Show POWER PROBE SCOPE CROWS Both Parties in New York Ask for Sweeping Inv In ALBANY N N. Y AprIl 3 New JP-New Yorks York's legislature apparently was moving today toward a sweeping investigation in in- of virtually every ph phase ue of public utility operation in the EmpIre Em- Em pare pIre state Resolutions calling for the investigation gatlon gation were introduced l last night with strong backing in both parties The Democratic leadership pressed for immediate action in in accordance with the expressed wish of at Governor Herbert H. H Lehman A Republican resolution declared a statewide demand demand de de- mand existed for a full tun investigation It If the general invest investigation gation pr pro posed by leaders of both parties is voted a joint committee for the senate sen sen- ate and assembly will Inquire into rates business practices and financing fInancing ing of er e every utility in the Empire state Senate galleries were crowded and troopers stood guard last night as five days of rising tension over the ties tics question reached its climax |