Show I specttrA A Salt Against s R Howell CHICAGO Aug 4The North Wisconsin i Lumber company of Hayward WIB filed a petition In tbe circuit court today to declare the acts of S n Howell thin i lumber merchant who recently failed as constituting a voluntary assignment The petition has a claim for 30913 It is charged that on April 33 last Hovel in fraud of tbe rights of other creditors made and delivered to his attorney papers which were in effect an assignment of his property to the First National bank making mak-ing it a preferred creditor whenever Howell should reach a point where he could not go on that Howell was at time Insolvent owing1750003while his asset were only 51530000 that this assignment assign-ment being withheld from the records enabled en-abled Howell to secure credit from complaint com-plaint and others that the turning over to the bank when he failed July 1 of all his assets was a fraud upon other creditors that the instruments executed by Howell were not simply security for payment of his debt to the bank but to liquidate indcb cdness with tho bank ana the surplus wa be delivered to Howell The claim is made that the bank Is in collusion with Howe to cheat und defraud other creditors Judge Scales granted a citation requiring Howell to appear and answer questions He also issued a rule on the bank to show cause why it should not be enjoined from selling I or disposing of the property |