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Show Did It Ever Occur to You That the happiest time a woman who is miserable has, is when she finds someone who will listen to her tell how miserable she is. That many a bluffer has a wife he can't bluff. That a woman always looks her age but not necessarily the same age she contends she is. I That there are people who are con-1 con-1 trtantly mistaking notoriety for fame, i That a dog fight will even make a busy man quit his work. Thut there is no cure for spring fever, for the doctor gets it himself. That when women say all men are alike they evidently have had some experience with one that was no credit cred-it to them. That its a pretty tough old world without being a dry enforcement officer. of-ficer. That according to the leaders in the dental profession gathered at the convention con-vention of the Massachusetts Dental Society "America faces a toothless age." "Men and women alike are resorting re-sorting to false teeth." That now is the time to buy your fly exterminators. Don't wait until the whole swarm has arrived. That one school giri wrote "Love, a sensation that is not describable." That the quicker a man's pace, that much quicker does Father Time overtake over-take him. That the question was asked, "What do you think of the girl graduates." Well, if we expressed an opinion what would it mean. . That Binghahi has the best in the world of everything. That there was a time when leeches leech-es were applied to a person's body to draw out the blood Leeches are not needed these days. That any barber can usually make a bald-headed man believe he needs a hair-cut. That even the small boy has his favorite team picked it maybe the Copper, or perhaps the Apex. That baseball is baseball and there is no other game really compared with it. That somtimes surprises occur and one wonders why. That within a month the "GEM" Theatre of Bingham will be one of the most popular picture show houses in the state. That Salt Lake may have its pretty pret-ty girls, but Bingham has a number of pretty married women, bachelors say. That there are two Bingham bakeries bak-eries who will not join the Bakery trust. That we have been told the past week by many, the change of type has improved the appearance of this paper. t That the Credit system is the curse of this country, read this week's editorial. ed-itorial. That there are people who when they go car riding make a practice of singing "Nearer my God to Thee," rather appropriate. That we are hoping we won the new Straw lid. What about it, Paul? That many Binghamites are seeking seek-ing homes in Midvale. That there used to be a time when a botly was burned it was gone for good, but these days if they suspicion suspic-ion arsenic, or the crushing of a skull the body is taken up for investigation. So don't be too sure the undertaker has covered up your crime. That one shouldn't spread an ill report about his neighbor unless he was sure of the truth. That you can make both ends meet by stretching your imagination. L |