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Show . THE BINGHAM NEWS Ji The Oldest Wall The gift wall of CMna I the long-est In the world, being well over a thouoand miles In But It Is not the oldest The moat ancient ure the walla of Jericho. These were built 1,500 yeara before the birth of Cbrlat, and are, therefore, over three thousand yeara old. Never Mined It . Two heulth enthUHln8ta methods when suddenly onif them said. "You atlll take your morn-ing buth, I suppose?" "Never miss It, my boy!" cried the other, enthusias-tically. "Sometimes I take It hot; sometimes I take It cold ; and when I'm In a hurry to get off to business I take It for granted." jTHE BINGHAM NEWS Entered as second-clas- s ma-tter at the Postoffice at Bing-- j ham Canyon, Utah, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Price $2.00 per year, in advance Single Copies, 10 Cents A Weekly Newspaper devoted exclusively to the interests of the Bingham District and its people. Published every Saturday at Bingham Canyon, Utah Make all checks payable to George Reynolds Editor and Publisher Bourgard Building, Main St. Bingham Phone 91 DIVIDEND NOTICE DIVIDEND NO. 13 BINGHAM MINES COMPANY Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Bingham Mines Company, a corporation of the State of Maine, that Dividend No. 13, of Fifty (50c) cents per share has been declared by the Board of Directors upon the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, payable June 30th, 1925, to stockholders of record on June 20th, 1925. Books do not close. (Signed) James P. Graves, President (Signed) Thomas S. Woods, Treasurer. Dated May 19th, 1925. TELEPHONE 63 ""C. n et Oiir Prices On Utah Green c Vegetables Which are Being Shipped in , FRESH DAILY FREE DELIVERY Bingham Utah We Operate an Up-to-Da- te SODA FOUNTAIN A complete line of Nyall's Drugs UNITED DRUG CO. of Jim Jimas COPPERFIELD Manager Phone 77 . PHOTOS ART POSES BY BEAUTIFUL AND SHAPELY MODELS For Art Schools, etc. rhotos Vi by 5 Sample 25c $2.00 per dozen Large Sizes in Colors $1.00 PICTURES FRAMED Moab Navajo Novelty Co. 133-- 7 Regent Street Salt Lake City, Utah The Clift Club "The Sportsman's Headquarters" LUNCHES PUT UP POOL TABLES Cigars and Soft Drinks Where You Can Always Find a Binghamite G. GREGORY, Prop. 24 West Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah ,. ; , ' ' ' ', ,v 'I . t ,t . - . f j ; ...... . X u i )fA-- fm? Jack is still in the Ring HOUSE FOR SALE Good three room house, pan-try and cellar, partly furnished, situate at Dinkeyville, Copper-fiel- d. Apply J. Townsen, Lark, Utah. Ts i .JSairgaiis Tal Oil Stoves lm I for the Summer " S IfX Don't cook over a hot RANGE. W Odds and Ends of Linoleum and gl Prices Right It Congoleum Reduced Prices ffi W Duofolds from $27.00 up fib Genuine Leather Rocker Chairs s? 31 An Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Mat- - ifi RUGS f 9x12 $12.50 M tresses and Sanitary Couches. ifi Baby Buggies and Carts U Come and get our prices More ou S from $3.00 up 0() b"y elsewhere Wl et aH Competition and De- - The best line of Simmons Beds and fffi ,We g the g s f,ee to your home- - Day Beds U Bingham Furniture Co. 1 Main Street 461 Phone 99 - C. A. FOWLER The Leading, Key, Gun, Bicycle and Novelty Works Safes Opened and Combinations Changed GUN REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS The Red Front on the North Side I 62 West Broadway SALT LAKE CITY Phone Was. 4980 EDITORIAL IS CREDIT A CURSE The gTeat bulk of American work-ing men are honest, and on this hon-esty the average man has established for himself a financial credit which bids fair to wreck him if he does not watch out. This is a warning sound-ed by one of the largest labor unions in this country and it presents an ar-gument which is worthy of consider-ation. It is a well known fact that the personal indebtedness of the av-erage workingman not only in Bing-ham, but throughout the United States has increased to an alarming extent during the past ten years, or more particularly since the World War. The matter is so serious that it is endangering the working man's independence. The tremendous growth of the credit business, based on the merchant's knowledge of the honesty and willingness to pay of the aveage working man, plus a highly-organize- d selling force, has driven untold thou-sands of laboring and professional men deeper into debt than they have any idea of. This dollar down and a dollar a week proposition of which we see every day is going to be the ruination of the country. It is possi-ble to "buy" almost anything under the sun for a small initial payment and the growing bane of our finan-cial freedom it may be the weekly, or monthly installment man. Not only are the workers of the mines of our camp suffering from this system, but business itself is digging a pitfall which some day they are bound to stumble into. Credit in itself is a wonderful thing, it is the best certificate of hon-esty a man can hold, and one always feels elated when told "Your Credit is always good." But the abuse of credit is a creep-ing creature in our midst that will eventually say away all our indepen-dence if we permit things to continue as they are going. - NOTICE TO DOG-OWNER- S IN BINGHAM All Dog-owne- rs in Bingham are hereby notified that dog licenses must be procured be-fore June 1st. All dogs found on the street after that time without a tag will be destroy-ed. Licenses are to be had at the City Hall. (Signed) Jack Mitchell England Likes Salmon England buys more cumied salmon from America than does an; other country. |