Show PERSONAL A O Smoot went to Provo today ill L U Colbath returned from Milford last evening G W Ostrander of Park City lef today for Baltimore Mel J A Trimble is in the city from his sheep ranch for a few days Mr Simon Bamberger went to Nephi yesterday yes-terday on a business trip Mr Jake Leviberg and friends arrived from the metropolis last evening Le Grand Young returned to the city last evening from camping on the Weber D M Orchard and wife of Butte left for Richmond Va this morning by the Scenic r H Lipman and Chares Popper left for Hailey this morning on some mming business busi-ness nessA A G Wells of Frisco left by the Rio Grand for New York en route to Liverpool today John Henry Smith of Winnemucca Nevada Ne-vada left by the D K G for Chicago this morning Ed Egan Esq and C V Whiting le turned from a trip to Lava Creek Idaho last evening Will 1 Lynch of the Land Registry department de-partment leaves for LeGrand Yonngs camp on the Weber this afternoon Adjutant Groesbeckof the Sixth U S Infantry returned by f D E G from his Eastern trip last evening J J Dickey General Manager of the W U Telegraph arrived from Omaha last evening accompanied by his wife A Gordon of this city left by the Rio Grande for Kansas City today having retired re-tired from the secondhand business in Zion lI Sam Raddon of the Park City Record is in the city for a day or two He reports the to come Park flourishing with still better times Mark L Wilson formerly with the D R G but now a ticket manipulator on the Wabash at Moberly Missouri is visiting in Salt Lake 4 Governor Murray Judge Zane some offi cers from the Fort and a few others started for Weber Saturday night on an out in the mountains Mr Sam Eieben the well known carpenter carpen-ter returned last evening from building a pretty summer cottage at Silver Lake for I Robert Walker Mr and Mrs A L Clarke of Hastings Nebraska will arrive in the city tomorrow night and remain several days the guests of Mr Charles Ingalls of the Rio gests Alfred Lambourne the sonic artist returned re-turned yesterday from Shoshone and American Amer-ican Falls He brought with him some charming sketches of the picturesque northern north-ern country I J S Tibbetts division freight agent of the U P and Mr Mark S Severance of the C P together with Ferdinand Dickert went south m a Utah Central special to inspect spcial spect the sulphur mines They will return I by Thursday evening I John F Cassell and Stephen Roberta I prominent mining men of San Francisco came to this city yesterday and left again his morning for an extended tour through Idaho and Montana I is their intention to examine the mines of the northern country countr with the view of purchasing should they find any to suit them |