Show Oar Distinguished Medical Visitor i Our readers are all familiar with the firm of Medical Specialists Dr Liebig Co of 400 Gear street San Francisco I The Doctor is coining here on a professional profes-sional visit making a business tour through the Territory The Doctor will be at the Walker House Salt Luke City August llth and I 12tH remaining two days only in order Ito I-to examine and consult with all who may desire his advice or treatment This is a rare opportunity to all suffering I suffer-ing from complicated diseases deformities I deformi-ties broken bones or badlvtreated cases of a delicate nature by which so many I i men am ruined for life All sutlcrcrs I should avail themselves of this chance to j j consult the leading specialists Dr Liebig I I it Co I The Doctor was educated as a specialist 1 special-ist in Europe nearly 2 years ago and is known all over this country and Europe as a thoroughly educated medical specialist I ist and surgeon This will be a rare op I jwrtunity t consult the greatest specialist S of the age right here in our midst |