Show INTERNAL REVENUE AXXCIVL REPORT OF THE COMIS SIOXER MADE Many Recommendation Which if Adopted Will Probably Inure to the Good of the Service WASHINGTON Nov 2The annual an-nual report of the commissioner of internal revenue as Issued today < shows the receipts from different sources during the last fiscal year as follows From spirits 79S62627 decrease for the year 5396624 tobacco 29704907 increase 1087009 fermented liquors 31640717 increase 225829 income tax 77139 oleomargarine 1409211 decrease 314268 miscellaneous 551 683 increase 390554 The total receipts from all sources were 143246077 decrease 3922371 The total cost of collecting the revenue rev-enue during the year was 4127601 a < u percentage as compared to revenue of 2SS per cent against 270 per cent for I the previous I year During the year 3309 violations of ths internal revenue laws were reported re-ported by revenue agents 7S9 persons have been arrested property valued a 340905 has been reported for seizure seiz-ure and 139650 for assessment for unpaid un-paid taxes and penalties During the same period 1727 stills were seized 147 stills removed 871 persons arrested one officer was killed and three others were wounded Commissioner Miller estimates that the revenues for the present fiscal year will aggregate 165000000 The commissioner recommends amendments to existing laws as follows fol-lows Provision for an allowance for losses in transportation of spirits to a general gen-eral bonded warehouse that general bonded warehouses shall be only for storage of spirits removed from distilling dis-tilling warehouses or from other general gen-eral bonded warehouses in the same districts and for a charge of 25 cents for each package or such sum as maybe may-be necessary to cover the expense of guaging He also recommended legislation legis-lation to enable distillers or owners of spirits in distillery warehouses to bottle bot-tle the same for export in bond of for domestic use under government supervision super-vision after payment of the tax thereon The commissioner also recommends that collectors of internal revenue be authorized by law to keep records of the ownership of distilled spirits in internal in-ternal revenue bonded warehouses such ownership to be evidenced by warehouse receipts or by the judgments of courts of competent jurisdiction Also that such a law be passed as will enable the owners of distilled spirits in a distillery warehouse or bonded warehouse to withdraw the same upon payment of the tax or for any purpose authorized by law and in case of dispute as to ownership or unadjusted claims on account of storage stor-age or other Charges upon the giving of an indemnity bond by the party other than the distiller applying to withdraw He also recommends an amendment allowing the use of fruits other than apples peaches and grapes for distil lation also a provision that fermenters not in use at distilleries may be closed and fastened in such manner a maybe may-be prescribed by the commissioner of internal revenue Also a provision that storekeepers and gaugers who are assigned to distilleries dis-tilleries whose registered capacity is twenty bushels or less shall receive such compensation as may be prescribed pre-scribed by the commissioner of internal revenue not to exceed S4 per day and also that bakers and manufacturers of yeast may make and have on hand mash wort or wash fit for distillation in the conduct of their industries the quantity of such mash wort or wash to be fixed and the purpose for which r is to be used to be strictly limited and defined Commissioner Millers final recommendation recom-mendation is that section 61 of the act of August 28 1S94 allowing the use of alcohol free of tax by manufacturers repealed manu-facturers under certain conditions be |