Show I Deaths I Clarence Kenney Kennoy Clarence Claence Kenney 62 an n ot of th the Utah and Ind Traction company for tor many years died at It a 1 local hospital Monday at B. B to nt after an illness Ines of more than A week lie He resided at OS Third East street Mr Kenne was WI born br at Old Columbus ISo Mo NO 24 24 1871 a 0 son sn or of George anti and Harriet Kennet Kenner If jt h had d worked for forI forthe I the Utah Light and Ind Traction company compan for 26 25 years yen nine da days ago he became ill I. I Surviving are aze the wIdow Mrs Mr Neves benne Kenney two sons soils Richard Thomas Kenney ot of Salt Sni Lake and William Wilam Kenney ot of D. D C. C a Miss Mis Dorothy Mary MAY of Salt 51 Lake S 1 sister Iser Mrs Mrs Jennia Jennie Steele of at Portland ore and one grandchild i Emma Rushton Linek Linck Mrs Emma Rushton Linek Linck 63 wife wie of H. H Linck cued ded ot at the family rel resi- resi dence Seventh East Eat street Monday Monda afternoon after a 0 long illness Mrs Mr Linck Lick wu was born bor irs In Salt S1 Lake October 26 1870 a 1 daughter of Edwin and ond Sarsh Robinson I O Rushton s pioneers s of 1853 She I I was an active tn be of the L. L B. B S. S hu having as a s temple worker worter and a worker In the Relict society ot of tho nut soey and T Twenty fifth L. L D. D 6 5 wards Surviving are Ae her husband Ute the following Sons And daughters Mrs Mu Mrs Mr Edna Eda Mrs Lenh Tr u WI Vil hans lam H. H Linck Jr Jr MI PA Fee Linek Linck and Mi ton Lick all ni Ot of Snit Salt Lake Mrs Mrs Adeila Adelo Cram and Mrs Mildred Midred Stewart ot of AlmoN Almo N Ncr eight sisters Sirs r. r Ida Evans Enns Mrs Mn Clara Mrs Pamela Buttle C. C Mrs Edith rg Christensen f enn Mrs I Mary y Ann c Clays ri and Mrs Mr Nettle tet Evans Eans of Salt S1 Lakel Mrs Mr I Corn Buce of Marie Male Fields Felds of Idaho Falls Idaho two brothers h Don C fu ll Rushton of Salt Lake and Fred J. J SR t of Delt Della anti and r 13 1 Lawrence Whipple Lawrence Whipple 42 ot of North Fifth West street a World war veteran died In Ina a local Joal h hospital Monday MondY nt at 7 a. a m. m of disease ds ae Mr Whipple was wa born In Salt Sal Lake Sep Sp 24 1891 A son of Ne Nelson on and Mary Roberts Whipple During the World war ht he served with lh the Ninety first division of the overseas le a and took in several r battles tt in lee the e Argonne iJ forest Until 18 months aco Mr Whipple painter had been employed as a n a automobile Surviving are parents t two b brothers JO John W. W and Leslie I f and d db two hf au- au tens Mrs Leo o A. A Jones Jone and Sirs Dan Dav teul al ot SH Salt Lake Joseph Joseph Cannelia Joseph JOeph Cannella IS died Sunday SUndBY a p. p rn m. a at his home l West Vest Fourth a South street ot of infirmities incident to age ale Mr Cannella Connela was born In Italy Ialy January 14 1 1856 1835 and had lived l ed In S Salt lt Lake 3 38 years nr Ife He wu was a farmer IRS Ils widow Mrs Mrs Louise Luise Cannella and a ason son Samuel Cannella Cannell both of Salt SoU Lake survive sunhe services have been ben tentatIvely set for Thursday at 10 n. n m. m In St St. St Catholic church BurIal will wi take place In Mount Calvary cemetery The hOlY rosary rosar will wl ho b recited At the E. E O. O ODonnell root root- lusty 32 Fourth Last street day at 8 p. p ni m. Anna Ana Bertha Eugster Mrs Mrs Anna Bertha Eugster 82 wIdow of Geor George e died Sunday Bundar M at P. P m. m at ot the home of her son Nephi Eugster of South Thirteenth West street of lu In- Incident to Rie age Mr EU Euester str wu was born In Switzerland Juno 26 25 1851 1351 a daughter ot of Thomas Thoma and Barbara Duter She came to Utah 60 years ago o and for tor the last lut 23 2 years er had math her home In Bountiful most ot of the time She came to Salt Lake to Uc with her ber con En two weeks eek ago alo Surviving SunI are her son Ion Nephi Eugster Eister of Salt Lake two Mrs Amelia I of Bountiful ff and Mrs Bertha Aggett Anet 14 1 great of Salt Sl Lake 30 grandchildren end and services will be conducted Wednesday Wednes- Wednes 11 b du day at 2 p. p ni m. In the Bountiful Second L. L D. D S. S ward ord chapel Friend may call cl atthe nt at the Deseret mortuary 36 East Eat Seventh South street Tuesday and at the home of Mrs Mn to Pu Burningham services re in Burial u Bountiful wilt l lt tabs place in prior the Bountiful City cemetery Andrew Sorensen Andrew Adrew Sorensen 92 old oldest r resident and Black Hawk Indian Indin war veteran died Saturday of infirmities Ic mci- mci age aie He was wa born bor Oto October r 14 1 14 In Lan Lan- cronia Sweden a son of Nels md and Anna AnnaMay Ana May Sorensen lIe the L. L B. B S. S church r In nl 1853 o end left Sweden n IpRi April 2 25 1860 on the nailing vessel se William Tapscott which took tok ii 1 weeks weel for the ocean trIp fe- fe the plains b by handcart and Ar rIvetS rJ ed In Salt SAl Le 27 2 2660 lIe Il stayed In Salt Lake n a short walked to He served as of o the d quorum and was t men f president dent O of the elders elders' e q quorum for 23 years r end when h released was ordained a high priest jI t He fought the s In Styler Sevier county and in the spring of 1865 had a hone horce chat from under hIm bl and was as wound wounded d Id the leg lel It He married maried MarIe Christine Hansen April 25 1879 In the Salt Sal Late 1 L D. D S. S n Apri ow house 0 V are widow a ason son and n daughter lh A. A 1 IL 3 Sorensen e ln and Sirs Louise Luhe Morgan three grandchildren and t two o creat all ni ot of FIends Friends ma may call cl at th Claudin funeral home In Payson until Wednesday nd Ind then U at the home In Gochen until time Ume of funeral services r which h will 1 be conducted d at 2 p. p n ns hl in ht t the Goshen 5 L. L tt B. B 8 chape l Burial wIll wJ bo be In Goshen City cemetery Leona Olsen Woody Lona Laona Ohe Woody Wood 36 35 wife wie of Paul PaulO 0 of died e in an Orden n hospital Monday at 1125 a. a m. m f following IO an illness of six f months o i Mrs r. r Ol Olsen en wu was born bor In Morgan on De- De cember 19 1838 a daughter uc r of Chants B and 3 Jenetta e Olsen Sho was a member of the L. L D. D B. B ward Surviving besides her husband huband father faher and U stepmother h are e two sons and a d daugh- daugh i re tar hubert C J Helen I and Roy Olsen e all of i Clearfield and Ind th fiso 0 brothers and and sisters Mrs Mr Arthur Mrs rl Ralph Hamblin Murret t and Olsen Clearfield and nT Thomas of Olsen Ogden olg oJen funeral cervices will be conducted Thursday Thurs Thurs- day at 2 p. p as in the C Clearfield nr L. L Tur D D. S. S chapel pl with Interment gt In Syracuse W c c cD City IP cemetery mortuary under Ogden direction s ot of Larkin Laki Sons Eva Dattage Funeral servIces Ion lor Mrs rs Eva Ea Dattage widow of Michael Dattage will I be conducted In the Providence Provi- Provi dence L. L D. D S. S First ward chapel Wednesday Wednes- Wednes Frt Wedes- Wedes d day y at a 2 p ns nl with wih burIal In the Providence Pro Provi- dence City Clr cemetery under direction of the Lindquist k Sons mortuary Mrs Dattage died In Salt Sal L Lake I Sunday Sunda She was born In Erbach Reason Germany September 4 eIt It 1851 nh nhoeun s She oeun Wiss married in and came e to this country in 1833 set set- tune tUnC In Providence She had lived here until three years ago ro when her husband died 1 D after t which h she moved to Salt Lake r she lived with ft her daughter 1 g LM Sirs Louise Lu Besides her In Salt Lake she he Lne L survived b b two other daughters and three sons aona Mrs Mr Mar Margaret aret Hahn Los Lo Angeles Cal Sirs Mrs EIl Emily Smoot Wu William Henry and Albert Alber Dattage Providence Provi- Provi dence 38 31 grandchildren and 2 25 grand creel children chiden rea zant Nellie NelIe A. A H Halbert lbert Mrs Mr Nellie Nelo A. A Hubert Halbert 52 wIfe wie ot of I. I L K E a dispatcher for lor the Union Pacific 1 system died ded at her home 34 Tenth East Enst Monday at p. p ro m. after a porA- porA para para- stroke I She was barn bor at Ken Kan October 14 1 lUl 1881 and came to Salt Sal Lake In 1917 She was wa B a former member of the tho Order of Eater East East- Eat Eat- em er Star In Salt Lake are her husband and a I daughter fledra ledr C. C Halbert o of Salt Lake Mary Elizabeth Wells Wels OGDEN Mary Mary Wells Wels 86 85 died at her hor home bore In the Orpheum apartments apartment Monday at 30 P. P m. m after a short illness MInnie V. V LOGAN Funeral LAN services for tor Sirs Mr Minnie MinnieV V widow ot of Ed and former resident of Logan who died ded In Call Call- Cal Cal- fornia last Jut Wednesday will wJ be conducted Wednesday at 2 p. p zu m. In the Logan First Presbyterian church with burial In Logan Ct City cemetery under uder direction ot of RIchards mortuary The bodY arrived here Monday and friends may maJ call caU at the Tuesday Tes- Tes Tues Tues- day day and tIme for services Alonzo Aonzo Van Patten OGDEN Funeral services for Alonz Van ODE Patten Paten 87 Civi war wa veteran who died ded Fla Fl- Fl day a at the family home 2357 Monroe a avenue no will be conducted od Tuesday at 2 p. p in uI in inthe the Ogden Olden First rt Baptist rO church 1 with h Inter Inter- meat In the MountaIn o View cemetery under T 1 J tame J mortuary the direction c o of the Darling George Flitton I OGDEN PillIon 75 5 died at P. P r m Monday ot at lIsa tho family home 2939 2931 Wall Wal avenue following a long I Louise R. R Brod Broderick rick ROOSEVELT Louise LuIse Em- Em died at Roosevelt niter a al Illness years Jean Ida Foy I Funeral services 1 for tor Sirs Mn I Ida Foy t wife e of Benjamin Way Way- IcK cK 7 died In in A T clay will be conducted Wednesday e 11 conduced at 2 P. P ro m. In the L. L D. D S. S le ward chapel Burial Dalal will 1 be In Ogden Orden City cemetery tery under direction of the Laikin Sons mortuary on |