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Show Copperfield Brevities Mrs. Joe McDonald entertained at a children's party Wednesday evening even-ing in honor of the sixth birthday anniversary an-niversary of her daughter, Maxine. Games and music were the features. A large birthday cake decorated with six candle formed the centerpiece for the supper table. The small guests included Howard Anderson, Laverne Cunliffe, Harriett and Howard Atkinson, Atkin-son, Billy Jones, Woodrow and Billy Wilson, Gene McDonald. Kathleen and Dot Steele, Lynn M. Scott, Billie Pearce, Nell and Douglas Park, Cecil Dougherty, Marian Cole, Lena and Elva Blancett, Billy, Bob and Vonnie Pierce, and Eileen, Billy and Lenore Steele, Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen and Mrs. E. C. Poulson spent Wednesday in Salt Lake. , Mrs. McKenna, of Park City, was the last week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mugfur. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Steele and family were Salt Luke visitors Satur- day. Mrs. Ray Buckle spent Thursday in Salt Lake where she acted as one of the honorary pall bearers for Nurse Helen Bjornsen who died from injuries injur-ies received in an automobile accident in Salt Lake on Sunday. . Mrs. Elma Delaney was a Salt Lake visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Pumphrey and family of Provo spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Colyar and Mr. and Mrs. B. Doman spent Tuesday in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. M. Roudebush spent last week end with friends in Salt Lake. Miss Maxine Delaney returned home Tuesday from Murray where she spent a week visiting relatives. Mrs. Essie Brocklebank, Mrs. C. H. Pierce and Mrs. Tom Wilson attended at-tended the funeral of Miles Shaw in Taylorsville on Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. Ray Terry are rejoicing rejoic-ing over the arrival of a baby daughter daugh-ter Thursday. Mrs. Terry was formerly form-erly Miss Millie Ralls. Miss Ruby Knudsen, one of the M. I. A. Dramatic Players was a dinner guest of Miss Annie Masters Sunday. |