Show INSIDE STUFF I 1 IBy D By PAUL MALLON WASHINGTON April 3 Mr Roosevelt's Democratic congressmen are doing a lot of cloakroom growling these days about the That is the new name they have for the brain the Anthony advocates and aU alL the social minded advIsers surrounding the White House n It sounds bad but all it means is isone isone one who belongs l to lo a political party Bring Growls md reserves the theIn thein In Congress ight i ht to dent action That description fits the advisers better than anything they have been called previously and they have ha been called a lot However Howe it is an old political word and has accumulated some sinister sIn sin- ister implications such as a hint of radicalism in Us its long career The fhe Democratic congressmen particularly particularly par par- a number of southerners of of- ter Ler the word In its most obnoxious sense More than anything else It shows the inner situation which has arisen between congress and the White House e a The congressmen say they have been getting gelling a lot of mail from rom home during the last 1151 few weeks which hn ha changed their minds about many things This m mail il has ha been continuously laudatory of the president but in increasingly critical of his advisers It has unquestionably encouraged congress recent recently to resist some ol 01 d on LaRt Two I I INSIDE STUFF Continued tram from Put Pin One Onu the tendencies ot of the new deal At least It is the excuse congressmen ot of- ter privately for the sharp overthrow of the president on his veto of the veterans veterans' and pay cut restorations Oft Off the floor they say that it If the administration is going to throw all that mone money away on C W A it can afford two hundred millions or more for tor the veterans and the government Also the he is just listening to the what do they know about politics Those arguments had more ence than anything said openly in inthe inthe the debate I S The same feeling was noticeable In senate action on Cotton Bill the Bankhead cot cot- Just Jud Controls ton bill What the Brain Trust enate did to that bill was a thinly concealed affront to the Wallace Tug well group sponsoring the measure As passed It would not control any thing except Wallace and Tugwell An amendment was Inserted ex cx- empting the fIrst six bales for every farmer There are roughly about two million cotton farmers The exemption exemption ex- ex emption therefore could theoretical theoretical- ly apply to twelve million bales Only thirteen million bales were produced last year In practice e the exemptions would be much less because the bigger farmers produce the most cotton but the example Is striking proof ot of what the senators thought about the A A A. A The A A A boys will have consid erable crable difficulty getting the bill back in workable shape In oth other r smaller things there has been a similar undercurrent ot of feel feel- ing It seemed to be present In a much milder way in the general dc de mend mand foe fot revision of the orIginal stock market bill It is also a likely explanation ot of why some Democrats were so eager to sponsor an investigation of the brain trust on the C The next thing on which an investigation gatlon gation is likely to break brenk out in n a serl sen ous way is silver are arc makIng the most of oft t the Ii e undercurrent I Silver er Issue and ond are arc passing Seems In Line the word around for Inquiry that Mr Roosevelt is being badly advised ad ad- on that subject Blame Is being placed on Treasury Secretary ry Mor- Mor and Professors Warren and Rogers It is rather thin propaganda but It is making headway in the senate There will be no surprise If the senate senate sen- sen ate takes the meaningless Dies bill billand and tacks the important Wheeler nationalization na na- scheme on it as an an amendment That would mean much more than another affront Mr Roosevelt would veto the plan even If the house approved op ap proved and It could not pass over a aveto veto |