Show XOXPARTISA SHIP IX SChOOLS The school board election will soon be here So far the endeavors to save the sohools from the influence of partisan par-tisan poliUcs appear to be in vain The matter wlll be in the hands ot the people If they choose to divide on party littes and be swayed by party influences in the choice of members of the Board of Education they w111 have to suffer the cJl1se qucncCS which will soon be apparent In the conduct of our educational affairs af-fairs If an armngement couldbe made by which capaQiFe men oould be chosen without any reference to their religious or political opinions the number of members of the Board of one party or cit another would not signify in the least But as thIs party question does come up and enter into the matter in spite of aIl that is said and done the Qnly way to prevent the difficulty feared is to make an equal llvision A contemporary that pretends to be nonpartisan in this matter but shows its real sentiments by insisting that the majority of the Board must be Republicans Re-publicans wants to know where do the Populists come in They Ol1t come in They dO not count anymore any-more han they did in the zhown of the results of the election given by that contemporary xn a nonpartisan or fbipartisan board or whatever it may he called they would cut no figure As to the division of offices between the parties that is just what it 1s desirable to avoid There should be no spoils ill sciliool affairs If a board is organized with speciall reference to the preponderance of the party in the macirity it win 500n be seen that the same spirit will regulate in appointments appoint-ments The dhoice will tall on members mem-bers of the dominant part If the board is evenly balanced that evil result re-sult will be aVided The views of The Herald on this point are very easy to understood Not as theY are falSely presented by a Republidan sheet which is nothing if not nhis1eading but as set forth in these columns I It is not contended that to elect Democrats is miOnpartisan and to I elect publicans is partisan That is fabriCaltetl by a paper that does nOt I seem capable of comprehending the issue or if it does deliberately misstates mis-states it The oOntention is that if am I equal number of the tO legitimate parties form the board the dangers that threaten our school affairs from partisanship will be avoided If however I how-ever the majority of the board are I of one Political aTty elected because they are that will make it essentially I a partisal1 board and the evils autici pated will Ibe bound to follow Aboard I A-board composed of a majority of Republicans Re-publicans elected as Republicans and by Republicans and for Republican purposes appears to be our contem porarys idea If a strictly rnonpalltIsan Board of Education I |