Show DOMESTIC DOTS Telegraph Xevrs from All Parts of the Laud Over Which the Star anti Stripes Wave WASHINGTON statement today of the condition of the treasury shows an available cash balance of 177593650 gold reserve 87805537 GALVESTON The third heat in single scull trial race between Bubear and Hanlon was rowed today the rowe over three mile course Bubear won in 1017 NEW YORKThe directors of the Na tional Lead company have declared a regular quarterly dividend of H per cent on preferred stock payable on Decem ber 1G WASHINGTON Internal revenue commissioners com-missioners annual report issued today gives the receipts of the last fiscal year as 143246077 a decrease of 3992371 from previous year NEW YORK The directors of the j Laclede Gas Light company have declared de-clared a dividend of 2 per cent and an extra dividend of 1 per cent on the preferred pre-ferred stock payable December 16 NEW YORK The body of Calvert Vaux the landscape gardener who disappeared dis-appeared on Tuesday night was found in i the bay near Pensonhurst today Vaux has been suffering from nervous prostra Hon CALDWELL Ors Rosa Webb nee Foster residing near Olive Green a bride only five days committed suicide by taking tak-ing l arsenic She was married to William Webb last Friday night but the marriage mar-riage was bitterly opposed by tho brides parents A family disturbance arose resulting re-sulting in Mrs Webb taking the pioson ous drug Sunday evening SAN FRANCISCO report of thC sex and number of pelagic fur sealskins landed l at this port this season ha been prepared by Deputy Collector Parley ttncl submitted to Collector Wise for transmission to Washington The report shows that 1530 males 4298 females and 2 95 skins of which the sex could not be determined were landed here SAN FRANCISCO Mrs Kate Charles was found dead in bed today from strychnine strych-nine poisoning and her husband Frank Charles lay beside her unconscious He afterwards recovered partially and stated he ha bought a bottle of win from which each had drunk with the results stated j The police are confident a murder mur-der has been committed but by whom or for what motive is not apparent BROWNSVILLE Ore Lloyd Montgomery Mont-gomery 18yearold son of John Mont gomtry is under arrest charged by the I coroners jury with the murder of his I father and mother and D S McKeecher who were found shot to death in Mont I gomerys house yesterday Young Montgomery Mont-gomery admitted he was in the houso ten minutes before the shooting A rule was found covered with blood and an air gun identified as Lloyd Montgom erys was on the floor ESFPORIA Kan Dave Henderson the school teacher who chopped four people on the head vth a hatchet tho other evening at Dunlap had a hearing before a justice of the peace today and was released on the evidence His plea was selfdefense1 The parties whom ho assaulted are placed under bonds to I keep the peace Henderson is now in I Emporia but says he H go back to teach school Should he do so more I trouble is liable to result SA > N FRANCISCO The committee which will present the claims of San Francisco for the national Republican convention has been named and will soon i start for Washington on its mission The committee was selected as follows Gen R Friedrich George A Knight A G I Booth all of San Francisco N P Chip I man Red Bluff and H Z Osborne Los Angeles M H De Young was made ex officio member of tho committee I DENVER The city detectives have arrested I ar-rested two skillful burglars who during the past fortnight have robbed nearly a dozen private residences ThC prisoners I prison-ers are George Miller and J A Blake expert crooks who came to Denver from Butte City Mont Stolen jewelry and other articles valued at l00i have been recovered Miller is supposed to be Cigarette Cig-arette Charley Smith who killed Frank Hankins a farmers son near Chicago in i December while committing a robbery rob-bery 1 CHICAGO At a meeting of the Western West-ern Steel association held last night at the Auditorium it was decided to in crease the price of steel castings based upon the increase in the cost of iron Before making any announcement a conference con-ference will be held with the eastern association as-sociation which first made the proposl tion of an increase The western men I In their communication to the eastern eserved the right to exempt from any uniform price specialties being made by their factories I NEW YORK The jury today declared j that David F Hannigan who pilot Solomon j Solo-mon H Mann the seducer of his sister I 1 Was not guilty Insanity was the de I fense The judge ordered the prisoner I returned to tho Toombs till he recovers I from the excitement of the trial but was given permission to visit his home first frt When tho prisoner left the court he was I cheered by a large crowd I was 1143 when he reached home and found his I mother bpside his fathers bodv The erdict had been announced at 1110 and at I i1 1 tho tI h n 14 un I1tpr Hlnnhrn < u 1lni u 6U I CHICAGOAn order will be introducer in the council meeting next Monday night I providing that the city council shall meet I hereafter in the afternoon on Mondays instead of the evening Tho order which I will be introduced by Alderman Bigan of the Twentyeighth ward has the en dorsement of Mayor S ift and a major ity of the members of the council and I will be favored especially by those of the members whose homes are a great distance from the city hall and who assert as-sert that they are needlessly exposed to 1 the danger of encountering footpads I while returning home from late council meetings ST JOSEPH Mo Father Dominick Wagner the priest of St Marys parish who created such a sensation by abduct lag Miss Maud Stcidel and afterwards marrying her to escape the penitentiary was tried today on the charge of em bezzlement of church funds The case was bitterly contested and excited the deepest interest the court room being so crowded that it was found necessary to lock the doors Late this afternoon afernoon tho case went to the jury who after a short deliberation returned a verdict of not guilty The other cases against Wagner Wag-ner will come up some time in the early part of next week BOSTON The Home Market club had its annual banquet at Musical hall this evening Hon H Clay Evans of Tennessee Ten-nessee Hon Charles Emory Smith of Philadelphia and Hon Warner Miller of New York made tho principal speeches American Wages for American Workmen Work-men and Protection to American Mar kets was the keynote of the remarks and every mention of Thomas B Reed or William McKinley called forth great applause Covers were laid for six hun dred and the galleries were also crowded during the exercises Among the notable guests were Congressman Walker Morse Draper Barrett and Slmpkins and Governor Gov-ernor Cleaves of Maine Woodbury of I Vermont and Bualol of New Hampshire < jjt > i b |