Show MARKERS AND FLOWER POTS V HEAD STONES grave markers special no 10 Fine line ot of flower pots urns bird bAths W. W O. O Morris 1882 So 80 East EIt BRONZE grave mAkers ot of beauty Salt Lake Stamp Co 43 W. W V. V Was STATUARY economical lc bronze o and grave ra markers W Utah t aize p Co West Vest South uth Temple Was Wa Cement Burial Vaults COLE I cement umen BRO burll vaults 31 N at lt W. W 8 J J 7 S WA P P E ID D Swapped Washer for Car Both Word 12 Trib Swap Ad costs cost i 1 L WI down trade trAd payment ent nest brand on light liht car Cor Apex Was Waher 2429 M. M a but 34 Daily Daly I LOST AND FOUND 12 mans receipt papers U U. U P. P lost bat Reward Shepherd DOG pup lost ios from 05 05 2nd a ne apt 3 Vo Reward pERSONALS 13 i mf jV nurse So 80 2nd nd E. E W. W VERY best hot bath both ru rub Hrs Hu 10 10 Atal Dd EPERT manage aren room 31 23 E. E SaL South Was Wa V Swedish Special re re- this wk 31 Templeton bide NEW restful massage Bath lub 10 to in 8 p. p m. m 34 S. S MaIn room rom 4 O Swim to Reduce i and priVaCY rust course s 60 r Prof Thornton Was WO W. W 1732 BEAUTY CULTURE CULTURE 14 IEM et arid and latet method producing beautiful beau beau- lustrous waves t 0 in all al textures texture of hair Also Alo other methods TURLEYS BEAUTE SHOP Coot Cont Bank Bide WM 2671 Detectives 16 tives Utah Sav Tt Tr Bid Bide WI Vs Foot Specialists 17 EN B. B Ma n. n wih Home of Beauty H Culture 3rd fir Trenta all ni ailments of the feet WM V DR i L P DELK DEK Felt Illde ArCh Act trou trou- bin bles Quick and lastine relief Medical 17 a aDR art DR for men Cat CI In t t WO Wn 1 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 18 TRIBUNE and Ind readers and Ind ad- ad Id are to exercise caution In rl automobile or bus trans trans- trim r with individuals l rd I Re- Re should be b carefully and Ind definite assurance of responsIbIlity secured STA STAGES IS THE STANDARD SAARD OP BUS SERVICE PART OP OF A TRANSPORTATION DETROiT Denver Denver Los Ls Ang S BO Omaha 15 Ol Portland 1200 Kan CI City Spokane 1300 10 New York Idaho Falls 3 90 9 Chicago York 21 0 Seattle 1500 ISo SAVING ON ROUND TWO TRiPS DALY DALY ALL 4 WASO V ASo n 36 6 DEPOT TICKET OFfICE 17 1 w. w So Temple Temple Square Hotel CITY TiCKET OfFICE KLON KENYON hOTEL SO MAIN MAI 1369 II JJ So IDAHO FAlLS ELY IV CORINNE TREMONTON GARLAND OARLAND MALAD POCATELLO LD lEBE DUCHENE VERNAL CULEN hOTEL WAS 1064 rU STAGES RATES FURThER REDUCED BOISE 5 FALLS BURLEY BURLE FAL SAVE US 95 and HOU I CULLEN HOTEL VI 1 14 4 NICE going to D Denver Chicago 3 or 4 WAS Tickets 19 tours cruises l tour American Co C. C 24 W 2 R 8 W MALE HELP 20 WANTED capable pressman for platens plat plat- ens anti vertical else dve references open shop Box Boc V OUNO 5 man as a mens men's clothing salesman in inA ina A retail store In Salt Lake give Elve ne age end ond prevIous experience also names nome of for tor mer employers employer Box VU Tel COOK American man or woman wanted anted small town hotel 30 mo and room and bond board Box V Tel WE cnn can u use 2 more moe nut neat appearing young men Ness Nus Ride MEN ME of character for new company Appl 9 Mr Evans Evons Felt bide lot for several young men to work ark for tulon and salary youna Electrical college Resent st st. lt PERM PEM open for reliable man with wih car WAlker Bank 1 to 5 CREW manager capable of and managing direct seln crew Phone Wu 0 Mr Snook between 0 and 11 1 for APpointment 3 men for tor contact work In city cHy local loal references Room 1015 Boston Apply morning YOUNG man 18 IntellIgent hard work work- worl- worl pay discussed c nt at interview 30 B WI WIc l. l Schools for Men 22 EARN ou learn leAn barbering We meet your state requirements Shave haircut lIe Moler Barber Colez 18 Recent Resent St. St SALESMEN WANTED 24 SALESMEN to work with manager no cbs cbs- Inc Phone Was Mr Snook cos 9 and II 1 for appo pOSITIONS WANTED 25 MALE MALER R S Now desires chance In i position L- L X 12 years er Executive e modern merchandising Aggressive sales J promotion promo promo- m rg tion cino work Make me a proposition In drug or one one irs In another line Trib Ace Ao 31 31 REFERENCES I. A-I. Box V V han Uan not afraid of work would like a 1 position as lS gardener help In house hous and ond chauffeur I at t truck painter eon Ien handy man S 8 1st W. W V. V room rom 6 FEMALE HELP 26 I WANTED MORE cals for office being received thin than we can fill new v en roll any fi 1 P for out ol 1 g nl rul town students t to earn living Write Henner 1 Business Col Col 45 E. E PERM for reliable man open or car cr 61 Walker Dank Bank 1 to 3 OPPORTUNITY for young lady with wih of lice experience to work for college colre 45 6 WOMAN to assist with wih oP apt ann ana children A good home with wih small smal wates Call CIU Wu WANTED Capable middle middle-ased lady lot for generl housework small smal family Call CIl Wa V. 1237 W. 31 EXPERIENCED power machine operator Apply ot at once Weater Western Garment Mh Mfg Co 16 S 8 West Veat Temple WANTED 29 FEMALE C CURTAINS TA A eaU at anti And deliver Wk Wic guaranteed H. H f. f 35 W. W. COUPLE wants an in apt In for services Best Dest references V TeL L LAW r e experIence f tv lh I after r operator r 4 t p. p m m. m I REFINED REPINE woman wishes t to be companion to lady lad or housekeeper for gentleman Call CIl W M AUCTION SALES 30 30 w. w ADAMS 1484 to 1486 SO 80 STATI NY HY M. M DERRICK AUCTIONEER TAL HIsh class auction Was Wu G MONEY MONEY TO LOAN 31 lyl AUTOMOBILES A 1 U. U I IL l T 1 Jil U A O. O H I S Je J. B. B co SO MAIN MAI ST ST. WAS WA 1030 AUT PRIVATE A SALES SAlES QUICK NO AND AN CONFIDENTIAL LOW RATES RATE BUDGET INC 11 MOTOR AVE AVE WAS AUTO lOAnS OTHER TYPE LOANS IANS OTE 2 2 TO 3 No RUSSELL M. M MILLER CO rude RUSEL Bide M Wn MONEY MONEY TO LOAN 31 a III PERSONAL LOANS JOANS lJ 3 I CG AUTO lOAnS Friendly company offers more corn com plate service oren under I. I don slon of state tte dept Quick Quick- confidential Cost is 1 as bR lol as n any t ob ob- In the dt city for or InIs full ful loan 1 1 to t 20 months to pay pa Come Come phone write Loan SOCIETY 30 CUlt Ride Cot Cor M Main ln 3rd So s. s PHONE W ASo 1 1277 71 NOW NOWA A COMPLETE ON LOAN LAN SERVICE LOANS UP TO 2303 AUTO MAKER CO-MAKER FURNITURE Our charges are the lowest available for this specialized loan service serice and balances figured only on Co 0 Room Ill Continental Rank Bide So Phone Was 2007 28 UNDER g r STATE I T IB SUPERVISION E l c ck jels I Loans TO EMPLOYED MEN ME AND At WO WOMEN IE IENO NO A FRIENDLY FRENDLY CON I. I SERVICE DISCOUNT 42 Judge Judie 3rd So and Main 50 o TO Repay ReXI per SOO loaned Cast CastI Cos I 1 pet ot dl discount per mo FINANCE THRIFT CO 80 6 STATE Was Vas 1978 Stat Stu Bank BaDt II Al r A J Easiest place In town to ret Iet SS 5 or O In a hurry hUrr No security Quick courteous confidentiaL lOCAL CREDIT COo CD Ut m. S Sac v. v Tr BidS S S. S Main 31 AD UP O ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTE NO EN E. E I. I DORSERS 6 C MOS MOD TO REPAY IMMEDIATE SERVICE Seine B a local Salt sla Lake Cum WI I con can adjust our service to mere eu your per lonal requirements FINANCIAL CO EZRA ERA THOMPSON SLUG A J 35 15 UP to employed people on per per- conal note No security u Most liberal I plan In Sat Like One hour tt SALT T LAKE lAE CO 25 E 2 m SO 50 REASON BEASON SIGN Gr AND TAKE ON O YOUR PERS L NOTE TO A steady Job and your 00 promise promie to pu pay our only requirement Quick coure count count- ous ou confidential servIce CASH CREDIT CO SCOT SCOT C A 10 10 or more mor to working as ot their ther own note note No co or mort mort cage Eu Easy payments See Bee SeeS tia S first frs EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES' LOAN SOC 21 BIde 10 Wet Wt t let lit So HIGHLY respectable place where ladle and nd gentlemen can borrow money mone on OD j and watches nt at THE DIAMOND DAMOND SHOP SO MAIN MONEY WANTED P PRACTICAL ICAL perpetual motion moton Unlimited power electric en enc facts and figures plan for mAcho macIs Was Mr D Beck ck AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 1032 fp FORD m VS V-S SPORT COUPE With rumble seat ebony finish with Ith red wire wine wheels Very power power- nees ful smooth running mot motor r. r ery low mileage A real rel barlot nt at 5 6 S S. S 2ND EAST WAS 6 73 1930 FORD FRD door 2 sedan gedan 5 new air tires tres entire appearance of car excellent uto- uto tor In r exceptionally rood good condition 80 Call Cal H BUCK COUPE BUCK Do De Luxo Model Like New D. D T. T SINGER BINGER 80 1 27 OLDS COUPE COUE 50 10 e 69 IS D STREET WAS WA 1030 FORD FRD roadster excellent mechanical condition good tires v very rr reasonable tre for tor cash cah ofer 19 W. W N. N Temple apt pt 24 1929 FORD 1 ton dump body y truck l A-l m mechanically n dI dIo o good m tires lr BALLARD BAL BAL- LARD NASH NAH South Main SEDAN rood US 45 1927 1921 ESSEX DOOR 4 SEAN runs runes BALLARDS BALLADS 67 SOUTH MAIN MAN VI WANTED ANTED FOR CASH LATE MODEL CARS OR WILL BUY YOUR EQUITY EQUIT McBRIDES McBRIE'S ITS SO AND AN UAIN WAS R sport rul and looks loks lIke new car 15 cash cah or terms Was Wu or on fly B. R. 10 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 I J i I 1933 FORD V V-S Do De Sd Sedan n. n veny nice condition un buy 1933 FORD V V-S Tudor Sedan a r beautiful cu car first class condition condition condi- condi tion frt cas 1333 CHEVROLET Coupe good con con- CHEROLE diton late lote model Cup sis SS 1932 FORD V V-S De Dc Coupe Coup new Je heads best of condition 4 bes 1931 1032 FORD va V-S Standard Coupe on onlY Iy Coup 4 1932 FORD 4 Standard Coupe 1929 S Sedan dm 24 1930 FORD Coupe 24 1923 ChEVROLET L COUPE O U 1929 g f Sedan I m 1927 HUDSON Coach 15 19 1021 FORD ROAdster 1929 DURANT S Coupe 12 1 DURM SOME TRUCKS BAKER BAER AUTHORIZED I MOTOR FORD COr- COr DEALER DEALE Af- Af 3RD SOUTH 3RD EAST THARMAN AUTO C CO CONVENIENT ChEVROLET DEALER 2933 1933 Royal S Custom Sedan T 6 a r e P Perfect m 1930 CADILLAC Do De Sedan S wheels trunk rack roc e. e B 50 1933 PLYMOUTH De Dc late model paint 1932 FORD V-S V VI Sport Coupe rumble seat r renewed motor 39 1931 FORD Victoria Cou Coupe like new 1930 FORD Coach new paint m 32 1 1929 29 NASH Cupe Coupe 6 new nw paint 19 19 1929 HUDSON HUDSN Sedan plenty speed sped 22 1929 1922 ChEVROLET Coach extra clean clean ItS 1927 CADILLAC CADILAC Sedan good one one 19 1920 STUDEBAKER Sedan h 47 so 2ND EAST VJ VI O 1932 DE BE SOTO DE BE SEDAN Beautiful Beau Beau- dark derl blus blu finish lIas la brand new tul H. H D. D Ure tires equipped with sit al the free latest floating features 1 re hydraulic N I brake power k i etc Practically a new car nt at a real rul Priced FREESS FREES'S only IS 60 S. S 2ND EAST WAS 3 PRESIDENT 8 I cabriolet G 6 wire wheels and trunk rack a fui car In excellent condition n for only 5 s SOUTH 8 MAIN q dJ ST ST. OLD S 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN SEAN 1029 DODGE 0 A. A SEDAN EAN 1921 g BUICK S SEDAN f 1932 STUDEBAKER SEDAN AN g 1931 i hUDSON tl g 8 i SEDAN D 1330 OLDS G 6 SEDANS SEAN i iAo Ao A. E. E T UG MO SO SAE STAE W nn MOTOR CO Authorized Ford ForI u Deler-u I 27 17 MARMON SEDAN SEAN S U 29 PONTIAC COACH new paint In 28 SEDAN DELIVERY 20 STUDE 8 7 SEDAN 19 m 30 COUPE LJ 23 g gM CHEY lr TON 1 ST STAKE K TRUCK ii KU 31 FORD VICTORIA VICORIA 32 CHEV COACH miles 46 FORDSON TRACTOR with nib JORDSON wih loue lo ue sac pulley JOHN DEERE two two- wa way puley plow lU 7 2 SOUTH IcIAN WAS HY mo 2120 1933 1033 PLYMOUTH Dl COUPE Wire wheels original Dl finish cannot be told from brand new Excellent is and tires This car perfect priced nt at only CA I IUS FREES fREED S r 60 S. S 2ND EAST ST WAS 85 1932 DE a 8 NASH twin Ignition S pS 5 door 4 almost brand brond new cost over 1900 our price SOUTH MAIN ST S. S BUICK 72 ChRYSLER 2 4 2 Coupe BUICK SEDAN m 1931 Ll s i HT B 66 6 d 1932 HUDSON SEDAN 1930 FRANKLIN SEDAN n 54 ARCH DROWNING 50 SO MAIN WAS 1929 PAIGE 8 DC SEDAN SEAN excellent condition In everY way S Sacrifice everY cr- cr fice sU DALL BALLARDS S. S Main at fin tm- 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE COUPE Newly Ishad extra etra good cod tires Ures in inAi 1 i Al condition This car hr b been tD reconditioned and Is a value alue at at 24 FREED'S 60 iI S. S 2ND D EAST WAS F BARR CHEVROLET CO CHEVROLET AND PONTIAC 1931 BUICK SEDAN DL gU 1921 BUICK mg STD SEDAN ED 1933 1033 CHEVROLET 6 w. w w. w Sedan 23 1933 19 CHEVROLET Coach 55 1932 SPY COUPE SO SOg 1932 HUDSON SP Sedan n 57 g FORD TUDOR nt 1932 vl FORD FRD TUDOR h 1929 FORD TOWN lU 1922 FRD FORD V V-S Cope SEDA 1933 FRD PONTIAC Sedan 65 1930 PACKARD Sedan 6 w. w 5 1830 1130 PONTIAC Coupe 2 2926 NASH Coach Coch CS S 18 Coach 95 lm 1928 ESSEX TRUCKS Coach t 1 1933 ChEVROLET 1 ton 14 ton stake 5 1032 Pickup CHEV ton 19 1931 i gIg CHET ton 4 J Panel f g 1028 CHEV CHE ton I-ton Sto Stake ke 1927 FORD ton 1 Stake O 12 1023 13 10 I SOUTH SOUTI STAT WAS 43 WAS 20 E STE WEEK V SPECIALS 1934 FORD V-S V D Lure Sedan good as new nev Big BIs 1034 FORD va Pickup only 1300 10 mIles mil Big Ble dl discount 1932 FORD Tudor Sedan cx- cx e I t condition r. r 42 1931 BUICK Standard t 8 new paint Jt excellent x n condition mo 4 45 1929 CHEVROLET f De Lux Sedan 21 lISP 1929 19 OAKLAND paint N first gt A American All class buy ia 6 DeW e 23 21 lf 1928 LINCOLN Cou Coupe new rubber looks like new See Ste t ls 1932 LINCOLN lols Town Sedan driven j only mIles like neW v. mit j FORD FRD DEALER E. E SO W. W 1414 1930 t TUDOR SEDAN here Iere Is II a acar 1 car that is 1 clean Te original finish and arc In wonderful condition Not a amar mar and shows anywhere FREED'S It Priced has db bad only good cite S 16 I r GO S. S 2ND EAST WAS 6 63 CO CU new tires tres es- es J mechanically a e at m f YN es s S. S ll tain j BY O Olds De Be Sedan eX OWNE 1931 shape new tires tres 17 t H. H 1 BARGAINS BARGANS 3 Be sure See these Br SILLS lIL AUTO MARKE O 80 j be beat t buy In tOwn 1930 CHEV cabriolet I 53 E. E So So HY V. 1219 SORD cab 1930 1030 rood rood con lion ton SO 13 W. W Ills h South WILL SW SWAP AP j 1929 1922 Buick Bulc door 4 sedan aedan ne new tires overhauled clear ot of encumbrance ne lY for American Mutual cear Building 1 Co stock Ma May pay coma lomo cub cash f U. U i eD ence Cell fly Hy St. Cal conch al or trad tude 41 Z r 4 nth I 15 29 FORD TUDOR New Paint Good T Tires and Motor i D. D F SINGER 1931 DODGE 8 SPORT COUlE a thaI tha is In lb Ten nr smooth car 1 Rt only South beC of Main condition BALLARD An unusual NASU NAH CO buy 27 WILL PAY CASh FOR 1929 or Yo WLL CAH JOR i. 6 model Ih let or Pond Frd In any morl Ir jow Jol 1 1932 DR DE NASH flASK SEAN with 2 black mileage 1 metal wine wheeLS and I Ivory 6 5 lite and per performs Looks covers IUd conr Loh buy bJ for a fl new car I ILi S a rel See th I Icar Priced d below actual value ave V 3 MotOr car cr tod today lg an 0 PIM pl |