Show FEWER ELECTIONS Popular Demand for Holding all Elections at One Time The School City County and Territorial Elections Elec-tions Should All Take Place in February I I The merchants and other classes of business busi-ness men have felt the disturbing influence of frequent elections and they intend ts correct the evil I It is pretty generally agreed that all the city county and territorial elections should Ube U-be held on the same day While a great many persons favor fall ji elections here as they prevail In other states there is this serious objection to them that they break into the busiest time tme of the veal uTh I merchant feels the drain of the I dull summer months and when tho first of September arrives he desires no eement to unsettle trade until after the I holidays November elections break into I i the heart of the fall trade and divert mens I minds and at the very time when they should give their best energies to the pursuits pur-suits of trade By holding the elections late in February therE would be less interruption I inter-ruption of business than at any other period of tho year Trade 1 is always quiet during January ana I February and the mines in many of the I camps closed During this time the mer chant and the miner can devote the necessary neces-sary time for discharging their political duties without neglecting their business The only oblection to the election occurring occur-ring in February is that the weather frequently fre-quently is unfavorable for outdoor meetings meet-ings But this is not a serious drawback f as some of the best meetings during dur-ing the campaign just closed were f held indoors With more new t f halls there will bo no difficulty in suitable for the securing places listening to he discussion of the issues It is true the Presidential election comes in November but this is only once in four years and It is questionable wnether it is best to discuss and decide local issues in the heat of a national campaign There is also tho matter of expense involved in-volved in holding elections The numerous numer-ous judges of election and other adjuncts have all to be paid and this is a heavy burden on the taxpayer The next legislature should pass the necessary legislation to relieve business of the present nuisance |