Show M Model 0 d' d e I I H Home me in inSa S S. L L. as' as Using Gas for t-o-r Heat Needs Opens Opens' Blue Star Home Ho et o on Mili Milt tary torY Drive Open en for Inspection I I By L L. L D D. D SIMMONS Salt Lakes Lakes Lake's first blue blue star star home featuring natural l gas gas' ai as 1 the Ute universal al fuel uel for tor all nIl hedin heating requirements r opens today lor 01 pu inspection Of or f outstanding nrc architectural bel beauty beau beauty beau beau- u- u ty this new home c cannot fail ai to ta attract instant notice and approval aJ even eJ though surrounded by oth other r residences of t tunus unus unusual charm in on on of ot the tho city's most distinctive residential resi resl- rest rest- districts The Tho blue star star home II la da at vat 1021 Military drive on the tho p popular pular east cast be bei beiJ J and occupies a corner lot tomm commanding nt ft n extraordinarily ex extraordinarily ex- ex er- er attractive e view In tn all an directions The file terraced front yard slopes lope upward from the sidewalk to- to th tit the doorstep o oJ oa a house that breathes an air nil of ot hospitality t Rn nfl nfl- romfort in In its outward aspects Warm and inviting colors distinguish distinguish distin distin- g the exterior which even though h of C patrician beauty sug suggests suggests a 1 truly American hominess and welcome elcome Ent Entering the doorway on ons la is Immediately impressed with the this 10 roominess miness and luxury of this modern modem modern mod mod- ern em dwelling d The large Ih living room the charming charming- the tho cozy ozy dining dining- room room the broad windows that admit a flood of ot Jf light ht the Ar Ir Artistically r decorated walls the dell rI ell JI arranged kitchen and breakfast room room to to mention but a afew few of or the lus features ara are nJ all d designed to capt captivate EL tJ- tJ vate ate to please to ch charm arid and to tomake to o make living hiving more enjoyable in this this' blue blu star model mocel home f MODERN FACILITIES As As' s would naturally be e expected p In a a. Lhome home of or this character th the most mOISt rn modern d rn facilities s known t to scientific home construction have been jeen thoughtfully thoughtful provided pro The heating I is done t ty y n a a natural gaJ- gaJ tired furnace o occupying 3 a. a a small space In tho the room roomy basement Obviously Obviously Ob Ob- no fuel bin l la is required Thus additional sp space ce Is rel released ase J for tor other and more more- mora attractive purposes f i fAnd j And it is Js interesting to r reflect fled that hat the young Exeter family which makes Its home in this his thIs house hous tight always th b be bt assured of or a n. comfortable uniform and Hid and dependable dep l t m p era t u r throughout hout the regardless regardless' r regardless r of oC tine the pranks or of rack Jck Frost The natural gas furn furnace ce li Ii automatically controlled by a th thermostat r which when set to the dt ired J degree ft e turns huns urns on more mora fuel rUfI a Q cuts It If down as tt n the case may be Ire I tt le t maintain an n even ven healthful uI II lire ure through 1 li- li nut nut ut the th hou house e. e This un nb con trot hol 10 of ot th the fuel Cuel is iR n a icon hI h I. I Jp towards economy toOl too at it l prevents prevents' Continued td on n te z 3 k- k t y- y f t t. t r t tk t Model Home in inS inSL S. S L L. Using Gas I For All All Heat Needs Opens Continued from pago page 1 any ny waste Just enough fuel Is allowed to go go Into Ute the furnace by tha that marvelous Instrument the tu maintain the Mic d desired temperature e No more lets lets' 05 Overheating O is 8 Impossible likewise Insufficient heat with consequent chilly rooms Is Js thin athing a with which which trio the o o i is of r 1 this li n e em will m n never ncr cr worry lv s. s r ri Is The Tho g gas s' s range In n c 1 not only it t beauty beauty of-beauty on zing beautifully with Kith generald general d decorative cora ho scheme but it Is als also tt Q marvel of Dt efficiency l ncy In In F For i ease and certainty ec InS InS' natural nat rill gas gas' Is is' unequalled say prominent dom domestic e t i s- s That is why vh this blue stir star hO home te Is Is modernly equipped lh f ped with the latest type gas tC I AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC I- I HEATING The The hot hot water supply also Is assured as fU tired red by an an automatic natural gas gaswater gaswater water nt r heater of ot a a. capacity large enough to Insure a dependable supply supply supply sup sup- ply at nil times UmEs And lAnd there I Is Ifs a marvelous new appliance operated by natural gas o of oC course for the sanitary disposal of 1 garbage This Is IR known know as t the gas gaR Incinerator and It burns burnsall all alls all's s 's sorts of oC waste matter quickly cpm cpm- the utmost sancta sanita tion There Is yet a another oth l- l gas appliance that will attract attention the attention the auto auto- matic maUc f pas gas s' s refrigerator e one of at scientific marvels mar of ot the tho age Containing Con Con- no machinery ry nt at t all but operated lJ by a a. tiny tiny natural gas flame this till automatic refrigerator Is r by absolute t silence dependability d e freedom re dom from repairs or o or adjustments adjustments' and lifelong service Nothing othIn hn has been o overlooked 1 int in Jn t the e equipping a of this wonder home hom 1 for r superlative e living conditions Every ery woman will exclaim In ad- ad Th ration at nt atthe the s sight ht of the complete completed arid d compact lau laundry dry facilities Wherever wherever r heat Is n needed natural gas gas gas Is used used naturally naturally GARAGE GARAGE RAGE HEATER TER And Ault th the m man n of the house Will appreciate the value and convenIence conven conven- convenience I of or the gas fired garage garnge heater which will make sure that that Important imPortant Im Im- im- im place will always s 's be comfortable com- com In case case he wants ants to top putter al hi c cara r i little now now arid and then And Ind It wilt will also insure a QuIck ait and ch edgy eusy ft starting motor 1 tor even even If it the th mercury outside is hovering around the h J unique architectural b beauty bUh Uh ideal setting and to the service facilities s. s the bI blue a atar star tar natural gas gas' m modern modern- dern hone horrie will willbe willbe be long remembered and anil talked about lt by those those who pay It a n visit It will viii be rad 1 beginning t tda too to da day for a n limited time and everyone every every- one one nc Is cordially Invited d o a n atour atour nt t tour ur of ot l Inspection sp through Jt Its charming and modernly appointed interiOr br |