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Show EFFICIENCY AND SAFETY OF CARS Numerous Devices Add to Comfort and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion of Owner. It Is difficult to believe that the oil pressure gauges and he ampere-meter which now appear on the Instrument Instru-ment boards of virtually all makea of cart were once regarded by many as unnecessary frills. Today there are a number of accessories being offered which are similarly regarded, which Is the tame as snying that they would be appreciated if only their advantages advan-tages were better known. i By equipping a car with tome of these fitment, greater satisfaction, efficiency ef-ficiency and safety will result Add 'Tront and rear bumpers to the car, attach at-tach one of the many rear signaling devices, keep a set of antiskid chains handy and the car will be enormously benefited In proportion to the cost of the protection. Frequently euch safety safe-ty devices add to the car't appearance and thut not only help protect the owner'e original Investment but add to It. A spotlight attached to the windshield and played upon the road may prevent wrecking the car In a ditch. Take efficiency as another Instance. A car that Is operated without proper regulation of the cooling system Is at all timet running Inefficiently. Thlt It especially true In winter when the engine It constantly operated at the wrong temperatnre, either boiling over because the radiator Is covered with the lap-robe or running cold because there Is no covering at all. The market mar-ket now offers several radiator covert with openings which can be operated from the rinah. Along the efficiency line are other devices which are destined to filter the gasoline before It Is admitted to the carburetor, thus preventing the entrance of dirty or watered gasoline to the carburetor or engine. A device of this character may pay for Itself within a month after It Is Installed. Then there are shock absorbers, which In addition to giving greater riding comfort, save the springs from breakage on the rebound and thus Increase In-crease the usefulness of the car by preventing breakdowna. Even cutouts cut-outs which were at one time regarded as toys for the speed maniacs are now shown to have a very Important use. Regardless of the telling points of each accessory or all ef them at a group, it la a fact that any one of them adds to the second-hand value of a car. So the motorist not only has the use of the accessories with which he equips his car and the savings on Insurance, Inconvenience, repair bills, etc., but he geta a return premium when be goes to tell the car. |