Show THE HORN SILVER OF IDAHO Another Great mine Falls into the Hands of Salt Lake Parties We learn today that Frank Martin has bonded and doubtless sold his Horn Silver mine on Lava Creek Champagne district Idaho to Ed ward Egan and other Salt Lake gentlemen for a sum in the neighborhood of 100000 A bonus ofT of-T 000 was paid on a forty days bond and Mr Martin is expected here to receive re-ceive the whole of his money by the time it Ls due Our informant says that the parties have a great bargain in their purchase and that there is more ore in sight than will pay for the mine twice over Many I other properties are being opened and I some fine showings have been made The ore is freemilling in character and the veins are large and of a high grade in silver From four to sixmiles from Lava Creek and situated in Antelope district is 1 group of mines of the same general character as those of Champagne district and the showings are immense as I far as developments extend The formation for-mation of these districts are principally I quartzite and porphyry and in the opinion opin-ion of mining men when ore is found in those formations it usually denotes extensive I ex-tensive and rich deposits Mr Egan and his partners are to be congratulated on their success in securing the Horn Silver for this low pride and it is to be hoped that the mine will prove a bonanza A DEMOCRAT reporter was shown a piece of ore from the Martin mine that is said to be worth 4 a pound and much parts pure of metal it could be whittled like so |