Show o t I IS SHE MAIDEN OR WIFE I < Testimony Against John W Snell j and Eliza Sshaffer Concluded To ISe Decided Saturday After Messrs Varian and Kirkpatrick i Afcr had finished their arguments yesterday I r I afternoon in relation to the power of 1 I Commissioner McKay to commit a witness wit-ness for contempt of Court the vital question was submitted to Commissioner McKay who took it under advisement amiproceeded with the examination of the other witnesses present i 1 F J Senior of Plain City was sworn I and said he had been in salt transactions i with Mr Snell and had worked in the I store Had eaten there with Eliza Schaf for and Snell but had never seen them j i in bod together although the defendant had introduced Eliza as his wife some j years ago I H McCoy was called sworn and testi i fled to about the same indirect evidence 1 fed all other witnesses preceding had i done This morning at 10 oclock some thirty persons with the witnesses were present at the resumed examination I Peter Ferguson of Ogden was called I to the stand and after being sworn was questioned by Prosecuting Attorney Varian Va-rian QWhat is your full name APeter Ferguson QHow long since you lived here V AEight or nine years ago II I QDo you know John W Snell I AYes sir QHow long have you known him ANine or ten years j QEyer had any business or transactions I transac-tions with him AYes sir I used to work for him at Hooper QWhat employment were you engaged en-gaged in here AThe salt business QDo you know where his place of I business is now AYes sir i QAml where the store originally I was AYes sir he notified me where he moved some time afterward I QHave you been to his place within the last three years AYes sir once or twice about a year ago last spring I called at the i store and stayed all night 1 saw Mr I Snell and Miss Schaffer there The i kitchen is at the rear and there is an upstairs I up-stairs to the building I took supper at Mr SnolPs invitation and Eliza prepared it We all three sat down and ate together to-gether I slept on the lounge that night I but dont know where Snell stayed I I retired about 10 oclock and when I got up in the morning they were about the house QWhere did Mr Such retire to that night AI think he went up stairs QDid he disrobe himself A1 think he took off his shoes I QDid Eliza Schaffer repair up stairs AI dont know she was there in the morning when 1 arose and Mr Snell was putting on his shoes I believe QIlave you ever been employed in either of these stores AYes sir eight years ago I worked there I Qhid you ever hear Mr Such introduce intro-duce or speak of Eliza as his wife ANo sir but articles were charged I to her on the book as Eliza Schaffer and sometimes asEliza Knell I believe I Mr KirkpatrickYou say you dont I know where Miss Schaffer slept then or where Mr Such slept I A1 do not know QThen you dont pretend to say they slept together r ANo sir I Witness was excused and Mr Kirk patrick addressed the Court to the effect that he thought no case had been made out against Mr Snell whom he moved t have discharged as there had been no II I proof of holding out or tendency to estab I Jish a fact of cohabitation I Mr Varian replied that the testimony went to show that the defendant and Eliza Schaffer have been on very intimate inti-mate relations eating sleeping and residing re-siding very much like wedded people in the same house and moved that Mr Snell be held Commissioner McKayI will adjourn these two cases until Saturday morning at 10 oclock when all may be present save Mr Ferguson and Mr Senior who live away and whose evidence is in |