Show I I TALK OP THE TELEGRAPHERS I A Proposition to Establish uii International In-ternational Rate of Five Cents a Word I BERLIN August nTho International I Telegraph Conference opened its session I yesterday Stephan Imperial Minister of Posts and Telegraphs was chosen president The rules of procedure observed at the International I In-ternational Telegraph Conference London were adopted Two committees were appointed ap-pointed one to consider the various propositions i propo-sitions placed before the convention respecting respect-ing the telegraph tariff and other technical questions connected with the working of telegraphs It was found on the assemblage of the conference that the mass of business i i which has been placed before the body for discussion will necessitate a session of from four to six weeks Papers were read hearing hear-ing on a proposal to complete the statistics relative to electrical measurements and of I the effects of atmospheric currents and I thunder storms It is believed that the voting vot-ing in conference on Prince Bismarcks proposition to establish a uniform tariff for I all Europe on all messages passing from I country to country of four or five cents a word will be very close The Eastern Telegraph I Tele-graph Company strongly opposes the proposal i i propo-sal on the grounds that the companys receipts I re-ceipts would be seriously diminished if it I had to transmit messages to and from the borders of Europe at anything like five cents I a word I |