Show The Rot at Lock oore OKAXGE Tex Aug 4Balder Sanders who has just returned from Lake Charles La confirms the report of a not at Lock Moore The last account ho heard was from a wounded man who left the scene at 4 oclock yesterday He stated that fourteen men were killed and two missing It was a freeforall fight between red bones and whites Sanders stated many different reports were being circulated and nothing more authentic could be learned The latest reports place the number of wounded at sixteen Officers and physicians physi-cians have gone to the scene It is rumored the physicians wero waylaid and robbed I Another account of the riot comes from Vest Lake La to the effect that the trouble was caused by the breaking out of I an old feud between a band of robbers known as the Aworth gang and cattlemen in that section The following it a partial list of those who were killed Dyson Marion Markle Lee Perkins Owen Ashworth of the redbone red-bone gang and Jesse Ward and Swan of tbe cattlemen Tho latest reports are to the effect that everything Is quiet The coroner is making an investigation Twenty are known to be moro or less seriously hurt Sunday afternoon thirty Redbones came to the camp after the bodies of the dead and dispersed the oQicers who were at the sceno and who are organizing organ-izing a strong force to storm tho strongholds strong-holds of the desperadoes Moro trouble is feared LaterThe report of the fight sent last night and today was of a morning fight In the afternoon it was reported at the store down the road that red bones desperadoes were massacroing women children and everyone they came across at the camp Learning this reinforcements went up from along the line of the Calicasien Vernon Ver-non f Shreveport road In going up Mr T T S van an old and respected citizen of Calicasien was murdered from ambush Excitement is running high and more trouble is expected at any tme |