three yean- on and tnk0 Iloweve).(gi; you wifll firat to 4est , t,..t. No; one did not pay out twenty- Hlgh 1ralrle wives and daughters, rare ly saw t e Pc.i s;sl 'our; J Sed the los, o her a walk. I meant you to go on with great preparation Mnd ten cent, to Dr. be cents for the mere privilege of SeMna ,earned much that first year. n.v one outside her own little house- marriage she surrered the ner Kilmer 4 Co, Binhamton, N. Y., for a Beeplnabed. and the second, but she said little. She bold. ?m-;?Z ZtZlZll fed in childbirth as wa. aren't supposed 0 have many brains -"Ph bottle . When writing be .ur. uue June day. a month or more after kept tlle house In order-rough work. ---'I - V , ' JjJJ J JJgj, i0 , ..Vpres. myself we..." d ment.on th.. pape, tueir inarrlnge, Sellna drove Into Cld- amj emlless-und she munaged. mirac- ""' u e 10 S''P '" rflmniRh midwife acted as obstretri- "Whether we have many or whether ,. c, .-ago with Pervus. an Incongruous little ulously, , keep herself looking fresh over her s l o , ders an - & ampUh mldw ife a eted we f ,t makeg no dlfference How She Knew huure in her bride', finery perched on 8nd BMt. She understood now 'l""" rth had Z been kind t Maartje to me." said the Dromedary, "even A city-bred girl married a young the seat of the vegetable wagon piled Maartje Pool's drab garments, harassed to go by or a chance pedes trlan up the Death had not baw klnd o Maartje . w Ag hpr hu8him cflme n,o tlm high with earl, garden stuff. It was. face, heavily swift feet, never at rest, road She did not pi y berwl . nor fool. It had brough t most partiCular In my choice of words, house one day she exclaimed: in a way. their wedding trip, for Seiina Tlie Idea of flowers In bowls wa, aban- regret be .ten. She fe It PbcallT. no r you h to her face, a. It oftea doej P J joke-the great "Oh, John. I found four ducks' eCK. had not been away from the farm since doned by July. Had It not been for for ar' "gm "' &Jtl"Z had been .0 ac Ive .0 and might, joke, the funn, little Joke." among the two doaen you brought In her marriage. Roelf. faithful tending, the flower n?t??":JS l J lt,fnC rea !d Itoat torte lS ti "Well." said Campbell Camel. "1. this morning." ' As they jogged along now she re- beds themselves, planted with such P-J etc. I ny s ft- 'SZZ the Joke "ttle 0r b ,S " greBt r tf""" MT vealed magnificent plans that had been hopes, would have perished for lack of 'SS al- was seeing Maartje Poo. at rest. It Bma.ir ? W T om forming ln her imagination during the care. loved the elow of Pervus' eyes when seemed Incredible that she could lie "It's a Joke." said the Dromedary, Why. she answered, 1 put them t past four weeks. It had not taken her Itoelf came often to the house He Jed Vbrlght ribbon, a there, the Infant In her arms, while "and I nm making It sound funnier by I" water and four of them floated.' four weeks-or daye-to discover that found there a tranqu y and peace , h be gai(, othi the bouse wa8 flIIed wlth peple and aaylng a lot before I tell you the real this great broad-shouldered man she never known In the Pool place with irean . of my gtory - Ruhama Baptist churth In En bad married was a kindly creature. It. hubbub and clatter. In order to "Jrh"e ealB"d be cleared, food to be cooked and "My r Dromedary," said Camp- Uke. Blrrnlngham, c alms to he the render and good, but lacking any make her house attractive Sellna had nc' or tw 81 111 J " Slttmg there with the other bell Camel, "take my advice and don't oldest In bnma with a history back vestige of initiative, of spirit. She actually rifled her precious little bank "J " ?0'. ",.,, bad Z ,J Hlgh Pralrle Swomen Seua had a take too long to tell a Joke. By the of It of 100 years. marveled, sometlues. at the memory hoard-the four hundred and ninety- waml MltH .,, hldeou. feeling that Maartje would time you get to the funny part, folks of his boldness In bidding for her lunch seven dollars left her by her ratnf r- k,t n for ooa,fort. Where was ad- suddenly rise up and take things In are all worn out waiting. tA box that evening of the raffle. It She still had one of the clear white wag ,fe? rub wth CBpaWe "Welt." said the Dromedary, "my leflUineif aeemed Incredible now. though he fre- diamonds. She kept it seweu in tne of chiinte bre(J )n the gpatterg of drled mud on joke Is this. There was a play given J ; -r A quently referred to it, wagging his hem of an old flannel petticoat. father? Klnas Pool's black trousers (he had in a theater and the scene wa sup- MM yCj A head dogglshly and grinning the broad- The can of white paint and the two Tears following Dirk', birth been in the yard to see to the horses) ; posed to be In Africa from wl ,e ev- CiOl ly complacent trln of the conquering brush actually did materialize. For .,nt va n Se. ,et ,he oud wal)ng of Geertje and eryone know. I come. But d.d they ( V male. But he was. after all. a dull weeks It was dangerous to sit, lean, or . ,n ,ike ,,reara ln whlch hor. j0,lna ; pass her gnarled hand over have dromedaries on the stage? Not A . SV , fellow, and there wa. m Sellna a dash tread upon any palntable thing In the lna 8 nappinesS are Inextricably Roelfs wide-staring eyes, wipe the a bit of It! They had camels with l W" of fire, of wholesome wickedness, of DeJong farmhouse without eliciting a The boy was a plump, hardy film of dust from the parlor table that two hump, such as you have. And I a a adventure, that he never quite under- cry of warning from Sellna. hue had hg lather., blond eI. had never known a gDeck dUring her you and all your family come from fill IIfgl tTEj gfl atood. For her flashes of flame he would actually bave tried her hand at brunette vivacity, regime. Asla " X. Xi J3'H K&Wl lt I had a mingled feeling of unenalne,, the outside of the house with a quart terior his er ;b;7,e , "That certainly Is a Joke," said L Ull B 1 and pride. can and a three-Inch brush If Pervus A t .be was a I Campbell Camel, "and I should think T, T T In the manner of all young bride., hadn't Intervened. She hemmed dimity s . crled 8eljna,a M nd ldeat pp would know that camels, or Oy RaVer - InSlStl Selini started bravely out to make her curtains, made .lip-covers for the hid- a montbg gM traneform the farm? Or will Bactrlan Camel, a. they are usually uayl 110101. husband over. He wa. handsome, eous parlor sofa and the ugliest of he J child girl- .he .uceumb to environment? called, have two humps and come - . Headache ' .trong. gentle; slow, conservative, mo- chair.. Subscribed for a '"J durlng hMe from Asia while you od Dromedary 0T COluS HeadaCIie r-se. She would make him keen, dar- called House and Garden. Together m born deaa 1 L- with your one hump, hall from Africa." pajn LlUTlbagO ing. successful, buoyant. Now. bump- she and Koelf used to pore over IleJ rbeamatlc attaickB tollowlns tb to be continued.) Ing down the Halsted road, she fascinating periodical. If High Prairie called rheum bva Not That Tired Neuralgia Rheumatism aketched some of her plans ln large had ever overheard one or inese "' force(J ,0 gtand ln water up ,0 Kltiemsh Teddy complained of being tired a i dashing stroke.. versatlons between the farm woman guirered intensely and 'Those firemen im.t be a frivolous when asked to do thing, for his moth- Q A Accept only a - -Pervus "e must paint the house In who would a'way. be a gm ana during nlg umess was as tractable us aet," commented Mrs. Dumpling. er. when evening came and she jC5' Bayer packaire I October ft -ore the frost set. ln. and farm boy who had never ' been " 'ed bulI- Se,lna under8tood why "Why?" asked her overworked half, wanted him to run to the .tore for her ' L-,C ; I after the summer work 1. over. Then child. It would have raiseo pairn. ihb ha,f of uign f.rnlrie was bent and "I read In the paper that after the he wa. .till tired. Then some one ug- which Contains proven directions thai west sixteen. We'll drain It." In an "Og heden 1 or nrroJ- twisted with rheumatism-why Uie blaze was under control, firemen gested that they all go to the movies. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet. "Teh drain " Pervu. muttered. "It's High Pralrle never nearn, ana woman 1 Reformed church on Sun- played all night on the ruins. Wh hi. mother Mid : "Teddy won't want Also bottle, of 24 and 100 Druggicta rlavland Drain and you have got yet have understood if It bad. mornings resembled a shrine to didn't they go to bed Uke sensible to go; he', been Ured all day." Aipiria 1. th. tr.. .rk of B.r ii.mi- rt Hard .y so..." " was up dally at f o, . 'J crlppk.d pIl8rtm, creep, folk. Instead of romping wound U. -0h 1" cried Teddy, .udden.y .nl- - - wu-d. Bellna had U.e answer to that. "1 mg wa. a swift 8Ddnrah"n ,a' Sellna Uad 5,een married almost cat.?" mated, "I'm not ao tired as all that 1 too. li. Too va got to ose Ule dralB- Ing of the body. Breakfast must t I - ' |