Show BRIEF AND BREEZY Officer Milner arrested Sailor Redmond last night while full seas over The electric light companys drive well Is down 792 feet and yet no water A dispatch from Park City at S oclock last evening was to the effect that there was little or no snow Ttah will be well represented at the TransMississippi Congress at Omaha on Monday Most of the dckgates will leave for the eat toda rAt r-At G a m yesterday the thermometer regisifred 43 at noon 5 and at C p m fj tae maximum temperature being Cl and the minimum 33 T ixy Hamilton was arrested yesterday yester-day afternoon by Sergeant Eblinger charged with stealing a lot of clothing from her old landlady opposite the Dooly block The regular meeting of the Coke club was held last evening in the Thud district dis-trict cOIrt room Interesting discussions on legal knotty points were engaged in oy Attorney John H Murphy and others The AnitSe club Is a new social organization organ-ization which promises to be quite a fcvtor during the coming social season I wH receive its chi istonins at a grand ball to be given at Chrlstentens on Dec Cth Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to John A Vahlquist aged S3 and Amanda Smedberg aged 23 both of Murray Mur-ray uid to David Frame aged 21 and Mary 35 Sanders aged ID both of North Jordan Salt Take county Utah to Seth F Young aged 30 of Butte City Mont and Mabel G Williams aged 24 of the came place The maintenance of the catch basins a < the corners of a number of the principal prin-cipal streets in the city has been the su xjpct or a gut deal 1 discussion Thf basins are generally considered a nuisance and it is all the grand jury is loosing into the matter with a view of Indicting the city onlcials lor main tal lInt a nuisance The funeral of Ann Daikc wife of Jam = tt Richards will be held at the Thirteenth ward assembly coins today at 230 p in Friends of the family are re I I spcctfully invited to attend he dc ceased lady was born in Birmingham England in 1 February 3S27 emigrated to Vtah in 1801 and has been a lesldent of this city ever since Sho died at her homa in the Thirteenth ward on Nov 20 1SU3 Prof C M Stebbins of the High school I who last tnimnor made a tour through France Switzerland Germany Belgium and England on his bicycle and whose literary ability is recognized delivered a most interesting lecture at the First Baptist church last evening describing his tour and illustrating it with stereop under the riiroc tkoii views The music c lion of Mr Peabody was a feature and the entertainment was a decided sue I cess I The Grant school team and the Elite eleven met on the gridiron yesterday I but the game was not jilayed out In fifteen minutes the Grants cored G to 0 I feg c t d but the Elites replaced l a disabled man nth another man against the protest of I I the Grants who claimed that he was not connected with the team For this and other reasons the Grant boys de lined to continue the game but announce an-nounce that they are ready to make another an-other match any time within two weeks I City Auditor Raybould has paid the Farrcll wiring claim of 222254 appropriated appro-priated Tuesday night by the city council coun-cil for the citys portion of arrells latIn which was fully 0 more The voucherwarrant for this claim paid yesterday yes-terday was made out in favor of C P Mason who a custodian and accepted umpire of Farrell s affairs with his creditors itors gave Farrell but a small end of thp cash The Frank Harridan claim for 547254 was also paid by Auditor Ray bould This appropriation was also passed over the mayors veto |