Show I Hats Hats Hats F Spring and Summer Styles now in We ate Sole Agents for all the fine Now York Hatters including Youmans Knoxs Hater and Thomas Townsend Co I rt Siverman We also carry a complete line 4Ip of John B Stetson Cos Fine Hats NOBLE WOOD Co The Exclusive Hatters Use Syrup of Prunes For Constipation Price 75 ctH per bottle I For sale at all Druggists SMOKI the Celebrated Famous Oigar manufactured by Sam Levy < COAL OI and Fluid at Pioneer Lamp Store 57 E First South Street 4 I j r T Use Syrup of Prunes The gnat California Prune Laxative Price 75 ote t per bottle For sale at all Druggists J i How to Consult Dr Foote Sr by Mail Dr Foote Senior author of Plain Home Talk Medical Common Sense etc etc t would say to those who would like to consult him by l mail that they can have a list of questions and a circular of gratuitous advice by addressing Box 414 J Salt Lake City The doctor has arranged 1 I I to have such information supplied in this I I way to save time Receiving such printed I matter the correspondent can describe I his or her ease fully and direct it to the i doctor in New York Dr Foote is successfully treating all forms of chronic i I diseases a specialty to which he has devoted de-voted thirty years of study and practice Evidences of his success can also be had I by addressing Box 414 as above but all letters of consultation and orders for remedies should be addressed to Dr E B Foote Sr 120 Lexington Avenue I Kew York City N Y Consultation free An advertisement of Dr Foote Sr in I I another place deserves attention I I Democrats Peoples party and Kepub j licans are invited to avail themselves of i the very low prices prevailing in every I department of the Mammoth Establishment Establish-ment of F Auerbach Bro They say I they are never undersold i r White House For the best meals and rooms go t the White house Everything firstclass and low rates Great Reduction in Livery j At Mark McKimmins Livery Stable Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron restores Lost Vitality FOR a good smoke try the Famous Cigar for sale by Sam Levy Protect Your Family I is the duty of every man rich or poor who has created a home to make pr some provisions against the inevitable for those who are de > endent upon him and this most desirable result can be obtained ob-tained by procuring a policy in the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York the oldest active company in America and the largest life insurml company in the world Rates etc furnished by Louis Hymns Agent 55 Main street Hooper Eldridire Block Salt Lake City < sCelebrated Boston Ice Cream The finest in the Territory supplied to families church socials and picnics in any quantity Prompt deliver and lowest low-est prices At 48 E First South street TiE Famous Cigar is known by connoisseurs con-noisseurs to b the best in the city Pioneer Candy Factory Established in 1871 I am now pre I f pared to furnish all orders at wholesale I and retail for celebrated retai my celebrted caramels and i pure home made candies Orders from i the country solicited Geo Arbogast 48 Arbgat E First South street I Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron cures Debility and Loss of Appetite Salt Lake City Brewing Company M CULLEN I W MORSE President VicePresident i i We are now prepared to receive orders for our CELEBRATED BUDWEISCR LAOER BEER Special inducement given to purchasers > pur-chasers of carload lots Having given our careful attention to I the selection of the finest material i te slection fest materal for the i manufacture of beer after the Budweiser process we are in a situation to place be fore the public an article superior to any hitherto w hiherto offered in this market Orders by telephone promptly attended Ito I-to JACOB o MORITZ fc Sec Treas Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron j I cures Indigestion and Dyspepsia j I Ladies Should Use Dr Henleys I Celery Beef and Iron J TohnTaylor SonNo 43 and 45 Second South Street have just received < l a choice lot of Spring and Summer AVbolenswhich they offer to make up in firstclass style at greatly reduced rates NEW TODAY CITY TAXES iI i I milE TAXPAYERS OF SALT LAKE CITY TiE SAJr LAKE CTY JL are hereby notified that the City Council of I said city in accordance with law will sit as H Board of Equalization at the City Hal on Tuesday August 18 1885 at 4 oclock p in The I business of said Board is to hear and determine all complaints which may be made in regard to I the assessed value of any property and if they fiiid it necessary to change and correct any I valuation either by adding thereto or deducting I deduct-ing therefrom also to remit or abate the taxes I of any insane idiotic infirm or indigent idiotc infrm person per-son to an amount not exceeding five dollars for the current year All persons concerned will take due notice and govern themselves wi ingly HEBER M WELLS City Recorder I AMUSEMENTS SAT LAKE MUSIC HAL One Block South U C Depot I SULLIVANS GRAND I MIRROR of IRELAND I And Comedy Company I For One Week Commencing MO > DVY VIJ 1 l1 CST 10TII 1 > 85 JOTADMISSION 2T Cents and 15 Cents I I NNU L I EXCURSION AND BALL UNDKR THE AUSPICES OF Wasatch Drasioii No1 UNIFORM RAN Knights of Pythias I AT I I GA ii E D AND Lake Point I I H I Wednesday August U 1285 i THE OPEKA HOUSE BRASS BAND I i Will discourse music during the BA I I FOUR TWAINS EACH WAY Utah Nevada Railway Trai nsleave Salt Haiwa Lake at 840 a m 110 p m lrninsleneSa1Ike I I I Excursion Tickets only Children under ten years 0 cents cents i Tickets can be had at Ceo Bartou Grocery j I Store 260 s Main St and at T C Armslrongs Grain Store or or any member or the Order I I PEMLETO SON I 1 HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 60 W Second South neaTwallcer 6 near Walker Opera Honsp ROYAL BAKING POWDER iOYA p w POWDER AK16 Absolutely Pure ffm jfU tJ This To wJer never varies A marvel of punt I strength and wholesomeness More eronomlca than the ordinary kinds and cannot he sold i ordinar competition with the multitude of ion es short weight alum or phosphate Powders Sold j only in cans ROYAL BAKING POWDER TO 10 Wal street New York MEDICAL Dr FOOTE Senior Of 120 Lexington Avenue New York I Hereby cautions the public NOT II Employ or Communicate with a man stylinff himself Dr Foot Jiv without makiiisr due Inquiry This man came to Salt Lake city reprevciitiu himself as the son of Dr E U FOOTE ot New I York the well known specialist as abundant proved by affidavits As rumors came into ss proy afcovis II Lake City from Dakota and Montana from an I expose made there he changed his base HIM represented himself as the son of a more npcl Specialist in New York City than Dr E B Fooir the well known author Mr JOHN t Trowof the well known Trows Director i New York City forty years in the director business ExGovernor FlUNK FULLEitof rtali and the Hon ABRAM WAKE AN for mal year Postmaster in New York City also Surveyor the Port gave their affidavits that there are 1 the of For other doctors in New York by name or FOOTE excepting Dr E B FOOTE the autln exeeptn of Medical Common Sense etc and his tu Sons led E B FOOTE Jr and Dr HUBERT T 1 FOOTE The genuine Dr FOOT Jr wm her after always employ the initials E U in tel u afer nating his name Heretofore he has been knon not only at home but wherever his pui lications have been circulated by the name of Dr FOOTE Jr Greater care will be taken hereafter after in view of the fact that an unprincipW person has assumed to profit by his nrtil hI fathers reputation Those desiring further and more rielfiled to this matter will receive formation in respect mater wi relciH it by addressing Box 414 Salt Lake City Mali Persons having information of advantage in I plaintiffs will kindly communicate the same tl J W Ivey with Sutherland McBride ar Lake City Those desiring to consult DR FOOTE prnfe sionally or to order remedies should addre either Dr E B FOOTE Sror Dr E B FOOTE Jr 120 Lexington AVP New York I Consultation Free in person or by letter 1 JEWELRY CV D I WATCHES I I 1 IL d ntniN e NAFn I I I I f7 JwE I Ar fl i I I i HOLLANDERS AT JEWELRY STORE US Main Street Salt Bake itT it-T ELIASONS 142 MAIN STREET You can flail the largest assortment of Gold Silver Watches JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS I And everything needed in that line 1 I ery LOes1 3 xiI < 5S xi-I Sacred HeanAcademy OGDEN CITY UTAH COXcluocd THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS TIRE COURSE OP STUDYIS 1nE IS Tiiouoron I embracing all the TIOHOIOI al branches of a olid miiiil i and f sold unl accomplished education accomplshed LaiiKnaMs e eral educaton Iaugulgcs germ vocal and erl drawing lessons free of charge Boys up to the chRrgI of age twelve years receivel in I separate building clr rlrln1 School Will Open September i 1st HIS 51 Halffare tickets can b4 < procured for pupils For torms and full particulars address fln Sisters of u the Holy Cross O 101r Ogden Utah jST i MAEYS ACADEMY Salt Lake City Utah CONDUCTED BY TSP SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS Classes for Boarders and day pupils will be r burned MONDAY AUGUST 31ST 1885 The course of study embraces all the hraaolie ul of 1 thorough nnd accomplished hrUlulw LAXflUAflES lEXKIUI IMUWIXU mitt VOCAI 3ILSU Being included in the extra English charge course form 111 The brick building addltIoii buiding additou to the Academy will be ready for September The low nressure lressuT steam apparatus wlll bagemeSl wil be In bnsement of me TERMS IODERAE Small boy boarders received in a separate department receiedi sClarl Halffare tickets caa be procured for the 1 pupils For i Catalogue address as above |