Show I i iss IT Wilcox Feted lIt Dinner Mrs Huntington Is Hostess t Party Celebrating Nieces Niece's Birthday In celebration of the birthday an an- of her niece Miss Joy Wil cox Mrs Warren Huntington entertained enter enter- at a prettily appoInted dinner Monday evening ening at her home on Eighth avenue The home was decorated deco deco- rated with daffodils and sweet peas m in shades of pink The dinner table was covered with a lace cloth over yellow ellow satin and was centered with witha a birthday cake decorated in yellow and p pink and burning eighteen yellow yel yel- low tapers Covers were laid for a ahal haLf hal dozen friends of the honored guest Mrs Huntington was assisted by her sister ister Mrs A. A G. G Barney Miss Ruth Watts was hostess at a buffet supper honoring Miss Kathrn Kathryn Kath ryn rn Meredith a bride of the week Monday even evening ng at her home on East Fourth South street Spring flowers decorated the serving table The hostess was assisted by her mother Mrs George B. B Watts Twenty guests were invited |