Show The Depression in British Trade LONDON August nIJor Addleigh First Lord of the Treasury moved in the House of Lords yesterday afternoon that the Peers approve that proposed appointment of a Commission to inquire into the cause of the present depression of British trade He said the proposed Commission intended to ascertain if possible what were the actual facts respeotmg the depression and to enquire en-quire into the causes of it and would report its findings to Parliament without formulating formulat-ing a trade policy The Commission would be composed of men best able to make the desired inquiries There had been great complaint concerning the depression I depres-sion in the British trade in recent yearsand I he hoped the Lords would sanction the appointment ap-pointment of the c01llmission Earl Gran i > Villeo pot ct the appbintmenFpf pro l posed commission reiterating his argument I I that by appointing it the government would encourage the public in the false belief that I I Parliament could by legislation remedy the I I i evil complained of I |