Show BANKERS fRS GA GATHER O ON WEST COAST SAN FRANCISCO Sept 28 UnIted United United Unit Unit- ed Press Press Thi This city tonight t nl ht t opened its its' ts arms to the bankers of America Every train every steamship every airplane brought delegates to o othe the he annual convention of pf the Amer- Amer J Ican can an Dank Bank Bankers Bankers' r rs association n. n By Monday when the convention formally opens it is estimated that more mor than delegates delegate 1 representing representing pre pre- more than 90 per pel cent of ot the thern he nations nation's banking resources will willbe willbe willbe be here First of the special tf trains bearing the he Missouri a and ld Kansas delegation arrived d tonight in two sections Sunday m morning the Chicago special special ape ape- cial elal is ts due bringing Craig Hazel Hazel- wood president of the association Uon Sunday afternoon the New Orleans and Ohio Ohl specials will arrive and Inthe In inthe the he evening evening- two Jwo t trains originating over the New NewYork York Central lines and one over the tho Pennsylvania lineS lined |