Show SYNOPSIS OP THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OS' OS The MUtUal Life Insurance home Office Office-Il Nassau Street New York President David F. F Houston Secretary curt Felix Salt Lake City Office SO Walker Bank Building Manager Chits F. F Barrett Showing condition on December Il 1933 made to the Commissioner of Insurance In- In of the of Utah pursuant to lawI ASSETS Ressi estate 3 88 Mortgage and other loans and stocks Cash in office and ledger assets Total hedger assets assets Gross assets Less assets not admitted Total admitted Business written during year 5 LIABILITIES SpecIal reserves 5 Net reserve Unearned premium reserve Net amount unpaid losses and claims Dividend liability 03 All other liabilities Total Total capital surplus and other liabilities State of Utah County of Salt Lake Lake-as This certifies that the named above company has filed Its annual statement of which tho foregoing is is synopsis and lies complied with the laws of this State relating to insurance and therefore there there- fore is dilly authorized to transact the business of In the State of Utah until the host day of February 1935 In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my official seal this day of March 1934 Seal H. H A. A SMITH JR Commissioner of Insurance |