Show GAS OIL INSPECTION REHEARING DATE SET Commission Commissioners to Discuss Ordinance or Or- April 11 A proposed amended gasolIne and oil ordinance will willbe be reheard April 11 before city corn com missioners The date was set Tuesday Tues Tues- day after William A. A Fraser assistant city attorney reported objectionable features of the ordinance had been revised since the Initial hearing a week ago The new ordinance provIde In fees as follows Wholesale gasoline retail 5 per station wholesale oil 35 retail 5 per sta sta- tion llon License fees applyIng to retail busness bus busl- ness only arc suggested at 1250 for three pumps and md for each add addi pump vending gasoline Re alters or of oil will be taxed at the rate of 1250 per station All lees are arc on onan on onan an annual basis |