Show RAILROADS v v Scenic Line of the World I DENVER RIO GRANDE Western < Railway I Universally conceded to be THE POPULAR Passenger Route Between thc East and West Tho OoouLy Lino Between Ogden Salt Lake and Denver Without Change of Cars TJOG On1y Linc Between Salt Lake and Chicago With but One Change of Cars The Only Line between the West and the East Running Through Salt Lake City Pullman Buffet AND Sleeping CarsOn Cars-On all Through Passenger Trains JMF The Only Line from Salt Lake City run iflug Sleeping Cars Free for the use 01 passengers Holding Secondclass and Emigrant Tickets The Atlantic Express Leaves Ogden daily at 930 a m Leaves Salt Lake City daily at 1055 a m Direct connection is made at Pueblo and Denver for Omaha Kan Ins I-ns City and all points East I The Pacific Express Arrives at Salt Lake City from the East at 500 p in and leaves for Ogden at 510 p m making oonnerUon with the Central Pacific for the West Local Trains jeave Salt Lake City as follows For Bingham and Alta at 725 a m For Ogden at 510 p m Arrive at Salt Lake City From Bingham and Alta at 415 p m From Ogden at 1050 a m Tickets for all points East and West can be purchased at the Depot Office and City Ticket Office White House corner Salt Lake City S W ECCLES G PT Agt W IF BANCROFT Receiver I I THE CHICAGO f Milwaukee St Paul I RAILWAY COMPANY The Last Built Best Equipped I Shortest Line BETWEEN Council Bluffs a Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST I T x E Utah Central R R Passenger Trains eave Salt Lake Daily as follows fol-lows GOING NORTH Atlantic Express at 800 am GOING SOUTHExpress at 720 am Passenger Trains Arrive in Salt Lake Daily a follows FROM NORTH Atlantic Express at 751 pm FROM SOUTH Express at 640 pm JOHN SHARP Genl Supt FRANCIS COPE Genl Fgt Pass Agt Sanpete Valley 0 Railwy Trains leave daily as follows Leave Moroni 900am Lave l1oronl Arrive at Nephi 1100 am 1 1 Leave Nephi 100 pm j Arrive at Moroni 30 pm j Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San Pete and SevIer J Private teams and spring wagons can be ordered or-dered by telephone at Nephi to be ready on arrival of trams at Moroni Price t per day driver paying all his own expenses expenses S BAMBERGEH Manager HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS E3 Hi MCKOTCKK Successor to H 0 Stearns I OUSE CE Lunch Ice Cream Parlor Confectionery In connection with the above will be run A FIRSTCLASS DINING ROOM Where meals will be served from 7am to 8 p m Meals 2 cents lFSpecial attention given to Suppers for Parties etc it A1 ors oh ST JAMES HOTEL Main St South of Third South St TITTED THROUGHOUT IN FIRSTCLASS e FITTED The finest and most comfortable Hotel appointments in Salt Lake City Special Terms to Families both for Single Rooms and Suites Transient t20 per day A GREENEW AID Prop EUREKA ADVERTISEMENTS KEYSTONE HOTEL EUREKA TINTIC llest Accommodations in Camp Terms 150 per Day S per Week Mrs K H HOLLAND Prop M G ROLPH Contractor for Lumber and Shingles And Dealer inGRAIN in-GRAIN FLOUR AND PRODUCE Tull Supply of FAMILY GROCERIES on band EUREKA TJNTJCX I Store to Rent The Brick Store formerly occupied by DEMOCRAT Company on the Salt Lake DElICRAT For terms apply at I Eirat South Street this office Dr Henleys Celery Beef and Iron cilres Neuralgia andNervous Headache To the Public Subscribers to the DEMOCRAT are re Dpectiully requested to report without delay any neglect in delivering or any undue lateness in the delivery of the l > aper A postal card on this subject addressed i ad-dressed to TiE DEMOCRAT will always I meet prompt attention AUCTIONS AT BAMBERGERS AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION I AUCTION EVERY EVENING I V I I I tAUCTION IAUCTION AUCTION AUCTION PRIVATE DSU 1 Private Sale I minn n the flavIipssso f PRIVATE THEDAYJ I B iff UlC OUID During lilO Day i ITHEDAY A Large Consignment from Eastern Houses Just Received I Te Be Sold WJLtliOTat Ieerc CONSISTING OF Children and Boys Suits ranging from 2 up Dlens Cassimere Suits 5 UI Cassimere Pants 2 up Coats 3 up Blue Flannel Business Suits r t I 1 7 I M EB xi NT T x z e M x SF ITS I CONSISTING OF Fine Diagonal Corkscrew Pants Suits I ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Havana < fe Domestic Cigars BY THE BOX OR THOUSAND ONLY I I I Stock is Now Beady for Inspection SIGN REI FLAG Two Doors South of Postoflice MAIN STREET I WAGONS BUGGIES REAPERS PLOWS ETC x o N X > > o > ta > N GEO A LOWE I I I Sal Lake City and Ogden Utah Ii I I I i I SCHUTTLER FARM t FREIGHT I I i I AND FIRSTCLASS iI I i I Cpe and TOp ULie I I WARRANTED OF BEST QUALITY AND SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES I I I AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS i I 0 1 DEDEEICK HAY PRESSES l > I HY PRESSESBALING TIES AND BALING WIRE i Knowles Steam Pumps For all Purposes All Sizes Constantly in Stock I AMES PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES I AiES LEFFEL TURBINE WHEELS I I SAW MILLS ANT SHINGLE MILLS I I Correspondence solicited Enquiries answered promptly 1 I i I BAIN WAGON DEPOT I i I I I JHOWARD SEBREE COMPACT I I Keep a Full Stock of TheseCelebrated Wagons j I 1 Concord Buggies Spring Wagons i I i Oliver Chilled Plows Moline Plows i I Casadayand Flying Dutchman Sulky Pos i l I I I CA MEIcxr MACTES I Goods Hardwood and Wagon Materials a i I i And a Full Line of Agricultural Go rdwo llateris I Specialty Call on or Address I J Spcialt Cal HOWARD SEBREE CO j I i j I I J Salt LakeCity orOgden Utah I ODD FELLOWS LODGES UTAH LODGE NO 1 L Oi O F MEETS every Thursday at 8 p m in Odd Fel lows Hall UnionBlock Salt Lake City Odd Fellows in good standing are Ciy attend I L OKAY N G J J THOMAS Secretary lRAY SALT LAKE LODGE NO 2 I O O F J Meets every Friday at S p m in Odd Fellows Hall Union Block odd Fellows in god standing are invited to attend WM I CULMEK N G J M DARLIXO Secretary JORDAN LODGE NO7tTToro 1 F MEEfs i U every Monday at S p m in Odd Fel lows Hall Union Block Odd Fellows in good i standing are invited to attend I i I F F LECUYEH N G Louis HVAMfe Secretary R IDGELY LODGE NO9 I O O F MEETS u every Wednesday at 8 p m in Odd Fel1 I lows Hall Union Block Visiting brothers made welcome JOHN J DUKE N G i W M CLARK Secretary KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS i 1 I CAIA TlE IODGE NO5 K OF plmG i i ular conventions every Monday evening at Castle Hall Walker Opera House at 8 oclork I f Visiting Knights made welcome L H FAKNSWOKTH C C i G B JLAXG K of K and S f 1 UNDERTAKERS j ESTABLISHED 1SG4 JOSEPH E TAYLOR UNDERTAKER i = I A Complete Stock of WOOD METALLIC and CLOTHCOVERED anl I COFFINS AND CASKETS Constantly on hand Also a full line of BURIAL ROBES Masonic Odd Fellows and Knights Pythias emblems furnished on hearse OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Factory and warerooms ware-rooms No 253 E First South street Telephone No 70 JOSEPH W TAYLOR L riDIESIESTiaLnBlIE R Funeral Director anil Embalmer La A full line of Fine Cloth Metallic and Redwood Coffins and Caskets Airtight Oak Cases and Caskets A complete stock of Burial Robes and Undertakers Under-takers Goods of every description kept constantly con-stantly on hand Blade or White IBearses Bodies Preserved without ice for any length of time Particular attention given to Embalming Embalm-ing Shipping and Care of Bodies Embalming and Shipping a specialty Lots Graves Furnished in any Cemetery in City All orders by telegraph or telephone day or night will receive prompt attention Prices low and terms reasonable Office never closed Telephone No 351 21 West Temple St South SAMPLING MILLS SLT E t Sampling Works I SALT L1KK CITY UTAH The Only Sampling Mill in Utah I Using Rolls T7IIEREBY I CAN GUARANTEE ANT I AN-T T accurate sample of all classes of ore by crushing to any desired fineness so as to obtain I the actual value The work will be under my entire supervision All consignments will receive I re-ceive prompt all careful attention City Office No 139 S ITlniu Street IIi I-Ii near Utah Central Depot p OBox f > cr > I FRANK FOOTE Proprietor I I J C CONIiL lot I CO I UT 13 ORE SAMPLING Mill Ores and Bullion 0 Carefully Sampled SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO TiE 0 sale of Ores and Bullion Mill South Temple Tem-ple Street between Utah ft Nevada and Utah Central Railroad Depots Office over London Bank of Utah front room O S CARVER Livery Feed Sales Stable HAVE THE FINEST CARRIAGE AND SADdle SAD-dle horses in the country Transportation to TAYLOR and PIOCHE on Short Notice Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaran eed Stable at head of Main Street risoo Uah Application for Patent Notice No 1321 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Utah August 1 1885 TOflCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE of Isaac S Waterman deceased by Simon Bambergcr administrator have made application fora United States patent for the Sovereign mining claim situate in Ophir Mining Min-ing District Tooele county Utah Territory consisting of 1200 linear feet of the lode aIid surface ground 110 feet wide being Lot No 155 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic mag-netic variation at 16 degrees 40 minutes east as follows Commencing at the discovery point on said claim and running thence south 1 degree de-gree 40 minutes west 600 feet to the centre of the southerly end line of the claim thence north 8 degrees west 70 feet to Post No1 the point of beginning of exterior bounds thence south 8 degrees east 140 feet to Post No2 thence north 1 degree 40 minutes east 1200 feet I to Post No a thence north 8 degrees west 140 I feet to Post No 4 thence south degree 40 minutes min-utes west 1200 feet to Iost No1 the place of beginning of exterior bounds containing lfil acres after excluding the area in conflict with I the Shoo Fly Lot 11917100 acres Selah Lot 14836100 acres Eureka Lot 128 21100 acres Weston Lot 109151100 acres From Post No4 of this claim U S M M No f bears north 71 degrees 38 minutes west 10952 feet distant The said mining claim being of record in the office of the recorder of the Rush Valley Mining I Min-ing District ar Stockton in Tooele county Utah having been recorded in said district prior to the date when said mining claim was i Included within the limits of the Ophir Mining District The nearest known locations being I the Shoo Fly Selah Eureka and Weston I direct that this notice be published in the j I SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for I the period of sixty days I McMASTER Register I R L HOWARD Attorney for Applicant I I Marshals Sale I I 1 I OUUSUANT TO AN ORDER o SALE TO ME PmsuNT by the Third Judicial District I Court of the Territory of Utah I shall expose at public sale at the front door of the County I Court House in the City of Salt Lake County i of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah on the 20th day of August 1S85 at 1 oclock m the following follow-ing described property situate in West Moon i Territory tain Mining towit District Salt Lake County Utah Terr1or Concentrator with the That certain Mill and i machinery thereof and all the land upon which I I the same Is situated together with a convenient conveni-ent space about the same or so much as maybe may-be required for the convenient use and occupation occu-pation thereof situated west of the Wide j paton No 2 and about 100 feet west of the discovery II dis-covery point thereof and known as the Mill j and Concentrator of the Chicago Concentrating land l-and Smelting Company To be sold as the property of the Chicago 1 1 Concentrating and Smelting Company a corporation cor-poration L C Parke B T Lacy and C P I j Mason Daniel McLeod and John Bruuton at 1 Maon the of E Sells W H Sells and I W Sells partners under firm name of Sells Company parners Terms of sale CASH E A IRELAND I Dated JulY 2 lSi US Marshal 1 u I LANDAGENTS AND ATTORNEYS WILLIAJt J BIRD JAMFS LOW Bum LOWE XJLLz3c1 o s a2c1 c A 1 a c ttcr23ei3r Office next door to U S Land Office I I Salt Lake City Utah I Will promote claims in contested and suspended sus-pended cases In the Land Office at Salt Lake City Utah and General Land Ofllce at Washing ton 1 C obtain Patents on Homestead Preemption I Pre-emption Desert and Timber Culture Entries J and upon coal and mineral lands General information relating to lands furnished fur-nished with maps plates and diagrams Notary Public in officeR office-R L HOWABS i Land AgentAttorney SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Obtains Patents for Agricultural i Agicultural and Mineral Lands J Ofllce next to U S Lund Office P O Box395 l PATENT NOTICES I Application for Patent Notice No 1307 5 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE I SALT LAKE CITY UTAH June 19 1SS5 N OTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT C W l 1S > Bennett of Salt Lake City Utah has made I application for a United States Patent for the Real Estate mining claim situate in Little Cot tonwood Mining District Salt Lake county I nah Territory consisting of 1500 linear feet of I the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being Lot No 1CS and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in I this otc with magnetic variation at IS degrees de-grees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing I It post No1 a corer of the claim from which I I U S Mineral Monument No 3 bears south 72 degrees 5 minutes west 12 71 fee distant I and running thence south 67 degrees 5 minutes I j east 15 feet to post Ko 2j thence north degrees I I de-grees 10 minutes east 100 feet to post No 1 thence north 67 degrees 5 minutes west 1500 15 feet to post No4 thence south 2 degrees 10 minutes west 100 feet to post No1 the place of beginning of exterior bounds expressly excepting ex-cepting and excluding expresslY the abovedescribed area so much thereof is em braced and included in the Alta Lot No 138 and the Ravine Lot No 143 the area claimed I being 2 95100 acres The said mining claim being of record in the office of the Recorder of said mining district at Alta City in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the Ravine Lot No 143 the Ala Lot No IHS and the Cincinnati Lot No 94 claims in said mining district I direct that this notice be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period Of sixty days H McMASTER Register Application for Patent I Notice No 1308 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALr LAKE CITY UTAH June 191881 I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT e 5 W 1 Bennett of Salt Lake City Utah has made application fora United States patent for the Hendricks Lode mining claim situate In Little Cottonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being Lot 169 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 18 degrees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at Post No1 a corner of the claim from which U S Mineral Monument No bears south 6 degrees 15 minutes westiG6210 feetdistant and running thence north 2 degrees 5 minutes east 91110 feet to post No 2 thence south 67 degrees f minutes east 4iO 910 feet to post No3 thence north 19 degrees 40 minutes east 4 feet to post No 1 thence south 67 degrees 5 minutes cast 1049 010 feet to post No 5 thence south 2 degrees de-grees 5 minutes west 100 feet to post No6 thence north 67 degrees 5 minutes west 1500 feet to post No1 the place of beginning of exterior ex-terior bounds expressly excepting and excluding ex-cluding however from the abovedescribed area so much thereof as is embraced and included II in-cluded in the Alta Lot No 138 and the Ravine Lot No 143 the area claimed beim 291100 acres The said mining claim beingf record in the office of the Recorder of said mining district at Alta City in Salt Lake County Utah The nearest known locations being the Centennial No1 Lot No 1C7 the Alta Lot No 138 the Ravine Lot No 143 and the No 2 Lot No 125 claims in said mining district I direct that this notice to be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days 1 MCMASTER Register Application for Patent Notice No 1309 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH June 19 isas rOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT OW = NOTCE 1 > Bennett of Salt Lake City Utah has made application for a United States patent for the Arco Lode mining laim situate in Little Cottonwood Cot-tonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide I being Lot No 167 and described in the field I I notes and plat of the official survey on file in I this office with magnetic variation at 18 degrees I de-grees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at post No 1 a corner O tho claim from which U S Mineral Monument No3 bears south 75 degrees 45 minutes west 1230 310 feet distant and running thence south 67 degrees 5 minutes east 15 feet to post No2 thence north 19 degrees de-grees 40 minutes east 100 feet to post No3 thence north 67 degrees 5 minutes west 1500 feet to post No4 thence south 19 degrees 4 minutes west 100 feet to post No1 the place of beginning of exterior bounds expressly excepting ex-cepting and excluding however from the abovedescribed area so much thereof as is in conflict with the Alta lot No 138 and the Ravine lot No 113 the area claimed being 295100 acres The said mining min-ing chum being of record in the office of the Recorder of said mining district at Alta City in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the Ravine Lot No 143 the Alta Lot No 138 the No 3 Lot No 126 and the Centennial No1 Lot No 107 mining min-ing claims in said mining district I direct that this notice be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days I H McMASTER Register I Application for Patent I Notice No 13151 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Utah July 251885 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DEN N nis C Murphy and the heirs of Samuel Kahn deceased whose postoffice address is Salt Laic City Utah Territory have made application ap-plication for a United States patent for the Calcutta mining claim situate in Little Cottonwood I Cotton-wood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 750 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being I Lot No 170 and described the field notes and I plat of the official survey on file in this office with magnetic variation at 18 legrees 10 minI min-I utes east as follows Commencing at the dim t covery point of tne said Calcutta mining claim and running S 82 degrees 10 minutes west 475 I feet to the center of the westerly end line of the 1 > claim and from thence S 7 degrees f minutes j I E 5 feet to Post No 1 thence N 7 degrees 50 minutes W 100 feet to Post No 2 thence N 82 I I degrees 10 minutes E 750 feet to Post No3 j t thence S 7 degrees r minutes E 100 feet to Post No 4 thence S 82 degrees 10 mttiutes W 750 feet to Post No 1 of the exterior boundary lines of the surface ground of the said mining claim embracing an area of 1608 acres after excluding I exclud-ing therefrom the area in conflict with Lot 70 the Live Yankee mining claim 0111 acre and j Lot 143 the Ravine mining claim 0001 acres I From Post No 1 of this claim U 811 M No 3 bears S 711 degrees 17 minutes W 2072 feet distant dis-tant This said mining claim being of record in the office of the Recordcrof said mining district dis-trict at Alta In Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the River Lee Murphy Live Yankee and Ravine mining I i claims i I direct that this notice be published in the SALT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days ltrior H McMASTER Register I BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Applicants 1M ag M B og a I Marshals Sale j i OURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF SALE TO I i me directed by the Third Judicial District Court of the Territory of Utah I shall expose at j public sale at the front door of the County Courthouse Court-house In tne City of Salt Lake County Salt Lake and Territory of Utah on the 21st day of i August 18W at 12 oclock m tho following described I de-scribed property situate in Salt Lake CountY i Utah Territory towil The east half towi northwest quarter and II i i Lots Sos one and two of Section 19 nineteen I in Township one 1 south of Range two 2 i i west of Salt Lake meridian containing one hundred and sixty 6 acres Also a part of the northwest quarter of section 2 twenty I nine In Township one 1 south of Range 2 two west described as follows towit Com I mencing eightyseven and a half 87S rods west from the southeast corner of said quarter I section and running thence west seventytwo and a half 72VO rods thence north one hundred hun-dred and sixty 160 rods thence east seventy two and a half 7234 rods thence south one t hundred and sixty ICO rods to the place of beginning i i be-ginning containin seventytwo 724 and a half acres Together with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongingor In anywise appertaininc ITo I-To be sold as the property of Obadiah H Steinharl Rip sand Annie Miller at the suit of Philip I Terms of sale rtsirr S K A IRELAND I Dated July 2 lS U S Marshal II I I PATENT NOTICES S < I Application for Patent II I Notice No 13161 i UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE j SALT LAKE CITY Utan July 25188 I TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DES I Li nis C Murphy and the heirs of Samuel J I Kahn deceased whose postoffice address is I Salt Lake City Utah Territory have made apt ap-t plication for a United States patent for the River Lee mining claim situate in Little Cot tonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1305 linear feet of I the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide be i ing Lot No 17 and described in the field notes i and plat of the official survey on file in this 1 office with magnetic variation at 13 degree 10 E minutes east us follows Commencing at the I I discovery point of the said mining claim and running S 82 degrees minutes W 775 feet to r the center of thewesterlyend line of the claim and thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes E 5 feet to Post No 1 thence N 7 degrees 5 minutes W100 feet to Post No 2 thence N 82 degrees 10 minutes min-utes E 1305 feet to Post No 3 thence S 7 degrees I de-grees 5 minutes E 100 feet to Post No 4 thence S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 1305 feet to Post No 1 of the exterior boundary lines of the surface ground of this claim embracing an area of 2701 acres alter excluding therefrom the area in I conflict with Lot 70 the Live conflct wih Le Yankee miniHg I claim 0061 acres and Lot 138 the Alta mining i claim 0234 acres From Post No1 U S M M No3 bears S 6 degrees 27 minutes W 1550 feet I I distant The said mining claim being of record j in the office of the Recorder of said mining dis i trict at Alta in Salt Lake county Utah The I nearest known locations being the Murphy I I Live Yankee and Alta mining claims I direct that this notice be published in the SALT L VKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper I published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days I McMASTER Register j 1 I BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Applicants i I Application for Patent j INotice I No 13171 UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Utah July 2 1885 TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DENnis 01 DEN-nis C Murphy and the heir of Samuel Kahn deceased whose postoflice address is Salt Lake City Utah Territory have made Sal Ct uah Terriory application ap-plication for a United States patent for the Murphy No2 mining claim situate in Little Cottonwood Mining District Salt Lake county Utah Territory consisting of 1464 linear feet of the lode and surface ground 100 feet wide being be-ing Lot No 172 and described in the field note and plat of the official survey oil file in this office with magnetic variation at 18 degrees 10 minutes east as follows Commencing at the discovery point of the Murphy No 2 mining claim and running 82 degrees 10 minutes I r 374 feet to the center of the westerly end line of said claim and thence 87 degrees 0 minutes E 5 feet to Post No1 thence N 7 degrees r minutes W 100 feet to Post No 2 thence N 82 degrees 10 minutes E 1464 feet to Post No 3 thence S 7 degrees 50 minutes E 100 feet to Post No 4 1 thence S 82 degrees 10 minutes W 1464 feet to Post No1 of the exterior boundary lines of the surface ground of the sail mining claim containing an area of 2333 acres after excluding therefrom the areas in conflict with the following named mining claims to wit Lot 91 Honey Comb 043 acres Lot 9 Cincinnati Cincin-nati 0002 acres Lot 138 Alta 023 acres Lot 143 Ravine 023 acre and Lot 168 Real Estate 015 acres From Post No1 U S MM No 3 bears S 72 degrees IS minutes W 13512 feet distant The said mining claim being of record in the otC of the Recorder of said mining district at Alta in Salt Lake county Utah The nearest known locations being the Cincinnati Alto mining Ravine claims Calcutta Honey Comb and Real Estate I direct that this notice be published in the SAIT LAKE EVENING DEMOCRAT the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of sixty days H McMASTER Register BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Applicants LEGAL NOTICES Notice for Publication No 2041 LASh OFFICE AT SALT LAKE PITY J August 1 18 i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i4 followingnamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that salt proof will be made before be-fore the Register and lieceiver at Salt Lake City on Saturday Septembers 1585 vis I Orson W Rudy Homestead Entry No 4322 for the W J < of S E X and S y of S W > 4 section 9 township north range 1 west 3 He names the following witnesses to prove hiscoatinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz George Baldwin William Baldwin Joseph Hanson and George Canning all of Salt Lake county Utah H McMASTER Register BID LOWE Attys Applicant Notice for Publication INo 20391 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY UTAH August 1st 1885 t VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LN followingnamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City Utah on Saturday September 12th 1885 viz Adam M Paul Homestead entry No 4933 for the N X S W4 SW1NW4Sec29Tp SR6E 7 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Nathan Neibaur and John Smith of Summit county Utah and Louis Os born and John Paul of Salt Lake county Utah H MCMASTER Register BID LOWE Attys for Applicant Notice for Publication No 2036 LVND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE CITY 1 July 27th 1885 NoncE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLN following named settler has fled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before be-fore the County Clerk of Ulntah County Utah Ashler on Saturday August 29th 1885 viz Elizabeth Rasmusson D S 9027 for theE S the-E N 14 SE K Section 21 i Tp 5 S R 2 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz A Johnson Wm Bruck J Herrera and James Wine of Ulntah county Utah IL MdMASTER Register BID LOWE Attys Applicants Notice for Publication No 20461 LAND OFFICE AT SALT LVKE CITY UTAH August 10th 1885 J TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE NOTICE settler has filed notice of her Intention to make final proof In support of her claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake Cityou Saturday September 1s viz Emma J Bodell Homestead Entry No 3VJ9 for the S W of Section 3 Tp 4 S Range 2 W Salt Lake Meridian She names the following witnesses to prove continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud 11 Jam F Farmer Jam S Farmer Far-mer Jas Dansle and Robt Danxle all of Salt Lake County Itah H MCMASTER Register BIRD LOWE Attorneys for Applicant TN THE PROBATE COUKT IN AIYI > I IN for Salt Lake County Utah Territory George Bettinger Plaintiff vs Ellen Bettinger Defendant Summons The People of the Territory Ter-ritory of Utah send greeting To Ellen Bellin ger Defendant You are hereby required to appear in an acton brought against you by Die abovenamed plaintiff In the Probate Court of the County of Salt Lake Terrftori of Utah and to answer tho complaint filed tnerein within ten days exclusive of the day of service after the service on you of summon If served within this count or i served out of this county but In this district within twenty ilayc t otherwise within forty day i The said acton Is brought to obtain a decree i from this Court dissolving the marriage contract i con-tract exlhlngbotweeii pl lntlr andynu on the ground of wilful desertion of plaintiff by i defendant and habitual driiukeniiiss of de 1 feiidaut And you are hereby notified that i you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required the said plalnllff will apply to this Court for the relief prayed for and cost of suit Witness the Hon Elias A Smith Jude and the seal of the Probate Court of Salt Lake I County Territory of Utah this 2fith day of June i the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighlyflve 1 l ALJ JOHN C CUTLER Clerk Territory of Utah J County of Salt Lake i I John C Cuter Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County of Salt Lake in the Territory Ter-ritory of Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing fore-going ia a full true and correct copy ofr complaint com-plaint and summons in the matter 01 George Bellinger Plafnllff vs Ellen Bellinger He feudant In Divorce as appears of record in my office In witness whereof have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this ant day of June A D 1SS5 Ia JOHN C CUTLER S SEAL J Irobate Clerk MORRIS The Painter |