Show SENATOR JONES LEASE Jim Kulcs Suit for a lUte of the Pic Opinions as to Its merits A press dispatch from San Francisco I j says James G Rule has sued Senator John P Tones to obtain nn accounting Plaintiff Plain-tiff sets forth that in 1883 he was an expert ex-pert miner and knew of the existence of rich bodies of ore in the Consolidated Virginia mine in Storey county Nevada He made a confidant of Jopes and in I November 1883 plaintiff made a contract I with the Con Virginia Company to explore ex-plore and mine and mill ores which I should be extracted by him He was to I retain 30 per cent of the assayed valueless j value-less wastage and receive 9 per ton for j milling Plaintiff and defendant extracted 1 ex-tracted large bodies of ore He avers that defendant has realized as net profit I from such mining milling etc 195000 of which plaintiff is entitled to onehalf I and he now sues to recover the sum of I 97500 The above telegram has been the principal I prin-cipal topic of conversation among mining I men on the Comstock One of thesea man who ought to know the facts of the case said that as far as he knew Mr I Rule had never made a contract of any kind with Senator Jones but was merely I hired to act as superintendent or foreman I of the ground worked under the Jones lease and he always supposed that Rule was tQ receive therefor the usual pay of a foreman If a contract such as is set I forth in the complaint of Mr Rule existed he said he certainly would have I been cognizant of the fact Another well I informed mining man did not believe that j Mr Rule had any contract with Jones j He khew in fact that Rule was working I for a foremans salary as the latter had told him so and had often complained to I intimate friends that the amount he was j i receiving was scarcely sufficient to support sup-port his family but he expected that i Jones would raise his pay when they got to taking out better l oreVirginia Chronicle |