Show TWO AUTO ACCIDENT VICTIMS RECOVERING Woman and Man Injured in Pair of Mishaps Injured Monday night when struck b by an automobile on First South street between Third East and Fourth East streets Mr Mrs Ellen Henderson UniversIty street t. t Tuesday was recovering from bruises on her right leg A cording According to police the driver of the machine was C. C G. G Emer Emerson on 47 1141 E Eist st Second South street Who reported he was driving east on First South street treet when Mrs Hen Henderson erso Walk walked d from between two parked cars Into the path of his machines machine Clayton Gledhill 24 1067 Fourth East street t Tuesday was from InjurIes received Mond Monday y night when southbound automobile he was as driving struck a standing rail road o l car on the Salt Lake Lak UtAh railroad tracks on First West str street et between Se ond arid and Broadway Ic I-Ic was removed to his home after fter treatment in the emergency emer emer- gency hospital for cuts and bruises and a fractured rib |