Show HENLEYS CELERY BEEF IRON O B MB af m iw > a USSIES DR HENLEYS Celery Beef and Iron The Great Nerve Tonic X1 Geaiai9Gf9 ctzi efteo1Ua1 OTaro irta oases of N o U 1 a1tia m rvouneS1 S1cop ossncss De bi1ity Dyspopsia I XDc1igos1ion Iaan EU01 anc1 a1aria1 DisonseGl Fox Sa1e a1 L11 Dru itt Lt Ono 10111 a 901110 I I lit sure unil see that the name of Tut L I hill Cox t CcX or the Celery Beef andIron and-Iron Ext met Co is on each bottle BUSINESS CARDS T KTcLUTKriHAY MAN TltANsA TSX 1JJ general Transfer business to and from Depots Leave orders at Kemingtou Johnson t Cos VVTATCHKS CLOCKS AND JEWELRY KE > r > paired Adolph Haucrbach ICE 1st Sth 7 > KED ANDERSON REAL ESTATE BRO lRED l1 ker and Notary Public Rents houses collects col-lects rents and interests loans money at low rates makes out deeds mortgages etc Houses and lots for sale in all parts of the city Office in old Salt Lake House No trouble to show properties I HASTINGS STAR EXPRESS HAS BETter I D BET-ter facilities for moving Pianos fine I Furniture etc than any one and if you wish moving done with care and dispatch call on him at No 141 Main Street Telephone No 138 All kinds of freight handled Orders promptly attended toO to-O iiL AANn JAPAN BAZAAR A LARGE I assortment of Imported and Fancy Goods I always on hand of every description New I goods received daily Prices reasonable Hong Hop No 207 Main street Postofllce Box I No 106H TOS I t 2 AND 3 Dlt HIGGINS CATARRH I r 1 i Remedy is warranted to cure all cases If directions are followed Office No 272 Main Street UTLL AT NO 272 MAIN STREET THREE I W doors north of Clift House and see Dr I Higgins the Microscopic and Analytic Physician I Physic-ian the Specialist before taking medicine of anyone else All orders by mail promptly filled Address Dr C W Higgins No 272 Main Street Salt Lake City Utah FOR SALE SA EA GOOD FAMILY LORE F with Buggy and Harness Price very low Address Holcomb P 0 Box 628 Salt Lake City PROFESSIONAL CARDS T It KEYSOl t J on1is1 Herald Building opposite Continental Hotel West Temple Street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH AS CHAPMAN J L WHYTOCK DDS CHAPMAN WHYTOCK CHAPMAN Ien1is1S Walker Opera House Anaesthetics admluis ered Telephone in office F C NICHOLS DOD1is OFFICE opposite Walker House Telephone In Office Anesthetics given A T H BEDOLFE Mi Givi1 EngiDoe1 And United States Deputy Mineral Surveyor Room 19 Commerce Block P OBox 100 T B WILDER E Dllinint EnEiDee1 t ND U S DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR AND and underground surveys with drawings of same a specialty Office139 Main street up stairs by Jones Co s Bank ASSAYERS As sayer SALT LAKE MAIN STREET HI SOUTH 10141 M xS City Personal attention given to all bust 10s O M BISHOP I Assayc1 101 MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITYUTAH All work Carefully and Promptly Executed f McVICKER f r ssaye1 Under McCornlcks Bank Main St SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TVJT G M STEWARD 4ssayer 10 E Second South Street PO Box 449 Under barber shop east of U P Ticket Office BOOKBINDING pr vTFOHLINT J 33oolsLloixicaor and Periodicals to me Send your Magazines bound in them having and you can depend on Low Prices E V FOIILIN style a good Jfe No 2G S Main Street INSURANCE LEWIS B ROGERS INSURANCE I THE LION FIRE INSURANCE CO and assets Capital Of London England 4694993 ORIENT INSURANCE CO Of Hartford Connecticut Capital and assets 159555034 WASHINGTON F M INS CO or Boston Massachusetts Capital and assets l551Sr Union National Vaults OFFICEAt Safe Deposit lional Bank E Srus JAMES TUCKER H W SELLS I SELLS S CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in L UDfIElER FLOORING RUSTIC SIDING LATHS SHINGLES PICKETS WINDOWWEIGHTS i NAILS DOORS WINDOWS MOULDING A Specialty Prices Suit the Times ORDERS FOR RED PINE SOLICITED Call on us before purchasing elsewhere 152 IV Firm South Street Opposite 14tli Ward Assembly Rooms I k i I RUGS AND CHEMICALS www WWW BOLIVAR ROBERTS W A NELDEN ROBERTS NELDEN I DRUGS AND Assayers Goods We offer to the Trade the Largest and Best Stock of Drugs AssayeraLMatemal and Toilet Mts r11 i Druggists Sundries I Surgioa1 Instr1Unents Etc E1 II Ever Brought to thia Market I I I We are Agents for all the Leading Lines of Goods we earn and j can offer Hqttor Prices than ever given before Entire Drug Stores Furnished at Five Days Notice j t We are Never Undersold I I Wxitc for Z = 3cioojs or sozica a Txii Orc1er I 220 Main Street Opposite Postofflre Salt Lake City Utah KELSEYS REAL ESTATE LOAN COLLECTION AGENCY Lewis P Kelsey SUCCESSOR TO ELI B KELSEY REAL ESTATE LOAN COLLECTION I AGENCY I OfficeNo 25 and 27 E First South St Sa1 1 Lake City II Utah EstabJiEibec1 4 1aq i I = MERCHANT LO RS I Established 1876 Larges rM I > IMPORTATIONS s 4ccV For Fall Q c BKIN 0 it 1IIUst IIve RoC > nJ Summer Suits to Order from 2500 I Pa1ronag neapeotf J1y So1ioi1oc1 JOHN TAYLOR SON 1IERCBANT TAILC > FLS ESTABLISHED IN 18C5 I Have just received a Choice Lot of i SPRING AND SUMMER WOOLENS Of the LATEST STYLES Which they offer at REDUCED HATES Call and examine our stock and makeup before having your measure taken elsewhere 40E Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY Beer Is life Itself I SATURDAY JUNE 27 I I I opened ut the old OKDNEK JONES SALOON I SA-LOON with a fine tock of 1 Beer Liquors and Cigars Of fine grades and we expect to see you there I Come along and call often Lots of experience i and plenty of goods insure success We will > please you and strive to hold your patronage g Shooting Gallery Billiards and Pool on the premises A J PEACOCK I Opposite the OpernHouse Second South St I I Columbia River Salmon EASTERN WESTERN and LOCAL i FISH l WTV V < IF i FISH 1 I FISH Jr I rai Jra i l FISH I Fresh Daily Wholesale and Retail i HOTELS and FAMILIES SUPPLIED j JOHN H PEEEMAN 324s 8th East I j MULLOY PAUL Salt Lake Lively and Transfer Stables AND OMNIBUS LINE Nos 35 it 17 Second South St opp Opera House j SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Telephonic Connection with Hotels and Orders I Receive Prompt Attention Pioneer Fruit Packing House of Utah FRED C LYNGBERG Dealer in Foreign and Domestic PH UJTS Oysters Fish and Game Nos 44 and 46 First South Street IIMLIcw Sign Writer 216 Malts Street Opp Pontof Hce Cur STJIR3 Fresco Graining FLM VE D KELLY BROTHERS I Have removed their Bookbinding Establishment Establish-ment to i No 46 W Second South St I I Central Block next to Opera House whore they will ho pleased to see all their old friends and many new ones All work firstclass Prices way down fib at Oo THIS PAPERmabofoundon1110at rtta1n r Ad Tcrttalnlt Duren losoruco St where nllK I coatractH seal Ls mo rlt IE 1Ew |