Show PEOPLES PEOPLE'S PE PLES CORNER Condemns Pursuit of Mere Pleasure Editor r. r The Telegram Our great leader Lincoln said sald L t t. t the jo people l know linow the truth Is it t not a a. f fact ct that we wo Oe live in what is called the motor-driven motor age Motor driven automobile mo mo- mo- mo tor driven n airplane motor driven small Ic ice plant motor motor driven motor nash wash washing ing machine last but not least motor driven n mechanical brain brain- the Adding ma machine h ne i But where i Is all aU this driving US us in a a. financial hial cial 41 way Ad abd is not this a mat mit material rial world governed and Judged judge d by financial standing If It you dont don't think so Wh what t weight does your word oord and my mr word have c hacIn In comparison t to the the- big ble banker bank Now oNo understand I am tm holding no hatred for my financial friend I 1 Ilove Ilove love Jove and admire him for tor we all aim to j Join johi lri hi his hiS' rank some day The auto started this age oft off I admire the wonder power ower that machine machino ma ma- chino chine had upon tile the world worM In its advancement ad ad- al- al of ot business and other walks of ot life Ute But Butt 0 O man what has it done to pleasure seekers and pleasure lovers It Ith has s intoxicated the human heart with a 8 mad cray cra craving ing for tor i pleasure leasur and then liquor has hM been added dd i to t sharpen th the deadened deaden d senses for more wild pleasure Somewhere U t Js Is written Adam m fell feU that thit men might be and men are that they might have Joy Let LetUs LetUs LetUs Us go into that word Wold Jo Joy and compare It W to pl pleasure os r Jpy is that pleased and ani delightful and and heavenly heaven ly feeling in ones one's heart when one has dono doo good turn Bo Boy Scouts know knoy Joy is that happiness that hat comes to the Ule human heart when hen a person has bas been of ot great creat set service Ice vice to his fellow man for no financial g gain fn Joy Jov is that sixth human sense added to the five senses senses which pulls us nearer to our Maker daker S t our God Pleasure is that false evil when overindulged in sese sense and is sometimes some times thought ht by bv many to to be Joy Is Just as different t from Joy Joyas as is the night from the day Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Pleas Pleas- ure is Is' a 8 good servant but a a bad master ster It lt is 15 like fire PI Pleasure ulie Is 19 that which when indulged in Jos loses s Its its taste as you ou d drink deep in your lour our dislike i I I Think it over over over- any pleasure you have ever partaken of I say sayan saYa any and that means all aU up to a ar certain tam tain amount w was then it lost Jost its taste until you soon grew gre tired and quit the pleasure you paid su such h h hi a i big big- price for Men are you still for pleasure or ordo ordo ordo do you live th-it th you ml might ht 11 have ve Joy Th The Holy Bible should be read more for jO Joy Joy JOt one gets getsIn getsIn getsin In learning what one must mUt do to to serve erve God If It service given ghen to Gods God's children gives joy then obedience to Gods God's commandments should and does give jO Joy for forIs forbe foris Is be it not written what hat you OU do unto the least of or one of of these my chit chit- dren you yu OU ilo lo it ft unto nto mOT me r Bible ibl readers know this DR flit J. J Rf M WHITNEY Lurid Confession Fad Disapproved Editor The Telegram am Recently a a. woman wrote a lurid book disclosing the shortcomings and infidelities infidelities' s of ot other her divorced ed hus bus band The book has become a a. a best bestseller bestseller seller seHer has haz brought in in for fOl movie movle rights and nd has bas secured tho writer a n position Ji on a a. New v York newspaper S 'S AH Al Alot of ot which shows allows the high price person first gossip pa pays f today In grandmothers grandmother's r day n. n no breath of t scaT scandal lal about a a. family was al allowed allowed al- al lowed to leak out ut if It tight locks on family tamly skeletons and integrity anthe on en the part of f family friends could uld prevent pre pre- vent it ft The old art of ot blackmail paid vald well But the blackmailer himself was wa a a. social outcast For society held some things sacred in those thosa days das Marriage was ano ono one of or them Husbands and wives might not have told each cach other everything but they c certainly told toM the world nothing Today there thel are areno no reU en es what what- Grandmothers Grandmother's ers er's granddaughter ter not only bea beats g gossip to it but outdoes it at I its s own dirty game gam o oMen Men and women have discovered that intimate revelations told in heart heart-br heart breaking first person pay prices that would have made the most boastful blackmailer of or yesteryear yester ester year yean look like a a. piker Perhaps it might not seem so sC un unethical if these conf confession writers confined their stories to their own heart throbs They invariably bring Jn ln others sometimes a a. whole string of ot other men and There Ther seems to be no feeling on the tho part of ot the writers of ot the tho pain such sensational Een- Een revelations might b bring these thes others 0 Frankness it seems to me has become confused conC with license in this matter mattor That Thata a man man or woman could Write this type of book and keep his r self respect is incredible But even more mere In incredible does the great na national national na- na thirst for or such suil lurid tales s seem em to me I I feel that this Is one of ot th tho tha greatest s1 signs s of ot decadence In the nation It throws every note noto of bt good od taste toward greater retIcence reticence cence cOnce in the future BOOK BOOI LOVER pLOVER |