Show TAX SPOTLIGHT SP LIBERAlS LIBERAL AIM Young Bob La Follette Hopes to Make Income Returns Open to Public WASHINGTON April 3 UP-An UP effort to fo throw full publicity on all income tax returns to reduce such large scale tax avoidance as was revealed reo re- in the se senate at stock market in in- was planned tOday by Senator Robert M La Follette R. R Wis LaFollette's father the famous battle for Fighting Bob waged a tax publicity for years Now young Bob is carrying on the family tion LaFollette will have th the support of Senators James Couzens R. R Mich and George W W. Norris CR R. R Neb in 10 inthe the fight which he Intends to make in connection with the tax bill now before the senate The contention of the liberal group I which has sou sought bt the publicity feature fea- fea ture in tax bills is s that if nIl all facts in connection with large incomes are open to public scrutiny y there will wUl be beless beless less chance to dodge the law L LaFollette planned to call cail aUen atten tion to senate banking committee testimony tes- tes n showing That J J. J P P. P Morgan paid no income tax in 1930 1931 and 1932 Th That t Otto lL H. Kahn p paid lid no income tax In the same years ears That Arthur W Cullen Cutten made more than in 1929 and 1930 on oil deals deaLe but escaped income tax shifting this profit to his Canadian company I That Albert Hr H. Wiggin avoided taxes on short sale proms profits That Thomas S Lamont Morgan partner sold stock to his wife loaned her money to purchase it later re- re re- re bought it by tearIng up hie wife's note |